1 research outputs found

    Disinfection of cuttings and of soil with eucalyptus oil on Peruvian carrot yield

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    Foi estudado o efeito do Ć³leo de eucalipto na desinfecĆ§Ć£o de mudas e do solo sobre a produĆ§Ć£o e no controle de doenƧas durante o ciclo de cultivo da mandioquinha-salsa ā€˜Amarela de CarandaĆ­ā€™. Os tratamentos originaram-se do fatorial 2 (sem-MS e com-MC desinfecĆ§Ć£o das mudas em soluĆ§Ć£o aquosa com 1% do Ć³leo, por 35ā€) x 3 (sem-SSPOE e com-SCPOE pulverizaĆ§Ć£o do solo, antes ou depois do plantio, com soluĆ§Ć£o aquosa com 2% do Ć³leo). Foram realizadas colheitas das plantas aos 224 e 266 dias apĆ³s o plantio-DAP. As massas frescas de folhas, rebentos e coroas foram semelhantes estatisticamente dentre as MS mas, dentro das MC, os maiores valores corresponderam Ć s plantadas em SCPOE. As maiores produƧƵes de raĆ­zes comerciais aos 224DAP (5,94 e 6,90 t ha-1) e aos 266DAP (7,07 e 7,47 t ha-1) foram dos tratamentos onde as MS e MC foram plantadas em SCPOE antes do plantio. Foram observados sintomas de queima das folhas (associaĆ§Ć£o de Alternaria sp. e de Septoria sp.) e de podridƵes das coroas e dos rebentos (Sclerotium sp.). Concluiu-se que, para se obter maior produĆ§Ć£o de raĆ­zes comerciais da mandioquinha-salsa, usando mudas desinfetadas ou nĆ£o, deve-se pulverizar Ć³leo de eucalipto no solo antes do plantio, embora sem esperar efeito sobre doenƧas foliares e podridƵes de final de ciclo.The effect of eucalyptus oil as disinfectant of cuttings and of soil on yield and disease control during cultivation cycle of ā€˜Amarela de CarandaĆ­ā€™ Peruvian carrot, was studied. Treatments were originated from 2 (without-MS and with MC disinfection of cuttings in aqueous solution with 1% of oil, for 35ā€) x 3 (without-SSPOE and with-SCPOE sprinkling on the soil, before and after planting, with aqueous solution with 2% of oil) factorial scheme. Harvests were done on 224 and 266 days after planting-DAP. Fresh masses of leaves, shoots and crowns were similar statistically among MS but, among MC, the highest values corresponded to those planted in SCPOE. The highest yields of commercial roots on 224DAP (5.94 and 6.90 t ha-1) and  266DAP (7.07 and 7.47 t ha-1) were from treatments where MS and MC were planted in SCPOE before planting. Symptoms of burning leaves (association of Alternaria sp and of Septoria sp) and of rot of crows and shoots (Sclerotium sp) were observed. It was concluded that, in order to obtaining a greater yield of commercial roots of Peruvian carrot, using cuttings that were disinfected or not, eucalyptus oil must be sprinkled on soil before planting, although without waiting effects on foliar diseases and rots at the final of the cycle