1 research outputs found

    Combining ability analysis for seed yield and component traits in Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss.]

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    The present investigation on combining ability analysis for seed yield and itscomponent characters in Indian mustard was carried out under two differentenvironments i.e. timely sown (E1) and late sown (E2) which revealed that both additiveand non-additive variances were present for the expression of all the characters studied inboth the environments and the former playing major role. The study of GCA indicatedthat the genotypes namely RH-9617, RH-9806 RH-9615 and were good combiners forearliness, siliqua length, 1000-seed weight, number of seeds/siliqua, primarybranches/plant and oil content. Hence, these parents could be used in crossingprogrammes for achieving further improvement. The study of SCA indicated that thecross combinations namely RH-9710 x RH-9806 and RH-9707 x RH-9806 should beexploited through heterosis breeding or should be used in recombination breeding forobtaining higher seed yield