254 research outputs found

    The Formation of Galaxy Disks

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    We present a new set of multi-million particle SPH simulations of the formation of disk dominated galaxies in a cosmological context. Some of these galaxies are higher resolution versions of the models already described in Governato et al (2007). To correctly compare simulations with observations we create artificial images of our simulations and from them measure photometric Bulge to Disk (B/D) ratios and disk scale lengths. We show how feedback and high force and mass resolution are necessary ingredients to form galaxies that have flatter rotation curves, larger I band disk scale lengths and smaller B/D ratios. A new simulated disk galaxy has an I-band disk scale length of 9.2 kpc and a B/D flux ratio of 0.64 (face on, dust reddened).Comment: To appear in proceedings of "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks", Rome, October 2007, Eds. J.G. Funes, S.J. and E.M. Corsini. Bigger figures than in printed versio

    Inhomogeneous Reionization Regulated by Radiative and Stellar Feedbacks

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    We study the inhomogeneous reionization in a critical density CDM universe due to stellar sources, including Population III objects. The spatial distribution of the sources is obtained from high resolution numerical N-body simulations. We calculate the source properties taking into account a self-consistent treatment of both radiative (ie ionizing and H2 -photodissociating photons) and stellar (ie SN explosions) feedbacks regulated by massive stars. This allows us to describe the topology of the ionized and dissociated regions at various cosmic epochs and derive the evolution of H, He, and H2 filling factors, soft UV background, cosmic star formation rate and the final fate of ionizing objects. The main results are: (i) galaxies reionize the IGM by z~10 (with some uncertainty related to the gas clumping factor), whereas H2 is completely dissociated already by z~25; (ii) reionization is mostly due to the relatively massive objects which collapse via H line cooling, while objects whose formation relies on H2 cooling alone are insufficient to this aim; (iii) the diffuse soft UV background is the major source of radiative feedback effects for z<15; at higher z direct flux from neighboring objects dominates; (iv) the match of the calculated cosmic star formation history with the one observed at lower redshifts suggests that the conversion efficiency of baryons into stars is ~1%; (v) we find that a very large population of dark objects which failed to form stars is present by z~8. We discuss and compare our results with similar previous studies.Comment: 34 pages, emulateapj.sty, LaTeX, 13 figures. MNRAS, submitte

    The Chemical and Dynamical Evolution of Isolated Dwarf Galaxies

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    Using a suite of simulations (Governato et al. 2010) which successfully produce bulgeless (dwarf) disk galaxies, we provide an analysis of their associated cold interstellar media (ISM) and stellar chemical abundance patterns. A preliminary comparison with observations is undertaken, in order to assess whether the properties of the cold gas and chemistry of the stellar components are recovered successfully. To this end, we have extracted the radial and vertical gas density profiles, neutral hydrogen velocity dispersion, and the power spectrum of structure within the ISM. We complement this analysis of the cold gas with a brief examination of the simulations' metallicity distribution functions and the distribution of alpha-elements-to-iron.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the JENAM 2010 Symposium "Dwarf Galaxies: Keys to Galaxy Formation and Evolution" (Lisbon, 9-10 September 2010), P. Papaderos, S. Recchi, G. Hensler (eds.), Springer Verlag (2011), in pres

    Cusp Disruption in Minor Mergers

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    We present 0.55 x 10^6 particle simulations of the accretion of high-density dwarf galaxies by low-density giant galaxies, using models that contain both power-law central density cusps and point masses representing supermassive black holes. The cusp of the dwarf galaxy is disrupted during the merger, producing a remnant with a central density that is only slightly higher than that of the giant galaxy initially. Removing the black hole from the giant galaxy allows the dwarf galaxy to remain intact and leads to a remnant with a high central density, contrary to what is observed. Our results support the hypothesis that the persistence of low-density cores in giant galaxies is a consequence of supermassive black holes.Comment: 5 pages, 2 postscript figures, uses emulateapj.sty. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The Role of Cold Flows in the Assembly of Galaxy Disks

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    We use high resolution cosmological hydrodynamical simulations to demonstrate that cold flow gas accretion, particularly along filaments, modifies the standard picture of gas accretion and cooling onto galaxy disks. In the standard picture, all gas is initially heated to the virial temperature of the galaxy as it enters the virial radius. Low mass galaxies are instead dominated by accretion of gas that stays well below the virial temperature, and even when a hot halo is able to develop in more massive galaxies there exist dense filaments that penetrate inside of the virial radius and deliver cold gas to the central galaxy. For galaxies up to ~L*, this cold accretion gas is responsible for the star formation in the disk at all times to the present. Even for galaxies at higher masses, cold flows dominate the growth of the disk at early times. Within this modified picture, galaxies are able to accrete a large mass of cold gas, with lower initial gas temperatures leading to shorter cooling times to reach the disk. Although star formation in the disk is mitigated by supernovae feedback, the short cooling times allow for the growth of stellar disks at higher redshifts than predicted by the standard model.Comment: accepted to Ap

    Analytic and numerical realisations of a disk galaxy

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    Recent focus on the importance of cold, unshocked gas accretion in galaxy formation -- not explicitly included in semi-analytic studies -- motivates the following detailed comparison between two inherently different modelling techniques: direct hydrodynamical simulation and semi-analytic modelling. By analysing the physical assumptions built into the Gasoline simulation, formulae for the emergent behaviour are derived which allow immediate and accurate translation of these assumptions to the Galform semi-analytic model. The simulated halo merger history is then extracted and evolved using these equivalent equations, predicting a strikingly similar galactic system. This exercise demonstrates that it is the initial conditions and physical assumptions which are responsible for the predicted evolution, not the choice of modelling technique. On this level playing field, a previously published Galform model is applied (including additional physics such as chemical enrichment and feedback from active galactic nuclei) which leads to starkly different predictions.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure
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