5 research outputs found
Determinaci贸n de la dieta estacional del coyote (Canis latrans) en la regi贸n norte de la Reserva de la Biosfera Mapim铆, M茅xico
ResumenEn este estudio se determin贸 y compar贸 la dieta del coyote en sitios dentro y fuera de la Reserva de la Biosfera Mapim铆. Se colect贸 un total de 201 excrementos de coyote, 62 en la temporada seca y 139 en lluvia, de marzo de 2000 a marzo de 2001. Se identificaron 50 y 45 componentes alimenticios en cada temporada, respectivamente. Las muestras se analizaron de manera temporal, para toda el 谩rea y por sitios. De los 299 componentes-presas identificados en la temporada seca y 894 en la de lluvia, la mayor frecuencia de consumo se present贸 con los artr贸podos, principalmente Acrididae, Cicadellidae, Coleoptera y Lepidoptera; mam铆feros, sobresaliendo Lepus californicus y Sylvilagus audubonii. El material vegetal, los reptiles y las aves se presentaron con una frecuencia menor. El grupo de los mam铆feros aport贸 la mayor biomasa, con 86.47% en la temporada seca y 72.52% en lluvia. Se observ贸 un mayor consumo de materia vegetal en los sitios con menor grado de modificaci贸n. Estos resultados confirman que el coyote es un depredador generalista, omn铆voro y oportunista; con una fuerte tendencia a consumir artr贸podos durante ambas temporadas, aunque la mayor aportaci贸n de biomasa la obtenga de los mam铆feros.AbstractIn this study we determined and compared coyote diet within and out of the Mapim铆 Biosphere Reserve. We collected 201 coyote scats, 62 in the dry season and 139 in the rainy season from March 2000 to March 2001. Samples were analyzed for the general area and by sites. We identified 50 and 45 items for the dry and rainy season, respectively. Out of 299 items identified for the dry season and 894 for the rainy season, the more frequent items were arthropods, mainly Acrididae, Cicadellidae, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera; mammals, mainly Lepus californicus and Sylvilagus audubonii. Plant material, reptiles and birds were less frequently consumed items. Mammals provided the greatest biomass, 86.5% in the dry season and 72.5% in the rainy season. Plant material was consumed more frequently at less modified sites. These results support the idea that coyote is a generalist, omnivore and opportunist predator, with a strong tendency to consume arthropods during the whole year, although the greatest biomass is obtained from mammals
We studied the diet of the coyote (Canis latrans) in the Vizcaino desert, Baja California Sur, M茅xico. The studied was carried out in the summer and winter seasons of 1996 and 1997, respectively. We analized 302 feces and determined 8963 prey items, for 64 animal taxa and 10 of plants. Arthropods were the most frequent prey, representing 95% of identified items in the winter. Prey weight 0 to 20 g was the most consumed prey size category although ingested biomass was greater from the 1280 to 2560 g prey category. The B values indicate that the coyote in the Vizcaino desert showed a trend to be a relatively specialist predator on arthropods.Se estudi贸 la dieta del coyote (Canis latrans) en el Desierto de Vizca铆no. El estudio se realiz贸 durante las temporadas de verano e invierno de 1996 y 1997 respectivamente. Por medio del an谩lisis de 302 excretas, se identificaron 8963 presas totales, 64 taxa animales y 10 de vegetales. La mayor proporci贸n correspondi贸 a los artr贸podos, constituyendo un 95% de las presas consumidas durante el invierno. Las proporciones en relaci贸n al tama帽o de presa se ubicaron en el intervalo de 0-20 g, aunque en relaci贸n al mayor aporte de biomasa las presas estuvieron entre los 1280-2560 g. El coyote se comport贸 como un consumidor generalista y oportunista, con una tendencia hacia la especializaci贸n en el consumo de artr贸podos
Dieta estacional del coyote Canis latrans durante el periodo 1996-1997 en el desierto de Vizca\uedno, Baja California Sur, M\ue9xico
We studied the diet of the coyote (Canis latrans) in the Vizcaino desert, Baja California Sur, M茅xico. The studied was carried out in the summer and winter seasons of 1996 and 1997, respectively. We analized 302 feces and determined 8963 prey items, for 64 animal taxa and 10 of plants. Arthropods were the most frequent prey, representing 95% of identified items in the winter. Prey weight 0 to 20 g was the most consumed prey size category although ingested biomass was greater from the 1280 to 2560 g prey category. The B values indicate that the coyote in the Vizcaino desert showed a trend to be a relatively specialist predator on arthropods.Se estudi贸 la dieta del coyote (Canis latrans) en el Desierto de Vizca铆no. El estudio se realiz贸 durante las temporadas de verano e invierno de 1996 y 1997 respectivamente. Por medio del an谩lisis de 302 excretas, se identificaron 8963 presas totales, 64 taxa animales y 10 de vegetales. La mayor proporci贸n correspondi贸 a los artr贸podos, constituyendo un 95% de las presas consumidas durante el invierno. Las proporciones en relaci贸n al tama帽o de presa se ubicaron en el intervalo de 0-20 g, aunque en relaci贸n al mayor aporte de biomasa las presas estuvieron entre los 1280-2560 g. El coyote se comport贸 como un consumidor generalista y oportunista, con una tendencia hacia la especializaci贸n en el consumo de artr贸podos
Appendix A. Development of predictions for the impact of the landscape of fear for parallel effects between competing species.
Development of predictions for the impact of the landscape of fear for parallel effects between competing species
Appendix B. Detailed description of study areas and methods used to test predictions.
Detailed description of study areas and methods used to test predictions