429 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic reconstruction using secondary structures of Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 (ITS2, rDNA): finding the molecular and morphological gap in Caribbean gorgonian corals

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most phylogenetic studies using current methods have focused on primary DNA sequence information. However, RNA secondary structures are particularly useful in systematics because they include characteristics, not found in the primary sequence, that give "morphological" information. Despite the number of recent molecular studies on octocorals, there is no consensus opinion about a region that carries enough phylogenetic resolution to solve intrageneric or close species relationships. Moreover, intrageneric morphological information by itself does not always produce accurate phylogenies; intra-species comparisons can reveal greater differences than intra-generic ones. The search for new phylogenetic approaches, such as by RNA secondary structure analysis, is therefore a priority in octocoral research.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Initially, twelve predicted RNA secondary structures were reconstructed to provide the basic information for phylogenetic analyses; they accorded with the 6 helicoidal ring model, also present in other groups of corals and eukaryotes. We obtained three similar topologies for nine species of the Caribbean gorgonian genus <it>Eunicea </it>(candelabrum corals) with two sister taxa as outgroups (genera <it>Plexaura </it>and <it>Pseudoplexaura</it>) on the basis of molecular morphometrics of ITS2 RNA secondary structures only, traditional primary sequence analyses and maximum likelihood, and a Bayesian analysis of the combined data. The latter approach allowed us to include both primary sequence and RNA molecular morphometrics; each data partition was allowed to have a different evolution rate. In addition, each helix was partitioned as if it had evolved at a distinct rate. <it>Plexaura flexuosa </it>was found to group within <it>Eunicea</it>; this was best supported by both the molecular morphometrics and combined analyses. We suggest <it>Eunicea flexuosa </it>(Lamouroux, 1821) comb. nov., and we present a new species description including Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images of morphological characteristics (sclerites). <it>Eunicea flexuosa</it>, <it>E. pallida</it>, <it>E. laxispica </it>and <it>E. mammosa </it>formed a separate clade in the molecular phylogenies, and were reciprocally monophyletic with respect to other <it>Eunicea </it>(<it>Euniceopsis </it>subgenus, e.g. <it>E. tourneforti </it>and <it>E. laciniata</it>) in the molecular morphometrics tree, with the exception of <it>E. fusca</it>. Moreover, we suggest a new diagnostic character for <it>Eunicea</it>, also present in <it>E. flexuosa</it>: middle layer sclerites > 1 mm in length.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>ITS2 was a reliable sequence for intrageneric studies in gorgonian octocorals because of the amount of phylogenetic signal, and was corroborated against morphological characters separating <it>Eunicea </it>from <it>Plexaura</it>. The ITS2 RNA secondary structure approach to phylogeny presented here did not rely on alignment methods such as INDELS, but provided clearly homologous characters for partition analysis and RNA molecular morphometrics. These approaches support the divergence of <it>Eunicea flexuosa </it>comb. nov. from the outgroup <it>Plexaura</it>, although it has been considered part of this outgroup for nearly two centuries because of morphological resemblance.</p

    Potenciando el pensamiento l?gico matem?tico en los ni?os y ni?as entre seis y ocho a?os, a trav?s de la resoluci?n de problemas.

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    151 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo de investigaci?n, tuvo como objeto potenciar el pensamiento l?gico matem?tico, el cual estaba dirigido a desarrollar los procesos y las habilidades de pensamiento a trav?s de la estrategia de resoluci?n de problemas en los ni?os del grado segundo. La investigaci?n fue realizada como trabajo de grado en la Universidad del Tolima, en el programa de Licenciatura en Pedagog?a Infantil, desarrollado en el Municipio de Risaralda Caldas. El Proyecto fue dise?ado en la l?nea de investigaci?n, acci?n participativa, trabajado en dos momentos, partiendo de la observaci?n no participante; otro de los momentos fue donde se dio a conocer el Proyecto Pedag?gico de Aula (PPA), llamado ?Explorando mi colina del viento?, el cual se llev? a cabo a trav?s de n?cleos como la exploraci?n, el arte, el juego y la literatura, que fueron estructurados con actividades innovadoras. El trabajo desarrollado fue gratificante, ya que es posible que este Proyecto Pedag?gico, sea transferible a otros grados con actividades de un nivel de dificultad mayor. Es importante vincular a la comunidad educativa, para fortalecer la adquisici?n de conocimientos que lleven a potenciar el pensamiento l?gico matem?tico. Palabras clave: Pensamiento l?gico matem?tico, competencia, resoluci?n de problemas, procesos, habilidades, conocimiento.The present research work was aimed at enhancing logical mathematical thinking, which was aimed at developing processes and thinking skills through the strategy of problem solving in the second grade children. The research was carried out as a graduate work in the University of Tolima, in the program of Licenciatura in Pedagog?a Infantil, developed in the Municipality of Risaralda Caldas. The Project was designed in the line of research, participatory action, worked in two moments, starting from the non-participant observation; Another of the moments was where the Aula Pedagogical Project (PPA), called "Explorando mi hill del viento" was released, which was carried out through nuclei such as exploration, art, play and literature, Which were structured with innovative activities. The work developed was rewarding, since it is possible that this Pedagogical Project, be transferable to other grades with activities of a greater difficulty level. It is important to link to the educational community, to strengthen the acquisition of knowledge that leads to enhance logical thinking mathematics. Keywords: Mathematical logical thinking, Competition, Problem Resolution, Processes, Abilities, Knowledg

    "Our Fight is Here:" Coalition Networking and the Puerto Rican Anti-War Movement, 1940-1970

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    This dissertation examines how Puerto Ricans developed anti-war strategies that rejected the notion of military service as a method to attain social and economic equality during the second half of the 20th century. Central to this fight were the alliances formed between Puerto Rican and U.S. activists within religious and civil rights spaces to argue against Puerto Rico’s colonial status and forced military service for men over the age of eighteen. In an era of hyper-patriotism that demanded military participation as a mark of civic duty, U.S. religious and political dissenters shaped their resistance as an interrogation of U.S. society’s contradictory messages of freedom and liberty. Through this analysis, I argue that the anti-war coalition networks concerted their interests toward a shared commitment to defend war resisters while also opening a space for Puerto Rican draft resisters to voice their specific grievances. Vital to this challenge was the development of networks that came together for a shared objective against obligatory military service. Connecting through shared allies in New York and Puerto Rico, Puerto Rican activists expressed their opposition to military service and everyday concerns of the Puerto Rican community through religious coalitions, multiracial political coalitions, and public demonstrations. This research joins extensive scholarship on Latinx social movements through the lens of anti-war movements and the role of religion in solidarity efforts. Despite historical monographs highlighting social activism, attention to twentieth century Latina/o war resistance remains understudied. Additionally, 20th century Latinx social movement history initially placed social activism and religion as separate entities without acknowledging the religious foundations of individual activists or the role of church spaces in organizing. My dissertation intersects these scholarships to highlight how organizers created political, social, and religious solidarity networks to demand attention given toward militarization shifted to address societal issues on the home front. The struggles mentioned in this dissertation mirror the debates we see today regarding social and religious organizations attempting to achieve the goal of addressing equity and social justice

    Energy Prediction in Urban Photovoltaic Systems

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    Este artículo propone un nuevo método para estimar la potencia y energía producida por sistemas fotovoltaicos urbanos, los cuales son comúnmente cubiertos por sombras que afectan su desempeño. La solución se basa en un algoritmo para procesar, rápidamente, un modelo preciso que considera el efecto de las sombras. Esta solución provee un mejor desempeño en comparación con aproximaciones clásicas, ya que reduce significativamente el tiempo de cálculo sin introducir errores sensibles, permitiendo la simulación de largos periodos de operación, e.g. meses y años. Por lo tanto, esta solución es apropiada para realizar estimaciones de energía orientadas a análisis económicos, e.g. cálculo del tiempo de retorno de la inversión, así como para soportar el diseño de instalaciones fotovoltaicas, permitiendo el cálculo preciso del número de módulos requeridos para suplir el perfil de carga.This paper proposes a new method to accurately estimate the power and energy production in urban photovoltaic (PV) systems, which are commonly covered by shades affecting its performance. The solution is based on an efficient algorithm designed to compute, in short time, an accurate model accounting for the shades impact. In such a way, the proposed approach improves classical solutions by significantly reducing the processing time to simulate long periods, e.g. months and years, but without introducing sensible errors. Therefore, this approach is suitable to estimate the production of PV systems for economical analyses such as the return-of-invested time calculation, but also to accurately design PV installations by selecting the right number of photovoltaic modules to supply the required load power.  

    El juego la mejor herramienta para desarrollar la motricidad en la educaci?n inicial

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    175 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl trabajo de investigaci?n tuvo como objetivo, potenciar la motricidad gruesa de los ni?os de jard?n, a trav?s del juego, utiliz?ndolo como herramienta pedag?gica, para contribuir al desarrollo de sus funciones perceptivo- motrices y de esta manera puedan conocer y adaptarse al medio f?sico y social. Se hizo bajo el dise?o de investigaci?n, acci?n participaci?n; donde la primera fase se ejecut? con la observaci?n de las pr?cticas y discursos que circulan en torno a los ni?os, pudiendo detectarse entre las problem?ticas m?s relevantes, el poco desarrollo presente en algunos ni?os en aspectos de la motricidad gruesa, todo lo anterior reflexionado a la luz de los pensamientos de algunos te?ricos. Por otro lado se continu? con la segunda fase donde se cre? un Proyecto Pedag?gico de Aula llamado ?Exploremos el cuerpo con la magia del juego? atendiendo a la necesidad observada en cuanto a la motricidad gruesa de los infantes; por ?ltimo se realiz? el proceso de intervenci?n, involucrando a toda la comunidad educativa, con un alto nivel de participaci?n. La relevancia del proyecto se vio reflejada, en la creaci?n de redes de apoyo de especialistas en diferentes ?reas, quienes con su profesionalismo aportaron sus saberes y experiencias, dando pie a que se considerara en la instituci?n, la necesidad de posibles cambios en su Proyecto Educativo Institucional, para dar un giro de innovaci?n a las pr?cticas pedag?gicas y dejar de lado el asistencialismo; ahondando en el aprendizaje significativo para que los ni?os tuvieran mayor contacto con nuevas estrategias, did?cticas flexibles y con actividades apropiadas para el desarrollo de su motricidad gruesa.This work investigation, had as an objective to maximize the gross motor of kindergarten children, through some games, used as a pedagogical tool. All this to contribute to development of some perceptual-motor functions. This will help to learn and adapt to a new physical and social environment. This Project was made under the design of an investigation, participative action. The first stage was executed, by observing the practices and speeches that circulate around children, detecting in the most relevant issues the low development present in some children in relation to gross- motor, which was deeply related to some thoughts of theoretical people. In the other hand, it continue to the second stage, where it was created a Classroom Pedagogical Project named ?Exploremos el cuerpo, con la magia del juego?, attending to the need observed to the gross-motor of children. For last, an intervention process was realized involving all the education community, with a high level of participation. The importance of this Project has been reflected in the creation of networks that could help the specialists in different areas who contribute their knowledge and experiences, so much that in the institution they considered the need of possible changes in their Institutional Educative Project (PEI). All this to give a turn led by innovation in the pedagogical practices and punt to a side the welfarism; delving in the significant learning for children to have a higher contact with new strategies, flexible didactics and appropriate activities for the development of their gross- motor. Keywords: Motor, body image, ethnography, body, classroom Project, play, investigation, participatory action

    beobachtungen an einer kolonie von Ithomiinae (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) in einem waldstück der westkordillere Kolumbiens : liste der gattungen und arten und der damit verbundenen mimetischen komplexen.

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    Objetivos. Este trabajo tiene como propósito identificar una población de mariposas Ithomiinae que habita un fragmento de bosque subtropical ubicado en el piedemonte este de la cordillera Occidental de Colombia en el departamento de Caldas y, en segunda instancia, conocer la flora en la que conviven. Resultados. Se listan un total de 42 especies pertenecientes a 23 géneros de Ithomiinae. Alcance. Se encontró además que buena parte de ellas están involucradas en complejos miméticos y crípticos con otras familias y especies de mariposas del lugar. Conclusiones. Se resalta la importancia de la dinámica ecológica resultante de dicha asociación y se busca completar el catálogo de especies propias del cinturón cafetero de Colombia.Ziele. Der Hauptzweck dieser Arbeit ist die Identifizierung einer Schmetterlingspopulation der Gattung Ithomiinae die in einem subtropischen Waldstück vorkommt welches sich in den östlichen Ausläufern der Westkordillere Kolumbiens im Departemento von Caldas befindet, und zweitens die Flora zu kennen, in der diese Population vorkommt. Ergebnisse. Es wurden Insgesamt 42 Ithomiinae Arten und 23 Gattungen beschrieben. Kenntnisse. Es wurde festgestellt, dass einige Arten in mimetischen und kryptischen Komplexen mit anderen Schmetterlingsfamilien und Arten der Region vorkommen. Schlussfolgerungen. Die Bedeutung der ökologischen Dynamik welche sich aus dieser Gemeinschaft ergibt wird hervorgehoben. Außerdem soll das Verzeichnis der vorkommenden typischen Arten der Kaffeeanbauzone Kolumbiens ergänzt werden

    Divergent modulation of nociception by glutamatergic and GABAergic neuronal subpopulations in the periaqueductal gray

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    The ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (vlPAG) constitutes a major descending pain modulatory system and is a crucial site for opioid-induced analgesia. A number of previous studies have demonstrated that glutamate and GABA play critical opposing roles in nociceptive processing in the vlPAG. It has been suggested that glutamatergic neurotransmission exerts antinociceptive effects, whereas GABAergic neurotransmission exert pronociceptive effects on pain transmission, through descending pathways. The inability to exclusively manipulate subpopulations of neurons in the PAG has prevented direct testing of this hypothesis. Here, we demonstrate the different contributions of genetically defined glutamatergic and GABAergic vlPAG neurons in nociceptive processing by employing cell type-specific chemogenetic approaches in mice. Global chemogenetic manipulation of vlPAG neuronal activity suggests that vlPAG neural circuits exert tonic suppression of nociception, consistent with previous pharmacological and electrophysiological studies. However, selective modulation of GABAergic or glutamatergic neurons demonstrates an inverse regulation of nociceptive behaviors by these cell populations. Selective chemogenetic activation of glutamatergic neurons, or inhibition of GABAergic neurons, in vlPAG suppresses nociception. In contrast, inhibition of glutamatergic neurons, or activation of GABAergic neurons, in vlPAG facilitates nociception. Our findings provide direct experimental support for a model in which excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the PAG bidirectionally modulate nociception

    Identificación de movimiento para enanas marrones en imágenes wise.

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    Las enanas marrones son objetos subestelares que hace aproximadamente 25 años fueron con firmadas y por esto poco se conoce de ellas, pues su mecanismo de formación hasta el d a de hoy es un misterio. Pero sabemos que comparten características similares a las estrellas y planetas.

    Substantial morbidity and mortality associated with pandemic A/H1N1 influenza in Mexico, winter 2013-2014: Gradual age shift and severity.

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    BACKGROUND: A recrudescent wave of pandemic influenza A/H1N1 is underway in Mexico in winter 2013-14, following a mild 2012-13 A/H3N2 influenza season. Mexico previously experienced several waves of pandemic A/H1N1 activity in spring, summer and fall 2009 and winter 2011-2012, with a gradual shift of influenza-related hospitalizations and deaths towards older ages. Here we describe changes in the epidemiology of the 2013-14 A/H1N1 influenza outbreak, relative to previous seasons dominated by the A/H1N1 pandemic virus. The analysis is intended to guide public health intervention strategies in near real time. METHODS: We analyzed demographic and geographic data on hospitalizations with severe acute respiratory infection (SARI), laboratory-confirmed A/H1N1 influenza hospitalizations, and inpatient deaths, from a large prospective surveillance system maintained by the Mexican Social Security medical system during 01-October 2013 to 31-Jan 2014. We characterized the age and regional patterns of influenza activity relative to the preceding 2011-2012 A/H1N1 influenza epidemic. We also estimated the reproduction number (R) based on the growth rate of daily case incidence by date of symptoms onset. RESULTS: A total of 7,886 SARI hospitalizations and 529 inpatient-deaths (3.2%) were reported between 01-October 2013 and 31-January 2014 (resulting in 3.2 laboratory-confirmed A/H1N1 hospitalizations per 100,00 and 0.52 laboratory-confirmed A/H1N1-positive deaths per 100,000). The progression of daily SARI hospitalizations in 2013-14 exceeded that observed during the 2011-2012 A/H1N1 epidemic. The mean age of laboratory-confirmed A/H1N1 patients in 2013-14 was 41.1 y (SD=20.3) for hospitalizations and 49.2 y (SD=16.7) for deaths. Rates of laboratory-confirmed A/H1N1 hospitalizations and deaths were significantly higher among individuals aged 30-59 y and lower among younger age groups for the ongoing 2013-2014 epidemic, compared to the 2011-12 A/H1N1 epidemic (Chi-square test, P\u3c0.001). The reproduction number of the winter 2013-14 wave in central Mexico was estimated at 1.3-1.4 which is slightly higher than that reported for the 2011-2012 A/H1N1 epidemic. CONCLUSIONS: We have documented a substantial and ongoing increase in the number of A/H1N1-related hospitalizations and deaths during the period October 2013-January 2014 and a proportionate shift of severe disease to middle aged adults, relative to the preceding A/H1N1 2011-2012 epidemic in Mexico. In the absence of clear antigenic drift in globally circulating A/H1N1 viruses in the post-pandemic period, the gradual change in the age distribution of A/H1N1 infections observed in Mexico suggests a slow build-up of immunity among younger populations, reminiscent of the age profile of past pandemics
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