37 research outputs found

    Short- and long-term impacts of economic policies on child labor and schooling in Ghana

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    While the issue of child labor in developing countries has received increased attention in recent years, most of the empirical analysis has been based on one-time cross sectional samples. While this may give an idea of the incidence, and determinants of child labor at one point in time, it is silent about the dynamics of child labor over time, and sometimes may even influence policy choices against child labor adversely. This paper attempts to fill this void, analyzing the dynamics of child labor and schooling in Ghana, aiming at investigating the impact of broad economic reforms on child labor and schooling in the short, medium and long-run. Starting from a premise that the simple - direct - relationship between poverty and child labor, which has often been seen as the feature of child labor, may not adequately capture the multi-facetted nature of child labor, we find evidence of asymmetries in the child labor-poverty link, as well as quite complex dynamics in the evolution of child labor and schooling, and their determinants over time. Most notably, child labor is found to be responsive to poverty in the short run, but not in the long run, while child schooling is unaffected by poverty in the short run, but responds in the medium- to long run. These results suggested that child labor acts as an economic buffer of the household in the short run, regardless of changes in the economic environment, or perceptions of the latter, following economic reforms, thus supporting - and refining - the poverty explanation of child labor.Street Children,Environmental Economics&Policies,Youth and Governance,Children and Youth,Poverty Assessment

    Comparative analysis of injection clonidine and injection dexmedetomidine added to injection bupivacaine for spinal anaesthesia in lower abdominal surgeries

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    Background:Efficacy of sub-arachnoid block can be improved by addition of various adjuvants to local anesthetics. Intrathecal administration of clonidine or dexmedetomidine has improved the quality of spinal anesthesia in terms of longer duration of post-operative analgesia with comparatively lesser side effects. In present study we compared the onset and duration of motor and sensory block, hemodynamic effects, post-operative analgesia and adverse effects of clonidine and dexmedetomidine used intrathecally with bupivacaine.Methods: Present study was conducted in 150 patients (ASA class I and II) undergoing lower abdominal surgeries. Patients were randomly divided into three groupā€™s viz. B, C and D. Group B received bupivacaine (12.5 mg), group C received clonidine (30 Āµg) with bupivacaine and group D received dexmedetomidine (5 Āµg) with bupivacaine. Volume of administered drug was set at 3ml in all the groups. The onset time to reach peak sensory and motor block level, regression time to sensory and motor block, hemodynamic changes and side effects if any were assessed and recorded.Results: In our study we observed that there was no significant difference in patient demography and duration of surgical procedure. The time to onset of sensory blockage was similar in all the three groups but time to onset of motor block was shorter in group C and D compared to group B. Total duration of sensory and motor block was significantly higher in group D compared to group C and B. The duration of sensory block in group D was 139.58+14.49, in group C it was 122.46+18.55 and in group B it was 100+13.43 minutes. The duration of motor block in group D was 250.40+27.33, in group C it was 229.28+23.68 and in group B it was 175.64+17.41 minutes.Conclusions: It was concluded that though both clonidine and dexmedetomidine prolonged duration of sensory and motor block of Bupivacaine, Dexmedetomidine is better in terms of longer duration of action.

    Usporedba lidokaina i kombinacije lidokaina i ketamina primijenjenih za distalnu intravensku regionalnu anesteziju (DIVRA) u goveda

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    The hoof diseases of cattle can be managed surgically under intravenous regional anesthesia (IVRA). For routine induction of IVRA, a tourniquet is placed circumferentially at the metacarpus/metatarsus. In the present study, hoof diseases of cattle were corrected using a modified IVRA technique. The cattle with hoof ailments were randomly divided into two groups and a tourniquet was placed just distal to the dew claws instead of at the metacarpus/metatarsus in order to decrease the dose of anesthetic. In group I lidocaine (2mg/kg) and in group II a mixture of lidocaine and ketamine (2mg/kg+1.5mg/kg) was injected into the axial digital vein to induce distal intravenous regional anesthesia (DIVRA). The heart rate, respiration rate, systolic and diastolic pressure were unaffected in both groups. Oxygen saturation was significantly (P<0.05) lower between 5 and 60 minutes in group I and between 15 and 40 minutes in group II animals. The sensory and motor block onset time was shorter, and the sensory and motor block recovery time was longer in group II animals as compared to group I animals. It was concluded that the DIVRA technique using lidocaine alone and lidocaine admixed with ketamine are suitable for hoof examination and surgery.Bolesti papaka u goveda mogu se kirurÅ”ki liječiti pod intravenskom regionalnom anestezijom (IVRA). Za rutinsko uvođenje u IVRA-u postavlja se kružno čvrsti zavoj na metakarpus/metatarzus. U ovom su istraživanju bolesti papaka u goveda liječene modificiranom IVRA metodom. Istražene životinje nasumično su podijeljene u dvije skupine a zavoj kojim se samnjuje doza anestetika postavljen je, umjesto na metakarpus/metatarzus, distalno od rudimentiranih papaka. U skupini I primijenjen je lidokain (2 mg/kg), a u skupini II kombinacija lidokaina i ketamina (2 mg/kg + 1,5 mg/kg). Za uvođenje u distalnu intravensku regionalnu anesteziju (DIVRA) anestetici su aplicirani u aksijalnu digitalnu venu. Srčana frekvencija, frekvencija disanja, sistolički i dijastolički tlak u obje su skupine bili nepromijenjeni. Zasićenost kisikom bila je znakovito niža (P<0,05) između 5. i 60. minute u skupini I te između 15. i 40. minute u skupini II. Vrijeme pojave senzornih i motoričkih blokova bilo je kraće, a vrijeme oporavka tih blokova dulje u životinja u skupini II u usporedbi sa skupinom I. Zaključeno je da je DIVRA, uz upotrebu i samog lidokaina i lidokaina u kombinaciji s ketaminom, prikladna metoda za pregled i obavljanje kiruÅ”kih zahvata na papcima goveda

    How Do Government and Private Schools Differ? Findings from Two Large Indian States

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    This paper uses survey data from representative samples of government and private schools in two states of India, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, to explore systematic differences between the two school types. The authors find that private school students have higher test scores than government school students. However, in both private and government schools the overall quality is low and learning gains from one grade to the next are small. There is large variation in the quality of both school types; and observed school and teacher characteristics are weakly correlated with learning outcomes. There is considerable sorting among students, and those from higher socio-economic strata select into private schools. Private schools have lower pupil-teacher ratios and seven to eight times' lower teacher salaries but do not differ systematically in infrastructure and teacher effort from government schools. Most of the variation in teacher effort is within schools and is weakly correlated with observed teacher characteristics such as education, training, and experience. After controlling for observed student and school characteristics, the private school advantage over government schools in test scores varies by state, school type and grade. Private unrecognized schools do better than private recognized schools. Given the large salary differential, private schools would clearly be more cost effective even in the case of no absolute difference in test scores

    Findings from the Bhutan Learning Quality Survey

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    The education sector in Bhutan has been growing steadily since the 1960s and concomitantly the literacy rates of the population have also been steadily going up over time. The mostly mountainous country regards education as central to its national development. Every cohort has seen an increasing share of children going to school and the education system now strains to keep up with the speed with which enrolment has expanded over the last ten years, in-line with Bhutan's commitment to meet the education Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This report is structured as follows: section two presents the background and context of Bhutan's education system; section three discusses previous theoretical and empirical literature on education quality; section four describes the sampling design methodology, the sample and empirical methodology used in this study; section five presents findings on students' actual knowledge in three subjects and their corresponding scaled scores; section six presents the results of multivariate regression analysis for estimating school, teacher and child related correlates of learning outcomes; section seven profiles teachers in grades two and four and the education process; and section eight concludes with brief summary, discussion of policy implications, and recommendation for future research

    Contract Teachers

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    In this paper authors use non-experimental data from government schools in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, two of the largest Indian states, to present average school outcomes by contract status of teachers. The authors find that after controlling for teacher characteristics and school fixed effects, contract teachers are associated with higher effort than civil service teachers with permanent tenures. Higher teacher effort is associated with better student performance after controlling for other school inputs and student characteristics. Given that salaries earned by contract teachers are one fourth or less of civil service teachers, contract teachers may be a more cost-effective resource. However, contracts 'as they are' appear weak. Not only do contract teachers have fairly low average effort in absolute terms, but those who have been on the job for at least one full tenure have lower effort than others who are in the first contract period