5 research outputs found

    Toward Mental Effort Measurement Using Electrodermal Activity Features

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    The ability to monitor mental effort during a task using a wearable sensor may improve productivity for both work and study. The use of the electrodermal activity (EDA) signal for tracking mental effort is an emerging area of research. Through analysis of over 92 h of data collected with the Empatica E4 on a single participant across 91 different activities, we report on the efficacy of using EDA features getting at signal intensity, signal dispersion, and peak intensity for prediction of the participant\u27s self-reported mental effort. We implemented the logistic regression algorithm as an interpretable machine learning approach and found that features related to signal intensity and peak intensity were most useful for the prediction of whether the participant was in a self-reported high mental effort state; increased signal and peak intensity were indicative of high mental effort. When cross-validated by activity moderate predictive efficacy was achieved (AUC = 0.63, F1 = 0.63, precision = 0.64, recall = 0.63) which was significantly stronger than using the model bias alone. Predicting mental effort using physiological data is a complex problem, and our findings add to research from other contexts showing that EDA may be a promising physiological indicator to use for sensor-based self-monitoring of mental effort throughout the day. Integration of other physiological features related to heart rate, respiration, and circulation may be necessary to obtain more accurate predictions

    A Preliminary Study of the Efficacy of Using a Wrist-Worn Multiparameter Sensor for the Prediction of Cognitive Flow States in University-Level Students

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    Engagement is enhanced by the ability to access the state of flow during a task, which is described as a full immersion experience. We report two studies on the efficacy of using physiological data collected from a wearable sensor for the automated prediction of flow. Study 1 took a two-level block design where activities were nested within its participants. A total of five participants were asked to complete 12 tasks that aligned with their interests while wearing the Empatica E4 sensor. This yielded 60 total tasks across the five participants. In a second study representing daily use of the device, a participant wore the device over the course of 10 unstructured activities over 2 weeks. The efficacy of the features derived from the first study were tested on these data. For the first study, a two-level fixed effects stepwise logistic regression procedure indicated that five features were significant predictors of flow. In total, two were related to skin temperature (median change with respect to the baseline and skewness of the temperature distribution) and three were related to acceleration (the acceleration skewness in the x and y directions and the kurtosis of acceleration in the y direction). Logistic regression and naïve Bayes models provided a strong classification performance (AUC \u3e 0.7, between-participant cross-validation). For the second study, these same features yielded a satisfactory prediction of flow for the new participant wearing the device in an unstructured daily use setting (AUC \u3e 0.7, leave-one-out cross-validation). The features related to acceleration and skin temperature appear to translate well for the tracking of flow in a daily use environment

    A Preliminary Study of the Efficacy of Using a Wrist-Worn Multiparameter Sensor for the Prediction of Cognitive Flow States in University-Level Students

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    Engagement is enhanced by the ability to access the state of flow during a task, which is described as a full immersion experience. We report two studies on the efficacy of using physiological data collected from a wearable sensor for the automated prediction of flow. Study 1 took a two-level block design where activities were nested within its participants. A total of five participants were asked to complete 12 tasks that aligned with their interests while wearing the Empatica E4 sensor. This yielded 60 total tasks across the five participants. In a second study representing daily use of the device, a participant wore the device over the course of 10 unstructured activities over 2 weeks. The efficacy of the features derived from the first study were tested on these data. For the first study, a two-level fixed effects stepwise logistic regression procedure indicated that five features were significant predictors of flow. In total, two were related to skin temperature (median change with respect to the baseline and skewness of the temperature distribution) and three were related to acceleration (the acceleration skewness in the x and y directions and the kurtosis of acceleration in the y direction). Logistic regression and naïve Bayes models provided a strong classification performance (AUC > 0.7, between-participant cross-validation). For the second study, these same features yielded a satisfactory prediction of flow for the new participant wearing the device in an unstructured daily use setting (AUC > 0.7, leave-one-out cross-validation). The features related to acceleration and skin temperature appear to translate well for the tracking of flow in a daily use environment

    A Preliminary Study of the Efficacy of Using a Wrist-Worn Multiparameter Sensor for the Prediction of Cognitive Flow States in University-Level Students

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    Engagement is enhanced by the ability to access the state of flow during a task, which is described as a full immersion experience. We report two studies on the efficacy of using physiological data collected from a wearable sensor for the automated prediction of flow. Study 1 took a two-level block design where activities were nested within its participants. A total of five participants were asked to complete 12 tasks that aligned with their interests while wearing the Empatica E4 sensor. This yielded 60 total tasks across the five participants. In a second study representing daily use of the device, a participant wore the device over the course of 10 unstructured activities over 2 weeks. The efficacy of the features derived from the first study were tested on these data. For the first study, a two-level fixed effects stepwise logistic regression procedure indicated that five features were significant predictors of flow. In total, two were related to skin temperature (median change with respect to the baseline and skewness of the temperature distribution) and three were related to acceleration (the acceleration skewness in the x and y directions and the kurtosis of acceleration in the y direction). Logistic regression and naïve Bayes models provided a strong classification performance (AUC \u3e 0.7, between-participant cross-validation). For the second study, these same features yielded a satisfactory prediction of flow for the new participant wearing the device in an unstructured daily use setting (AUC \u3e 0.7, leave-one-out cross-validation). The features related to acceleration and skin temperature appear to translate well for the tracking of flow in a daily use environment

    Using Machine Learning To Train a Wearable Device for Measuring Students’ Cognitive Load During Problem-Solving Activities Based on Electrodermal Activity, Body Temperature, and Heart Rate: Development of a Cognitive Load Tracker for Both Personal and Classroom Use

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    Automated tracking of physical fitness has sparked a health revolution by allowing individuals to track their own physical activity and health in real time. This concept is beginning to be applied to tracking of cognitive load. It is well known that activity in the brain can be measured through changes in the body’s physiology, but current real-time measures tend to be unimodal and invasive. We therefore propose the concept of a wearable educational fitness (EduFit) tracker. We use machine learning with physiological data to understand how to develop a wearable device that tracks cognitive load accurately in real time. In an initial study, we found that body temperature, skin conductance, and heart rate were able to distinguish between (i) a problem solving activity (high cognitive load), (ii) a leisure activity (moderate cognitive load), and (iii) daydreaming (low cognitive load) with high accuracy in the test dataset. In a second study, we found that these physiological features can be used to predict accurately user-reported mental focus in the test dataset, even when relatively small numbers of training data were used. We explain how these findings inform the development and implementation of a wearable device for temporal tracking and logging a user’s learning activities and cognitive load