16 research outputs found

    入院䞭の小児の圚宅移行に必芁な蚪問看護に察する課題その2 : 兵庫県䞋の病棟看護垫を察象ずした質問玙調査の自由蚘茉の分析より

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    近幎、高床な医療的ケアが必芁な子ども達が自宅で生掻するケヌスが増加しおいるが、蚪問看護ステヌションの受入れが十分に敎っおいない珟状がある。本研究では、小児の圚宅移行が進んでいくための条件ず、その条件のうち病棟看護垫および蚪問看護垫に求められる条件を明らかにするこずを目的ずした。兵庫県䞋の小児の病棟看護垫を察象ずした質問玙調査を行ない、その䞭の「どうすれば圚宅ぞ移行できるず思うか?」「今埌の小児蚪問看護ぞの期埅は?」の自由蚘茉郚分の内容を分析した。埗られた結果より、病棟看護垫や蚪問看護垫が取り組む課題等に぀いお怜蚎した。結果ず考察に぀いお以䞋に瀺す。1.結果党䜓ずしおは、地域・医療機関偎の条件、患児偎の条件、家族偎の条件に分類され、皮々の問題が山積した状態であるこずが分かった。2.病棟看護垫が䞻ずしお取り組むべき課題ずしお、患児の身䜓的な状態が安定保持され、家族が知識・技術を習埗する等の圚宅移行に向けおの準備が敎うように関わるこずが挙げられおいた。たた、スムヌズな圚宅移行のためには、蚪問看護の充実のみを課題ずずらえるのではなく、病棟内での課題に぀いおも倚く挙げられおいた。3.小児蚪問看護が䞻ずしお取り組む課題ずしお、たず蚪問看護における小児の受け入れ䜓制の敎備が挙げられた。そしお、小児の人工呌吞噚管理などの専門性の高いケア技術が提䟛され、家庭看護者の粟神面、身䜓面ぞの支揎が行われおいくこずが求められおいた。4.小児圚宅移行を掚進する連携や制床に関する課題ずしおは、家庭看護者の䌑息確保が十分に行われ、なおか぀QOL向䞊を目指すこずが出来る瀟䌚資源制床の敎備・充実や誰もが利甚しやすい瀟䌚資源制床の敎備が行われるこずが求められおいた。そしお、よりよい瀟䌚資源制床の充実のためにも地域ず医療機関の連携を行っおいくこずが重芁であるず考える。今回は、実際に圚宅移行するこずの出来た事䟋に぀いおは調査しおいない。今埌は、実際に小児の圚宅移行を実斜しおいく䞭で芋える課題に関しおも明確化し課題解決を行っおいく必芁性があるず考える。In recent years, children who need advanced medical care at home has been increasing, however home nursing stations are not always available for those children. In this study, we aim to clarify the conditions which would facilitate the transition of children from hospital to home care and which could be fulfilled by child care unit nurses and visiting nurses. Child care unit nurses were asked using a questionnaire and the answers from open-ended questions were analyzed qualitatively. From the collected data, the issues which unit nurses and visiting nurses should tackle were examined. The results and discussion are described below : 1. As a whole, results were classified into the conditions of the community and the medical institution, the conditions of children and the conditions of their families. It turned out that various problems had accumulated. 2. The main objective which unit nurses should promote is to maintain the stable physical condition of the child and to let the family get the knowledge and skills for the child\u27s home care. Moreover, it was pointed out that many problems remain unsolved in the unit before the discharge. 3. The main objective which visiting nurses should tackle is to promote child acceptability at the visiting nursing stations. They are expected to provide advanced medical care at home, such as respirator management for children, and to support caregivers psychologically and physiologically. 4. A problem to be solved by collaborating with home nursing stations, hospitals, administration, and the community is assurance of enough rest for caregivers at home and providing social resources which will enhance quality improvement of care and social service systems which are easy to use. Therefore it is important to collaborate with the commumity and hospitals for better health systems. However, we didn\u27t investigate an actual case in which a child with disease was successfully shifted to home care. Thus a further investigation is needed to observe the actual barriers to promote the homecare of children suffering from illness


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    SAS患者は日䞭の眠気や倊怠感などの疟患に起因する症状を玛らわすために睡眠にずっお悪い習慣を取っおしたっおいる可胜性が指摘されおいる。しかしSAS患者の生掻実態は明らかになっおいない。そこで本研究はSAS患者の生掻習慣の実態を明らかにし、Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI)、Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)、Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)、Body Mass Index(BMI)ずの関連を怜蚎するこずを目的ずしお行った。方法は質問玙およびAHIのデヌタをカルテより転茉し、分析を行った。察象者は睡眠時無呌吞症候矀ず蚺断され治療前の方、56名を察象ずしお行い、回収率は86%であった。AHI、ESS、PSQI、BMIず喫煙、飲酒、カフェむンの摂取、睡眠時間などずの関連をみたずころ、飲酒ずBMIずの間に有意な関連がみられた。たた喫煙ずPSQIに有意な関連がみられ、睡眠の質が䜎いず評䟡しおいる人ほど喫煙本数が倚かった。睡眠時間ずESSおよび垌望睡眠時間ず睡眠時間の差ずESSの間に盞関がみられ、SASによる睡眠障害だけでなく、睡眠時間の䞍足も問題である可胜性があるず考えられた。ベッドパヌトナヌの有無が睡眠を阻害する因子になりうる可胜性が瀺唆された。今回の察象者では治療開始前であったが、SASの治療の第䞀遞択であるCPAP療法には家族のサポヌトも重芁である。そのため今埌ベッドパヌトナヌの有無がCPAP療法にどのような圱響を及がすのかに぀いおも怜蚎しおいくこずが重芁であるず考える。It has been pointed out that Sleep Apnea Syndrome (SAS) patients may have adopted life-styles which are poor for their sleep in order to alleviate symptoms that originate in disorders such as sleepiness and fatigue during the day. However, there is no clear evidence of what kind of maladaptive life-styles have been adopted by SAS patients. This research was therefore conducted with the aim of revealing the life-styles of SAS patients, and exploring the relationships between those life-styles and their correlation with the Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI) data, the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the Body Mass Index (BMI). It was conducted on 56 pre-treated patients diagnosed with SAS via analysis of questionnaires and AHI data from their medical records. The response-rate was 86%. An analysis of the relationships between the data derived from AHI, ESS, PSQI, and BMI to smoking, alcohol consumption, caffeine intake and sleeping hours showed a significant relationship between alcohol consumption and BMI data. Furthermore, a significant relationship was evident between smoking and PSQI data, with those who evaluated their sleep quality as poor smoking the most. A correlation could also be seen between sleeping time and the ESS data, and the difference between desired hours of sleep and actual sleeping time and the ESS data, indicating that not only sleep disturbance was caused by SAS, but also the lack of sleep time could be a problem. In addition, it was also suggested that the existence of a bed partner could be one factor disturbing sleep. While the subjects of this research had not yet been treated, family support is important to CPAP treatment. For this reason, it will also be essential to study the effect of a bed partner on CPAP treatment in the future

    入院䞭の小児の圚宅移行に必芁な蚪問看護に察する課題その2 : 兵庫県䞋の病棟看護垫を察象ずした質問玙調査の自由蚘茉の分析より

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    入院䞭の小児の圚宅移行に必芁な蚪問看護に察する課題その1 : 兵庫県䞋の病棟看護垫を察象ずした質問玙および面接調査の分析より

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    本研究の目的は、「たちの保健宀」を蚪れる地域䜏民の睡眠の実態を調査するずずもに、睡眠盞談の掻動方法を怜蚎するこずである。研究協力者はH倧孊「たちの保健宀」に来蚪した男女102名(平均幎霢55.9æ­³)で、質問玙調査を行った。たた、個別睡眠盞談を利甚した女性17名(平均幎霢60.9æ­³)には、アクチりォッチを甚いた個別盞談ず介入を行いその反応に぀いお分析した。埗られた結果は以䞋のずおりである。1)質問玙調査の刀定で睡眠が良奜だった人は49.0%、芁泚意の人は21.6%、䞍眠の疑いがある人は29.4%で、「たちの保健宀」に来蚪した人の玄5割は、睡眠に関しお䜕らかの問題や䞍満を抱えおいた。2)個別睡眠盞談来蚪者の䞻な盞談内容は、寝぀きが悪い、䞭途芚醒がある、いびき、ほおり、自己の睡眠の枬定などで、「䞍眠の悩みを盞談しやすい状況を぀くる」、「介入のきっかけの䞀぀ずしおアクチりォッチのデヌタを甚いる」、「来蚪者ず共に生掻の仕方を振り返る」、「眠れおいるこずや良い生掻習慣等できおいるこずを認める」、「睡眠に関する知識・情報を提䟛する」などの介入を行った。3)個別睡眠盞談を利甚した17名のうち7名に、1ヶ月埌以降の睡眠や生掻の様子に぀いお聞き取り調査を行ったずころ、「自分の睡眠を知るこずによる安心感」、「自分の行動を認める」、「睡眠に察する関心の高たり」などの、芖点や考え方の倉化がみられた。たた、7名䞭3名には睡眠が改善したずいう発蚀があった。睡眠盞談は盞談に来る人を埅぀スタむルであるが、今埌は集団を察象ずした睡眠衛生教育など、より積極的な介入も必芁であるず考える。「たちの保健宀」睡眠盞談で、アクチりォッチを甚いながら個別の生掻に合わせた介入を行うこずにより、来蚪者の睡眠に察する考え方や生掻行動に倉化が珟れ、睡眠が改善する効果があるこずが瀺唆された。The purpose of this study was to investigate the sleep status of the local residents who visited the "Neighborhood Health Station" and to examine the action method used for sleep consultations. The study volunteers consisted of 102 persons (average age: 55.9 years) who visited the "Neighborhood Health Station" established by H University. The investigation was carried out using questionnaires. Seventeen females (average age: 60.9 years) received individual sleep consultations using an Actiwatch and interventions were made. The results were then analyzed. Results 1) According to the questionnaire data, 49.0% were classified as good sleepers; 21.6% as marginal; and 29.4% were suspected of being insomniacs. About 50% of those who visited the "Neighborhood Health Station" had some issues or dissatisfaction with their sleep. 2) The main topics raised by individuals during sleep consultations were their difficulty in falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, snoring, hot flashes and also how to get advice on how to monitor their own sleep patterns. We conducted interventions such as a) creating an environment where visitors can freely discuss their insomnia problems, b) making use of the Actigraph\u27s data as one way of initiating intervention, c) examining clients\u27 lifestyles and having them reflect on this with the support of the counselor, d) acknowledging that a good sleep and good life habits are being achieved, and e) providing knowledge and information about sleep". 3) Of 17 visitors who had individual sleep consultations, seven were chosen for further interviews regarding their sleep status and lives at more than one month after the initial consultation. We witnessed changes in the visitors\u27 viewpoints and thinking, such as a) feeling assured by understanding their own sleep, b) acknowledging their own actions, and c) increased interest in sleep. Moreover, three out of the seven claimed that their sleep had improved. These sleep consultations were relied on waiting for clients to simply come in; however, in the future, we think that more active intervention will be necessary, such as conducting sleep health classes for groups. Intervening, in accordance with individual lifestyles by using the Actiwatch at the "Neighborhood Health Station" consultations, suggests that the clients\u27 ideas about sleep and lifestyle were modified and such interventions were effective in improving sleep

    入院䞭の小児の圚宅移行に必芁な蚪問看護に察する課題その1 : 兵庫県䞋の病棟看護垫を察象ずした質問玙および面接調査の分析より

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    近幎、高床な医療的ケアが必芁な子どもが自宅で生掻するケヌスが増加しおいる。今回、兵庫県においお圚宅移行が掚進されない患児の実態ず小児蚪問看護ぞのニヌズを明らかにするために郵送法による自蚘匏質問玙調査ず半構成的面接調査を行った。質問玙調査は単玔統蚈による分析ず、面接調査は事䟋怜蚎を行った。蚪問看護が充実すれば圚宅移行が可胜な小児の数は、看護管理者から回答のあった37病棟に53名、33倖来に59名、病棟看護垫からは総数57名だった。病棟看護垫の質問玙調査によるず、患児の幎霢は0-4歳児の幌児が52%、家族圢態は栞家族が75%を占めおいた。入院しおいる患児に必芁な医療的ケアでは、吞匕、経錻経管栄逊などの高床なケアが6割以䞊に必芁で、実斜頻床も高かった。たた、䞻たる介護者の技術等に本人たたは医療者が䞍安を感じおいる児のほずんどが吞匕・経錻経管栄逊を必芁ずしおいた。たた、人工呌吞噚による呌吞管理が必芁な児の割合は4割近かった。これらのこずから圚宅に移行するにあたっお家族の負担の倧きいこずが予枬できた。家族の負担感を考慮に入れながら、技術習埗に向けた揎助が必芁である。圚宅支揎に関する課題ずしおは、「䞀時的に預かっおくれる斜蚭がない」があげられ、䞊蚘ずあわせ、レスパむトの充実が求められおいる。たた、経枈的負担に関しお、公費負担を受けられるような揎助も求められおいる。病棟看護垫は家族による児の状態の受け止めが、圚宅移行に圱響するず認識しおいた。家族の思いにそったかかわりが重芁ずなる。たた、医垫ずの圚宅に関する認識・方針の䞍䞀臎も語られおおり、調敎が求められる。面接で看護垫は小児の蚪問看護に察しお、知識䞍足だず語っおおり、質問玙でも盎接ステヌションに連絡した経隓のある看護垫は少なかった。60%の病院に小児の圚宅盞談窓口がないこずを考えるず、看護垫が小児蚪問看護に関しお情報収集を行い、情報提䟛や連絡・仲介の圹割を担う必芁性があるず考える。圚宅サヌビスを受けおいる小児ずその家族の調査を行い、珟状を明らかにするこずが今埌の課題である。The number of children with advanced medical care at home has recently increased. The aim of this paper is to clarify the present conditions and needs for the transition of children from hospitals to home care in Hyogo Prefecture. A postal and self-reported questionnaire and a semi-structured interview for nurses were conducted. The results of the questionnaires were analyzed statistically while interviews were analyzed using a case-study approach. RESULTS : Nurse Managers of hospitals gave the following numbers for possible transition of children from hospitals to home care : 53 respondents in 37 child care units and 59 respondents at 33 ambulatory service units. Staff nurses also gave more details about the 57 children. The percentage of children, who were ages 0-4, was 52%, and the ratio. of the nuclear families was 75%. Over 60% of the children required frequent advanced medical care such as suctioning and nasal tube feeding. Caregivers and/or nurses worried about the caregivers giving such medical care. About 40% of the children are respirator dependent. The examination of respite service problems of child home care included temporary nurseries, economic burdens on the families, and lack of slotted consultation times in hospitals. Nurses recognized that the wishes of the families are a key to a successful home care plan and were equally concerned about physician\u27s decision making due to the lack of knowledge and experiences in the area of child home care. DISCUSSION : The biggest concern was found to be the burden placed on the family to take care the child with advanced medical care at home. Immediate correspondence such as respite services and economic support for families was expected. The roles of nurses were found to be in supporting the family\u27s decision making, giving information, contacting and coordinating other professionals including doctors, and nurses/care managers visits. Nurses were also found to require more knowledge about child home care including the utilization of social resources. CONCLUSION : More research is needed in the area of child home care in order to facilitate better home care support for the affected children and their families


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    本研究では、がん医療を担う斜蚭においお、倖来通院治療を受けおいるがん患者が、灜害時に治療を継続するためのシステムず灜害ぞの備えを明らかにし、その䞊で、倖来通院治療を受けおいるがん患者が治療を継続できるシステムのあり方に぀いお提瀺するこずを目的ずした。近い将来に灜害が起きるこずを想定しお察策を講じおいる地域がん蚺療拠点病院をはじめずする5぀の医療斜蚭においお、灜害察策に詳しい担圓者12名を察象に、倖来通院治療を受けおいるがん患者が、灜害時に治療を継続するためのシステムの内容ず、斜蚭における灜害ぞの備えの内容に぀いお、1時間皋床のヒダリング調査を実斜した。その結果、灜害時に継続治療を必芁ずする倖来患者を把握するシステムや、灜害時に倖来化孊療法を受けおいる患者や麻薬を䜿甚しおいる患者の治療継続のためのシステムを備えおいる斜蚭けなかった。しかし、ヒダリング結果より、灜害時のシステムずしおは確立されおいないが、平垞時のシステムを掻甚し、灜害時に継続治療の必芁な患者を把握するこずが可胜な手段・方法ずしお、(1)平垞時に各専門職が埗る患者情報を䜿甚しお患者を把握する、(2)電子情報媒䜓を䜿っお患者を把握する、(3)蚺療蚘録や名簿等の玙媒䜓から患者を把握する、ずいう3぀のルヌトが考えられるずいうこずが明らかになった。たた、今埌は、がん蚺療連携拠点病院制床のネットワヌクを生がし、がん専門病院ずしお、灜害時も、がん治療の拠点ずしお期埅できるこずが考えられるずずもに、灜害時に倖来化孊療法を受けおいる患者や麻薬を䜿甚しおいる患者の治療継続に぀いおは、患者・家族のセルフケア胜力を高めおおくこずが必芁であるこずが瀺された。This study aimed to clarify the systems and disaster preparedness that are in place at health care facilities involved in cancer treatment to ensure that cancer patients receiving outpatient treatment can continue receiving treatment during a disaster, and to propose appropriate systems for ensuring continuation of treatment for cancer outpatients in times of disaster. In this study, interviews were conducted in five medical facilities that take precautionary measures in preparation for possible disasters in the near future, including a regional hub hospital for cancer treatment. Twelve people in charge of disaster preparedness and response were interviewed for approximately one hour about what system is in place at their respective hospitals to allow cancer outpatients to continue their treatment during a disaster and about how their hospitals prepare for disasters. The interviews revealed that the hospitals studied had no system in place to identify patients who need to continue treatment during a disaster, or to ensure that cancer patients receiving outpatient chemotherapy or taking pain medicines can continue receiving treatment or medication. It was also revealed that, though there was no system specifically designed for use in disaster situations, it was possible to identify patients who needed to continue receiving treatment during a disaster by using the system employed during ordinary times in the following three ways: (1) using patient information acquired in ordinary times through health care professionals; (2) using electronic information media; and (3) using information stored on paper media such as medical records and name lists. The interview survey suggests that it can be expected that cancer specialist hospitals can serve as centers for cancer treatment in times of disaster by forming a network of cancer care hub hospitals. It is also suggested that it is necessary to improve self-care skills and abilities of cancer patients and their families to ensure that cancer patients receiving outpatient chemotherapy and taking pain medicines can continue their treatment/medication during a disaster