111 research outputs found

    Feline verminous pneumonia

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    Najčešći uzročnik verminozne pneumonije mačaka jest nematodni parazit Aelurostrongylus abstrusus. To je plućni parazit mačaka koji se nalazi u mnogim dijelovima svijeta (SAD, Europa, Australija). Može uzrokovati kroničnu respiratornu bolest pluća praćenu kašljem i gubitkom težine te, u težim slučajevima invazije, tešku dispneju i smrt, pogotovo ako dođe do sekundarne bakterijske infekcije pluća. Ovdje je opisan slučaj mačke s tipičnim makroskopskim i histopatološkim nalazom verminozne pneumonije.The most common causative agent of verminous pneumonia in cats is the nematode parasite Aelurostrongylus abstrusus. It is a lungworm of cats which is found in many parts of the world (USA, Europe, Australia). It can cause chronic respiratory disease, with coughing and weight loss and in severe cases dyspnoea and death, particularly if there are secondary bacterial infections. A case of a cat is described with typical gross and histopathological findings for verminous pneumonia

    Učestalost mastocitoma u pasa u Hrvatskoj.

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    The prevalence of cutaneous mast cell sarcomas (MCSs) was investigated at the Department of Veterinary Pathology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine from January 1st, 2008 to December 31st, 2012. The frequency of tumor grades was established in relation to the breed, sex and localization in Croatia. In the analyzed period a total of 1939 tumors were diagnosed, of which 928 were skin tumors, and MCS were found in 125 animals, or in 13.47% of skin tumors. MCSs were found more frequently in male dogs (n = 77 or 61.6%) and the average age was 7.83 years. A higher incidence of these tumors were on the thorax (16.8%), hind limbs (12.8%), abdomen (12%), head (9.6%), forelimb (7.20%) and neck (6.4%). Golden Retrievers, mongrels and Boxers were the most frequent breeds. Grade I tumors were found in 24.8% (n = 31) of animals, of which 67.74% (n = 21) were male and 32.26 (n = 10) female; grade II was found in 41.6% (n = 52) of which 59.62% (n = 31) were male and 40.38% (n = 21) female; and grade III was found in 33.6% (n = 42) of which 59.53% (n = 25) were male and 40.44 (n = 17) female. The percentage of grades I, II and III in male dogs was 27.27%, 40.26% and 32.47% respectively and in females 20.83%; 43.75% and 35.42% respectively. The average age of dogs with grade I, II and III tumors was 7.82, 7.69, and 7.99 years respectively. The most frequent on the head was grade II, on the neck grades I and III equally, and on the forelimbs, hind limbs, back, abdomen, tail and preputium grade II was most frequent. The most frequent grade on the perineum, scrotum and multiple locations was grade III. In the Golden Retrievers the most frequent location of tumors was the thorax, in the mongrels there were multiple locations and in Boxers the abdomen was most frequent.Na Zavodu za veterinarsku patologiju Veterinarskog fakulteta u Zagrebu istraživana je pojavnost mastocitoma koji nastaju od tkivnih mastocita u dermisu i supkutisu u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2008. do 31. prosinca 2012. godine. Utvrđena je njihova pojava ovisno o spolu, pasmini, dobi i lokaciji te učestalost pojedinog stupnja tumora ovisno o pasmini, spolu i lokaciji. U analiziranom razdoblju zabilježeno je ukupno 1939 tumora od kojih je bilo 928 tumora kože, a mastocitomi su utvrđeni u 125 životinja odnosno 13,47% od ukupnog broja tumora kože. Mastocitomi su bili najčešći u muških životinja (n = 77 ili 61,6%) prosječne dobi 7,83 godine. Pojavnost tumora bila je najčešća na toraksu (16,8%), stražnjim udovima (12,8%), trbuhu (12%), prednjim udovima (7,20%) i vratu (6,4%). Najveća učestalost mastocitoma bila je u zlatnog retrivera. Stupanj I. tumora utvrđen je u 24,8% slučajeva (n = 31) od kojih su 67,74% bili mužjaci (n = 21), a 32,26% (n = 10) ženke; stupanj II. tumora u 41,6% (n = 52) od kojih su 59,62% (n = 31) bili mužjaci, a 40,38% (n = 21) ženke; stupanj III. tumora je utvrđen u 33,6% (n = 42) od kojih je 59,53 (n = 25) bilo mužjaka i 40,44 (n = 17) ženki. Udio stupnja I., II. i III. u mužjaka je bio retrospektivno 27,27%; 40,26% i 32,47%, a u ženki 20,83%; 43,75% and 35,42%. Prosječna dob životinja s tumorom stupnja I. iznosila 7,82 godine, stupnja II. 7,69, a s tumorom stupnja III. 7,99 godina. Na glavi je najčešće zabilježen stupanj II. tumora, na vratu podjednako stupanj I. i III., na prednjim i stražnjim udovima, leđima, trbuhu, repu i prepuciju najčešći je bio stupanj II. tumora dok je III. stupanj bio najčešći na perineumu, skrotumu te na multiplim lokacijama. U zlatnog retrivera tumor je najčešće bio ustanovljen na grudnom košu, u boksera na trbuhu, a u križanaca na različitim mjestima po tijelu

    Urođeni melanom u tromjesečnog muškoga teleta

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    The clinical, intraoperative and pathological findings taken from a case of melanoma in a 3-month-old bull calf are reported here. The cattle holder did not notice anything unusual when the calf was born, but noticed tumescence on the Achilles tendon at the age of 9 weeks, which increased with time. During surgery, subcutaneous and tendonous invasion by tumorous tissue was detected. Histological findings indicated that the neoplasia was a melanoma, therefore the prognosis was considered reserved. Melanoma is a rare tumour in cattle, often congenital, although already reported in companion species (e.g. dogs and cats) and domestic animals (e.g. some breeds of pigs and horses).Opisani su klinički, intraoperacijski i patohistološki nalazi melanoma uočenoga na tromjesečnom muškom teletu. Vlasnik nije primijetio ništa neobično prilikom teljenja, ali je u dobi od devet tjedana opazio oteklinu na samoj Ahilovoj tetivi koja se postupno povećavala. Tijekom operacije uočeno je da su potkožje i tetiva zahvaćeni tumoroznim tkivom. Histološki nalaz upućivao je da je novotvorina melanom pa je stoga prognoza bila suzdržana. Melanomi su rijetki tumori u goveda, često su urođeni, a opisani su u kućnih ljubimaca (npr. u pasa i mačaka) i drugih domaćih životinja (npr. u nekih pasmina svinja i u konja)

    Učinak letalne količine 32P na kliničku sliku, hematološke pokazatelje i patomorfološke promjene u tovnih pilića

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    Due to its quality and relatively low price as a result of a simple and short production cycle, poultry meat occupies a very high position in the consumption of foodstuffs of animal origin. It is just because of such simple and rapid production that, under the circumstances of larger-scale radioactive contamination, poultry meat might become the main source of protein of animal origin. This fact, as well as the fact that no investigation into the effects of radioactive phosphorus (32P) on fattening chickens has been conducted so far, induced us to investigate the impact of a lethal quantity of this isotope on chickens at slaughter age. The investigation was performed on chickens, hybrids of the Jata heavy breeds of both sexes, aged 50 days and with a mass ranging from 1500 to 2000 g. The experiment was based on the application of radioactive phosphorus 32P at 333 MBq/kg of body mass. Test animals were clinically examined, blood samples were taken for haematological analysis and, immediately after death, dissection and pathohistological examination were performed. Based on the obtained results it was concluded that radioactive phosphorus 32P, when applied to 50-day-old chickens of the Jata heavy breed at 333 MBq/kg of body mass, causes: 1) anaemia, manifested by a decrease in erythrocyte count on the 5th day and decreased and haematocrit values 7 days post-contamination; 2) leukopoenia, in a decrease in lymphocyte count on the 1st day; decreased eosinophil count on the 3rd day, and decreased heterophil count 5 days post-contamination; 3) thrombocytopoenia, on the 5th day post-contamination; 4) onset of clinical signs of radiation sickness on the 6th day, and death of all contaminated animals on the 9th and 10th days post-contamination contamination. Pathoanatomic examination of dead animals revealed dotted bleeding sites on heart and mucous membrane of digestive tract, as well as changes in parenchymal organs. Pathohistological examination of tissues and organs confirmed the findings of pathoanatomic examinations, which indicated the changes caused by radioactive radiation.Meso peradi po svojoj kvaliteti i relativno niskoj cijeni, zbog jednostavnog i kratkog proizvodnog ciklusa, zauzima vrlo visoko mjesto u prehrani namirnicama životinjskoga podrijetla. U okolnostima radioaktivne kontaminacije meso peradi, upravo zbog jednostavne i brze proizvodnje, može postati glavni izvor bjelančevina životinjskoga podrijetla. Navedene činjenice, te činjenica da ni do danas nije načinjeno istraživanje o učinku radioaktivnog 32P u tovnih pilića, potaknule su nas da istražimo utjecaj letalne količine ovoga radionuklida u peradi u dobi za klanje. Istraživanje je obavljeno na pilićima teške pasmine »Jata« oba spola, starosti 50 dana i tjelesne mase od 1500 i 2000 g. Pilićima je apliciran radiaoktivni 32P u količini od 333 MBq po kilogramu tjelesne mase. Pokusne su životinje klinički pregledane, a krv za hematološku analizu uzimana je iz krilne vene. Neposredno nakon smrti životinja učinjena je razudba i patohistološka pretraga. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da 32P, apliciran pilićima teške pasmine »Jata« 50. dana starosti u količini od 333 MBq/kg tjelesne mase uzrokuje: 1) anemiju koja se očituje padom broja eritrocita 5. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije te padom hematokrita koji se očituje 7. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije; 2) leukopeniju uzrokovanu padom broja limfocita 1. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije, smanjenjem broja eozinofila 3. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije i smanjenjem broja heterofila 5. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije; 3) trombocitopeniju 5. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije; 4) pojavu kliničkih znakova radijacijske bolesti 6. dana i smrt svih kontaminiranih životinja 9. i 10. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije. Patohistološka pretraga tkiva i organa sukladna je patoanatomskom nalazu

    Učinak letalne količine 32P na kliničku sliku, hematološke pokazatelje i patomorfološke promjene u tovnih pilića

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    Due to its quality and relatively low price as a result of a simple and short production cycle, poultry meat occupies a very high position in the consumption of foodstuffs of animal origin. It is just because of such simple and rapid production that, under the circumstances of larger-scale radioactive contamination, poultry meat might become the main source of protein of animal origin. This fact, as well as the fact that no investigation into the effects of radioactive phosphorus (32P) on fattening chickens has been conducted so far, induced us to investigate the impact of a lethal quantity of this isotope on chickens at slaughter age. The investigation was performed on chickens, hybrids of the Jata heavy breeds of both sexes, aged 50 days and with a mass ranging from 1500 to 2000 g. The experiment was based on the application of radioactive phosphorus 32P at 333 MBq/kg of body mass. Test animals were clinically examined, blood samples were taken for haematological analysis and, immediately after death, dissection and pathohistological examination were performed. Based on the obtained results it was concluded that radioactive phosphorus 32P, when applied to 50-day-old chickens of the Jata heavy breed at 333 MBq/kg of body mass, causes: 1) anaemia, manifested by a decrease in erythrocyte count on the 5th day and decreased and haematocrit values 7 days post-contamination; 2) leukopoenia, in a decrease in lymphocyte count on the 1st day; decreased eosinophil count on the 3rd day, and decreased heterophil count 5 days post-contamination; 3) thrombocytopoenia, on the 5th day post-contamination; 4) onset of clinical signs of radiation sickness on the 6th day, and death of all contaminated animals on the 9th and 10th days post-contamination contamination. Pathoanatomic examination of dead animals revealed dotted bleeding sites on heart and mucous membrane of digestive tract, as well as changes in parenchymal organs. Pathohistological examination of tissues and organs confirmed the findings of pathoanatomic examinations, which indicated the changes caused by radioactive radiation.Meso peradi po svojoj kvaliteti i relativno niskoj cijeni, zbog jednostavnog i kratkog proizvodnog ciklusa, zauzima vrlo visoko mjesto u prehrani namirnicama životinjskoga podrijetla. U okolnostima radioaktivne kontaminacije meso peradi, upravo zbog jednostavne i brze proizvodnje, može postati glavni izvor bjelančevina životinjskoga podrijetla. Navedene činjenice, te činjenica da ni do danas nije načinjeno istraživanje o učinku radioaktivnog 32P u tovnih pilića, potaknule su nas da istražimo utjecaj letalne količine ovoga radionuklida u peradi u dobi za klanje. Istraživanje je obavljeno na pilićima teške pasmine »Jata« oba spola, starosti 50 dana i tjelesne mase od 1500 i 2000 g. Pilićima je apliciran radiaoktivni 32P u količini od 333 MBq po kilogramu tjelesne mase. Pokusne su životinje klinički pregledane, a krv za hematološku analizu uzimana je iz krilne vene. Neposredno nakon smrti životinja učinjena je razudba i patohistološka pretraga. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da 32P, apliciran pilićima teške pasmine »Jata« 50. dana starosti u količini od 333 MBq/kg tjelesne mase uzrokuje: 1) anemiju koja se očituje padom broja eritrocita 5. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije te padom hematokrita koji se očituje 7. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije; 2) leukopeniju uzrokovanu padom broja limfocita 1. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije, smanjenjem broja eozinofila 3. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije i smanjenjem broja heterofila 5. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije; 3) trombocitopeniju 5. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije; 4) pojavu kliničkih znakova radijacijske bolesti 6. dana i smrt svih kontaminiranih životinja 9. i 10. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije. Patohistološka pretraga tkiva i organa sukladna je patoanatomskom nalazu

    Patohistološke promjene u želucu pasa prirodno inficiranih vrstama roda Helicobacter.

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    The aim of this study was to determine the presence of gastric Helicobacter-like organisms (GHLO) and consequent histopathological changes in dogs, and to evaluate different histological staining methods which are used for detection of GHLO. Stomach samples of twenty apparently healthy laboratory beagle dogs were used. In all the samples examined histopathological changes consistent with chronic gastritis were present and a large number of GHLO was noted on the surface of gastric mucosa and in the glandular luminae. For the detection of GHLO in dogs several histological methods were used. GHLO in dogs were visible in the Hemalaun-Eosin, Toulidin blau, Giemsa and Warthin-Starry methods, but the method of choice is Giemsa, since it is quick, reliable and inexpensive.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi prisutnost želučanih mikroorganizama sličnih helikobakterima (Gastric Helicobacter-like organisms - GHLO) i posljedičnih patohistoloških promjena u pasa te procijeniti različite patohistološke metode bojenja koje se koriste u otkrivanju GHLO. Korišteni su uzorci želuca dvadeset kliničkih zdravih laboratorijskih pasa pasmine beagle. U svim pregledanim uzorcima ustanovljene su patohistološke promjene koje odgovaraju kroničnom gastritisu i velik broj GHLO na površini želučane sluznice i u laminama želučanih žlijezdi. U svrhu detekcije GHLO u pasa korišteno je nekoliko histoloških metoda bojenja. GHLO u pasa vidljivi su na preparatima obojenim hemalaun-eozinom, toluidinskim plavilom, Giemsinim postupkom i Warthin-Starry metodom. Metoda izbora je bojenje po Giemsi, jer je brzo, pouzdano i jeftino

    Patohistološke promjene u želucu pasa prirodno inficiranih vrstama roda Helicobacter.

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    The aim of this study was to determine the presence of gastric Helicobacter-like organisms (GHLO) and consequent histopathological changes in dogs, and to evaluate different histological staining methods which are used for detection of GHLO. Stomach samples of twenty apparently healthy laboratory beagle dogs were used. In all the samples examined histopathological changes consistent with chronic gastritis were present and a large number of GHLO was noted on the surface of gastric mucosa and in the glandular luminae. For the detection of GHLO in dogs several histological methods were used. GHLO in dogs were visible in the Hemalaun-Eosin, Toulidin blau, Giemsa and Warthin-Starry methods, but the method of choice is Giemsa, since it is quick, reliable and inexpensive.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi prisutnost želučanih mikroorganizama sličnih helikobakterima (Gastric Helicobacter-like organisms - GHLO) i posljedičnih patohistoloških promjena u pasa te procijeniti različite patohistološke metode bojenja koje se koriste u otkrivanju GHLO. Korišteni su uzorci želuca dvadeset kliničkih zdravih laboratorijskih pasa pasmine beagle. U svim pregledanim uzorcima ustanovljene su patohistološke promjene koje odgovaraju kroničnom gastritisu i velik broj GHLO na površini želučane sluznice i u laminama želučanih žlijezdi. U svrhu detekcije GHLO u pasa korišteno je nekoliko histoloških metoda bojenja. GHLO u pasa vidljivi su na preparatima obojenim hemalaun-eozinom, toluidinskim plavilom, Giemsinim postupkom i Warthin-Starry metodom. Metoda izbora je bojenje po Giemsi, jer je brzo, pouzdano i jeftino

    The Statute of Split (1312) on animals and animal products

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    Splitski statut ima 6 knjiga (Prva knjiga ima 21 glavu, Druga knjiga 61 glavu, Treća knjiga 129 glava, Četvrta knjiga 127 glava, Peta knjiga 46 glava, Šesta knjiga 75 glava, Nove statutarne odredbe i Knjiga reformacija 61 glavu). Držanju, napasivanju i trgovanju životinjama u prvoj je knjizi posvećena jedna glava, u Četvrtoj knjizi 6 glava, Knjizi reformacija 7 glava – ukupno 14 glava. Štetama na životinjama i s njima posvećene su 4 glave, i to u Trećoj i Šestoj knjizi po jedna i u Četvrtoj knjizi dvije glave. Proizvodima životinjskog podrijetla posvećeno je ukupno 19 glava, i to u Drugoj i Četvrtoj knjizi po dvije glave te u Knjizi reformacija 15 glava. Iz navedenoga proizlazi da od ukupno 520 glava u svim knjigama na životinje i životinjske proizvode otpada 37 glava (7%). Rad smo podijelili u nekoliko cjelina radi lakšeg razumijevanja iako se u nekim segmentima one preklapaju.The Statute of Split is divided into six statute books (the first book - 21 chapters, the second book - 61 chapters, the third book - 129 chapters, the fourth book - 127 chapters, the fifth book - 46 chapters, the sixth book - 75 chapters, the new statutes, and the book of novels - 61 chapters). One chapter in the first book, six chapters in the fourth book, and six chapters in the book of novels, that is a total of 14 chapters, are about animal keeping, grazing and trade. A total of four chapters, one in the third and the sixth book, and two in the fourth book, are regulating the damages to animals and with animals. A total of 19 chapters, two chapters in both the second and the fourth book, and 15 chapters in the book of novels, are regulating animal products. This means that from a total of 520 chapters in all of the books 37 (7%) chapters are about animals and animal products. This paper has been divided into several sections to ensure betterunderstanding, although in some areas the sections overlap

    Klinički i patološki nalazi kod pojave Tyzzerove bolesti u kunića u Hrvatskoj

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    Clinical and pathological findings found during an outbreak of Tyzzer’s disease in a rabbit colony in Croatia are described in this paper. The disease occurred in young rabbits, approximately 50 days old. Over a period of six months, 148 weaned rabbits from a total group of 1753 weaned animals died with symptoms of severe gastrointestinal disease. The main clinical signs observed were diarrhea, abdominal distension, anorexia, weight loss and apathy. Five weaned rabbits were examined at the Department of Pathology of Veterinary Faculty. In all necropsied animals severe entero-hepatic lesions were seen characterized by disseminated hepatic focal necroses and transmural necrotic typhlitis. Only one animal had necrotic myocarditis. For histopathology the tissue blocks were sectioned in 5μm thick sections and stained using HE, PAS, GMS and the Giemsa method. Immunohistochemistry using anti-Clostridium piliforme RT and MSK strains reacted positively within the hepatocytes and intestine. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay (liver and caecum) amplified the 196-bp DNA fragment specifi c to 16S ribosomal RNA of C. piliforme. This is the first confirmed and described case of Tyzzer’s disease in rabbits in Croatia.U radu su opisani klinički i patološki nalazi Tyzzerove bolesti u jednom uzgoju kunića u Hrvatskoj. Bolest se pojavila u mladih kunića prosječne dobi od 50 dana. U razdoblju od 6 mjeseci uginulo je 148 odbijenih kunića od ukupno 1753 životinje sa znakovima jake gastrointestinalne bolesti. Glavni su klinički znaci bili proljev, proširenje trbuha, anoreksija, gubitak težine i apatija. U Zavodu za opću patologiju i patološku morfologiju Veterinarskoga fakulteta bilo je pregledano pet životinja. Na razudbi su u svih životinja utvrđene jake enterohepatične lezije karakterizirane diseminiranim fokalnim nekrozama po jetrima i nekrotičnom upalom cijele stijenke slijepoga crijeva. U jedne životinje je utvrđen i nekrotični miokarditis. Za patohistološku pretragu uklopljena tkiva rezana su u rezove debljine 5 μm i bojena HE, PAS, GMS i Giemsa metodom. Imunohistokemijska reakcija pri upotrebi anti-RT i anti-MSK sojeva antiseruma protiv Clostridium piliforme bila je pozitivna unutar hepatocita i crijeva (Dr. S. Kawamura, Laboratory of Biomedical Science, Dept. of Veterinary Medical Science, University of Tokyo). PCR je pokazao amplifikaciju 196-bp DNA fragmenta specifičnoga za 16S ribosomsku RNA bakterije C. piliforme. Ovo je prvi potvrđeni i opisani slučaj Tyzzerove bolesti u kunića u Hrvatskoj

    [The study of galvanic currents and oral pathologic alternations and symptoms in the mouth]

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    Intraoralno stvorene struje i njihovi navodni sporedni efekti predmet su pojačanog interesa u zadnjem desetljeću. Ta se pojava veoma često povezuje s različitim teškoćama koje pacijenti imaju i problem je s kojim se suočavaju stomatolozi i liječnici. Ovo je ispitivanje provedeno na ukupnom uzorku od 36 ispitanika. Ispitnu skupinu (20 ispitanika) činili su ispita nie i sa oralnim bolestima i simptomima. Kontrolna skupina (16 ispitanika) bila je bez patoloških promjena i simptoma u ustima. Svi Ispitanici su imali nadomjestke s dva ili više metala u ustima. U 65% osoba ispitne skupne protetski nadomjestei nisu zadovoljavali u cjelosti. U kontrolnoj skupini nije zadovoljavalo 12,3%, protetskih nadomjestaka. U 84\u27% ispitanika s oralnim patološkim promjenama i simptomima registrirani su galvanski potencijali iznad 100 mV. U kontrolnoj skupini povišene potencijale imalo je 12% ispitanika. Najčešća patološka promjena u ispitnoj skupini bila je lichen ruber planus i(25%), a od simptoma xerostomia (70*%) i disgeusia (gorko 35% ispitanika).During the last decade, considerable attention has been paid to the intraorally generated currents and their supposed side-effects. As this phenomenon iis quite frequently associated with various discomforts experienced by the patients, both stomatologists and physicians encounter this problem in their routine. The present study was carried out in the total sample of 36 subjects. The study group (20 subjects) consisted of patients With oral diseases and symptoms, whereas the control group (16 subjects) had no pathologic alterations or symptoms in mouth. All the subjects har restorations with two or more metals in their mouth. In 65):)/o of the study group and 12,5% of the countrol group patients, the prosthetic restorations could not be considered completely satisfactory. Galvanic potentials exceeding 100 mV were recorded in 84\u27% of the subjects with oral pathologic alternations and symptoms, and 12l3/o of the control group subjects. In the study group, the moist frequently found pathologic change was lichen ruber planus (25\u27%), whereas among symptoms, xerostomia (25 %) and dysgeusiia (bitter taste in 35°/o of the subjects) were most frequently reported