5 research outputs found

    Combining Social Science and Environmental Health Research for Community Engagement

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    Social science-environmental health (SS-EH) research takes many structural forms and contributes to a wide variety of topical areas. In this article we discuss the general nature of SS-EH contributions and offer a new typology of SS-EH practice that situates this type of research in a larger transdisciplinary sensibility: (1) environmental health science influenced by social science; (2) social science studies of environmental health; and (3) social science-environmental health collaborations. We describe examples from our own and others’ work and we discuss the central role that research centers, training programs, and conferences play in furthering SS-EH research. We argue that the third form of SS-EH research, SS-EH collaborations, offers the greatest potential for improving public and environmental health, though such collaborations come with important challenges and demand constant reflexivity on the part of researchers

    Current status of simulation training in plastic surgery residency programs: A review

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    Increased emphasis on competency-based learning modules and widespread departure from traditional models of Halstedian apprenticeship have made surgical simulation an increasingly appealing component of medical education. Surgical simulators are available in numerous modalities, including virtual, synthetic, animal, and non-living models. The ideal surgical simulator would facilitate the acquisition and refinement of surgical skills prior to clinical application, by mimicking the size, color, texture, recoil, and environment of the operating room. Simulation training has proven helpful for advancing specific surgical skills and techniques, aiding in early and late resident learning curves. In this review, the current applications and potential benefits of incorporating simulation-based surgical training into residency curriculum are explored in depth, specifically in the context of plastic surgery. Despite the prevalence of simulation-based training models, there is a paucity of research on integration into resident programs. Current curriculums emphasize the ability to identify anatomical landmarks and procedural steps through virtual simulation. Although transfer of these skills to the operating room is promising, careful attention must be paid to mastery versus memorization. In the authors’ opinions, curriculums should involve step-wise employment of diverse models in different stages of training to assess milestones. To date, the simulation of tactile experience that is reminiscent of real-time clinical scenarios remains challenging, and a sophisticated model has yet to be established