4 research outputs found

    Juicio y Enfermedad: aproximación a las dinámicas de las enfermedades en la Real Audiencia de Santa Fé. 1571

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    The objective of this dissertation is to demonstrate and analyze by means of a documentary transcription, the process of an apparent poisoning by herbs, which lies in the background caciques and Indians in the general archive of the nation. The writing is divided into two parts: the first is a brief analysis of the importance, difference and some historiographic considerations around the diseases, social relations and stereotypes in the colonial culture shock present in the document; The second part consists of the documentary transcription of the judicial process against Isabel and Catalina, Ladino Indians, for the alleged poisoning of two girls and a Panche Indian with herbs. It is hoped that this contribution can serve as input and incentive for the development and understanding of some of the colonial themes and dynamics in what is currently Colombia.El objetivo de esta disertación es evidenciar y analizar, por medio de una transcripción documental, el proceso sobre un aparente envenenamiento por yerbas, que reposa en el fondo Caciques e Indios en el Archivo General de la Nación (Bogotá). El escrito está dividido en dos partes: la primera es un breve análisis sobre la importancia, diferencia y algunas consideraciones historiográficas en torno a las enfermedades, las relaciones sociales y estereotipos en el choque cultural colonial presentes en el documento; la segunda parte consta de la trascripción documental sobre el proceso judicial a Isabel y Catalina, indígenas ladinas, por el supuesto envenenamiento con yerbas a dos niñas y un indio panche. Se espera que este aporte pueda servir de insumo e incentivo para el desarrollo y entendimiento de algunas de las temáticas y dinámicas coloniales en lo que actualmente es Colombia

    Predict the incidence of Guillain Barré Syndrome and arbovirus infection in Mexico, 2014-2019.

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    The Dengue (DENV), Zika (ZIKV), and Chikungunya (CHIKV) virus infections have been linked to Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). GBS has an estimated lethality of 4% to 8%, even with effective treatment. Mexico is considered a hyperendemic country for DENV due to the circulation of four serotypes, and the ZIKV and CHIKV viruses have also been circulating in the country. The objective of this study was to predict the number of GBS cases in relation to the cumulative incidence of ZIKV / DENV / CHIKV in Mexico from 2014 to 2019. A six-year time series ecological study was carried out from GBS cases registered in the Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) Epidemiological Surveillance System (ESS), and DENV, ZIKV and CHIKV estimated cases from cases registered in the epidemiological vector-borne diseases surveillance system. The results shows that the incidence of GBS in Mexico is positively correlated with DENV and ZIKV. For every 1,000 estimated DENV cases, 1.45 GBS cases occurred on average, and for every 1,000 estimated ZIKV cases, 1.93 GBS cases occurred on average. A negative correlation between GBS and CHIKV estimated cases was found. The increase in the incidence of GBS cases in Mexico can be predicted by observing DENV and ZIKV cases through the epidemiological surveillance systems. These results can be useful in public health by providing the opportunity to improve capacities for the prevention of arbovirus diseases and for the timely procurement of supplies for the treatment of GBS

    Diplomado en Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios

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    In the present work, addresses the contemporary view of the concept of domestic public services in Colombia, reviewing the public policies which make the rights of users effective, free competition, socio-environmental responsibility of companies providing public services, inclusion of the criterion of sustainability that is evidenced in aspects such as renewable energies and inclusion of management indicators of high environmental quality for companies providing the public service and finally the particularities of employment regimen in the context of privatization processes. Certainly, the management model for public utilities is in compliance with the regulatory guidelines redesigned in the 1990s and in turn is articulated with the model of sustainable development adopted in the Constitution, allowing the participation of both private capital and public capital for an optimal provision of the service, that responds to the basic principles of universality, low tariffs, continuity of service and efficiency. All of which gives rise to a series of specific legal relationships between the State and the companies that are governed by the concession contracts and by the state's regulatory authority, between the companies and their users, which is guided by uniform conditions contracts and between the companies and their workers with certain peculiarities in the employment regimen.En el presente trabajo aborda una visión contemporánea del concepto de los servicios públicos domiciliarios en Colombia, abordando las políticas públicas que hacen efectivos los derechos que de los usuarios, la libre competencia, la responsabilidad socio ambiental de las empresas prestadoras de servicios públicos, la inclusión del criterio de sostenibilidad que se evidencia en aspectos como energías renovables e inclusión de indicadores de gestión de alta calidad ambiental para las empresas prestadoras del servicio público y finalmente las particularidades de las relaciones laborales en el contexto de los procesos de privatización. Ciertamente, el modelo de gestión de los servicios públicos domiciliarios guarda observancia de las directrices regulatorias rediseñadas en los años noventa y a su vez se articula con el modelo de desarrollo sostenible adoptado en la Constitución Política, permitiendo la participación tanto de capital privado como por capital público para una óptima prestación del servicio que responda a los principios básicos de universalidad, continuidad en la prestación y eficiencia. Todo lo cual, da origen a una serie de relaciones jurídicas específicas entre el Estado con las empresas que se rige por los contratos de concesión y por la facultad regulatoria del Estado, ente las empresas y sus usuarios que se orienta por los contratos de condiciones uniformes y entre las empresas y sus trabajadores con ciertas particularidades en el régimen laboral