315 research outputs found

    Ergodic Properties of Infinite Harmonic Crystals: an Analytic Approach

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    We give through pseudodifferential operator calculus a proof that the quantum dynamics of a class of infinite harmonic crystals becomes ergodic and mixing with respect to the quantum Gibbs measure if the classical infinite dynamics is respectively ergodic and mixing with respect to the classical infinite Gibbs measure. The classical ergodicity and mixing properties are recovered as 0\hbar\to 0, and the infinitely many particles limits of the quantum Gibbs averages are proved to be the averages over a classical infinite Gibbs measure of the symbols generating the quantum observables under Weyl quantization.Comment: 30 pages, plain LaTe

    Energy Landscape Statistics of the Random Orthogonal Model

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    The Random Orthogonal Model (ROM) of Marinari-Parisi-Ritort [MPR1,MPR2] is a model of statistical mechanics where the couplings among the spins are defined by a matrix chosen randomly within the orthogonal ensemble. It reproduces the most relevant properties of the Parisi solution of the Sherrington-Kirckpatrick model. Here we compute the energy distribution, and work out an extimate for the two-point correlation function. Moreover, we show exponential increase of the number of metastable states also for non zero magnetic field.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, submitted to J. Phys.

    Quantal Overlapping Resonance Criterion in the Pullen Edmonds Model

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    In order to highlight the onset of chaos in the Pullen-Edmonds model a quantal analog of the resonance overlap criterion has been examined. A quite good agreement between analytical and numerical results is obtained.Comment: 12 pages, LATEX, 2 figures available upon request to the Authors, submitted to Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Statistics of energy levels and zero temperature dynamics for deterministic spin models with glassy behaviour

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    We consider the zero-temperature dynamics for the infinite-range, non translation invariant one-dimensional spin model introduced by Marinari, Parisi and Ritort to generate glassy behaviour out of a deterministic interaction. It is shown that there can be a large number of metatastable (i.e., one-flip stable) states with very small overlap with the ground state but very close in energy to it, and that their total number increases exponentially with the size of the system.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    Thermodynamical Limit for Correlated Gaussian Random Energy Models

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    Let \{E_{\s}(N)\}_{\s\in\Sigma_N} be a family of ΣN=2N|\Sigma_N|=2^N centered unit Gaussian random variables defined by the covariance matrix CNC_N of elements \displaystyle c_N(\s,\tau):=\av{E_{\s}(N)E_{\tau}(N)}, and H_N(\s) = - \sqrt{N} E_{\s}(N) the corresponding random Hamiltonian. Then the quenched thermodynamical limit exists if, for every decomposition N=N1+N2N=N_1+N_2, and all pairs (\s,\t)\in \Sigma_N\times \Sigma_N: c_N(\s,\tau)\leq \frac{N_1}{N} c_{N_1}(\pi_1(\s),\pi_1(\tau))+ \frac{N_2}{N} c_{N_2}(\pi_2(\s),\pi_2(\tau)) where \pi_k(\s), k=1,2 are the projections of \s\in\Sigma_N into ΣNk\Sigma_{N_k}. The condition is explicitly verified for the Sherrington-Kirckpatrick, the even pp-spin, the Derrida REM and the Derrida-Gardner GREM models.Comment: 15 pages, few remarks and two references added. To appear in Commun. Math. Phy

    Distributional Borel Summability for Vacuum Polarization by an External Electric Field

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    It is proved that the divergent perturbation expansion for the vacuum polarization by an external constant electric field in the pair production sector is Borel summable in the distributional sense.Comment: 14 page

    Perturbation theory of PT-symmetric Hamiltonians

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    In the framework of perturbation theory the reality of the perturbed eigenvalues of a class of \PTsymmetric Hamiltonians is proved using stability techniques. We apply this method to \PTsymmetric unperturbed Hamiltonians perturbed by \PTsymmetric additional interactions

    Mean-Field- and Classical Limit of Many-Body Schr\"odinger Dynamics for Bosons

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    We present a new proof of the convergence of the N-particle Schroedinger dynamics for bosons towards the dynamics generated by the Hartree equation in the mean-field limit. For a restricted class of two-body interactions, we obtain convergence estimates uniform in the Planck constant , up to an exponentially small remainder. For h=0, the classical dynamics in the mean-field limit is given by the Vlasov equation.Comment: Latex 2e, 18 page

    A Novel Mechanism of H^0 Di-baryon Production in Proton-Proton Interactions from Parton Based Gribov-Regge Theory

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    A novel mechanism of H^0 and strangelet production in hadronic interactions within the Gribov-Regge approach is presented. In contrast to traditional distillation approaches, here the production of multiple (strange) quark bags does not require large baryon densities or a QGP. The production cross section increases with center of mass energy. Rapidity and transverse momentum distributions of the H^0 are predicted for pp collisions at E_lab = 160 AGeV (SPS) and \sqrt s = 200 AGeV (RHIC). The predicted total H^0 multiplicities are of order of the Omega-baryon yield and can be accessed by the NA49 and the STAR experiments.Comment: 4 page