48 research outputs found


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    The article discusses the education of primary school teachers in Slovenian and Croatian regions of Austria-Hungary through legislation and the organisation of teachers colleges. The study consists of a historical comparative analysis for the period from 1867 to 1914. With the appearance of the dualist monarchy, changes occurred in teacher education which can be identified on the basis of school legislation. Teachers became state employees. New state teachers colleges and private ones with public accreditation appeared, separated by gender, some lasting three and some four years. Analysis of the legislation showed differences between the syllabuses of teachers colleges in Slovenian and Croatian regions. A comparison of their activities also shows differences in development, number and organisation. In Slovenian regions, under the Austrian school legislation, the development of four-year teachers colleges and the implementation of new features in teacher education was somewhat faster than in Croatian regions, even though in Istria and Dalmatia the same Austrian school laws applied

    School lessons from the past for future teachers in the school museum

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    Museums engage in different educational activities, among them are also simulated school lessons from the past. The article uses the Slovenian School Museum, as an example and describes the education it offers. The study’s purpose is to determine views and reactions of future teachers, concerning what they have learnt from the enacted school lesson from the past. A questionnaire given to the participants, was used to evaluate ”handwriting” school lesson. The study\u27s findings show the lesson conducted in the museum is an effective, living and active way of education on the history of teaching for future teachers. The findings are valuable for supporting efforts to improve the quality of education of teachers to be and museum education in the future

    Mentorstvo medicinskih sester in njihovi pogledi na učinkovitost prakse univerzitetnih študentov

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    The article describes the views nurse mentors have on the efficiency of their mentoring of nursing students in one of the public hospitals in Slovenia. This is one of the least addressed fields of research, particularly when evaluating the effects of nurse mentors. The purpose of the quantitative study is to ascertain the situation and effects nurses have when mentoring university students during their clinical practice. The descriptive method of empirical research was applied. The research was based on the analysis of a questionnaire for nurse mentors. The goal was to find out how they view mentorship efficiency, how to increase it, and how mentors evaluate their competences, difficulties, etc. The study’s findings bring new insights and important recommendations on how to improve mentoring during the clinical practice of nursing students. The research showed that mentors needed pedagogical and andragogical knowledge. The results are important for improving the quality of nursing mentorship and positively affect their further education and professional development. It would also be important to establish a Slovenian, European and international network of nursing mentorship for university students in the future. This would have an impact on the international cooperation of nurse mentors and their mentoring efficiency, as well as better practical training and employment for students of nursing.Članek opisuje poglede medicinskih sester na učinkovitost njihovega mentorstva univerzitetnim študentom zdravstvene nege v eni od javnih bolnišnic v Sloveniji. To področje je najmanj raziskano, zlasti pri ocenjevanju učinkov mentorstva medicinskih sester. Namen kvantitativne študije je ugotoviti položaj in učinke mentorstva medicinskih sester za študente v času njihove prakse. Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda empiričnega raziskovanja. Raziskava je temeljila na analizi vprašalnika za mentorje. Cilj je bil ugotoviti poglede mentorjev, medicinskih sester, na učinkovitost mentorstva, kako povečati učinkovitost mentorstva in kako mentorji ocenjujejo svoje kompetence, težave itd. Ugotovitve raziskave prinašajo nova spoznanja in pomembna priporočila, kako izboljšati mentorstvo v zdravstveni praksi študentov. Raziskava je pokazala, da mentorji potrebujejo pedagoško in andragoško znanje. Rezultati so pomembni za izboljšanje kakovosti mentorstva medicinskih sester ter pozitivno vplivajo na njihovo nadaljnje izobraževanje in strokovni razvoj. V prihodnje bi bilo tudi priporočljivo vzpostaviti slovensko, evropsko in mednarodno mrežo mentorstva medicinskih sester za študente. To bi spodbudilo mednarodno sodelovanje mentorjev medicinskih sester, povečalo učinkovitost njihovega mentorstva ter izboljšalo zdravstveno prakso in zaposlovanje študentov

    Ali bodo izobraževalni centri v podjetjih povsem izginili?

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    The author describes the general development of corporate educational centres. She focuses on the reasons behind their establishment, their purpose, structure, goals and the different kind of centres. A short outline covers their development during different time periods which is necessary to understand the status of educational centres in the nineteen-nineties in Slovenia. Employee training has been influenced by such factors as the restructuring of industry and the economy as well as by the needs for new knowledge and skills. The role of educational centres and their goals have diminished during the nineties. They retain a primary function only in the strongest companies. In smaller companies, the educational function is performed by human resources departments or educational officers.V prispevku je prikazan splošen razvoj izobraževalnih centrov v podjetjih. Obravnava vzroke za njihov nastanek, pomen, njihovo strukturo, naloge in vrste. Na kratko je orisan razvoj izobraževalnih centrov v posameznih obdobjih, od njihovega nastanka do danes, saj je pomemben za razumevanje stanja izobraževalnih centrov v devetdesetih letih v Sloveniji. Nove potrebe po znanju so poleg drugih dejavnikov (prestrukturiranja industrije in gospodarstva) povzročile tudi spremembe v izobraževanju v podjetjih. V devetdesetih letih se je spremenila njihova vloga, njihov pomen in obstoj. Ugotavljamo, da tovrstno izobraževanje nazaduje. Izobraževalni centri se ohranjajo le v ekonomsko najmočnejših podjetjih, manjša podjetja pa ne poznajo več izobraževalnih centrov, kakršni so bili na začetku svojega razvoja. Manjša podjetja, v katerih se je izobraževanje ohranilo, imajo organizirano kadrovsko ali pa izobraževalno službo

    Izobraževalna biografija

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    The article opens with a few thoughts about biographical learning and the meaning of education biography which is actually 'monitoring' of an individual's education in specific life periods. It is an important individual method which facilitates the forming of a further education plan. The chapter dealing with forming an education biography shows that it can't be formed regardless of the socio-historical events: that means that every education biography is an expression of social structural changes, novelties in society etc. which cause changes in an individual as well. The author analyses the influence of the contemporary society on an individual's education biography because he or she doesn't only learn in school but also from the environment. Education biooraphy consists of two parts: forma! an informal education. I defined their meaning as well as how they are created and how a personal education biography is evaluated in different life periods. One of the conditions for an individual to make his personal education biography is that he is aware of himself, his self and identity. Education biography is one of the ways to form our selfimage, self and identity, to distinguish between ourselves and the outer world to accept oursel ves and start a better s~lfdevelopment, acquiring new knowled cres, abilities etc. And this can be followed by important changes in our lives.Avtorica v prispevku najprej navaja nekaj misli o biografskem u čenju in pomenu izobraževalne biografije, ki je dejansko "Snemanje" izobraževanja, spremljanje izobraževalne in učne poti skozi posameznikova življenjska obdobja. Izobraževalna biografija je za posameznika pomembna individualna metoda, ker mu omogoča lažje oblikovanje nadaljnjega osebnega izobraževalnega načrta. Iz poglavja o oblikovanju izobraževalne biografije je razvidno, da posameznik ne more razviti svoje izobraževalne biografije neodvisno od družbeno-zgodovinskih dogodkov, to pomeni, da je vsaka izobraževalna biografija izraz družbenih strukturnih sprememb, novosti v družbi idr., zato se spreminja tudi posameznik. Avtorica posebej analizira vpliv sodobne družbe na posameznikovo izobraževalno biografijo, saj se ta že zdavnaj ne izobražuje samo v šoli, ampak zaradi različnih vplivov iz okolja. V izobraževalni biografiji razlikujemo dve poti: formalno izobraževanje in neformalno izobraževanje. Opredeljeni so njun pomen ter nastanek in vrednotenje osebne izobraževalne biografije v posameznem življenjskem obdobju. Eden od pogojev, da je posameznik sposoben narediti osebno izobraževalno biografijo, je, da se zaveda sebe, svojega jaza in identitete, saj z izobraževalno biografijo dodatno oblikujemo svojo samopodobo, (jaz) in identiteto, torej skušamo doseči ločevanje med seboj in zunanjim svetom, da sprejmemo samega sebe in si oblikujemo novo pot za boljši osebni razvoj, za pridobitev novih znanj, sposobnosti idr., s tem pa lahko dosežemo pomembne spremembe v svojem življenju

    Mentorstvo nekoč in danes – pomembna oblika izobraževanja ter prenosa znanja in izkušenj

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    Mentorstvo ni nekaj novega. O njem se je govorilo že v daljni preteklosti, konkretno v antiki, saj iz Platonovih del, ki so nastajala v letih od 427 do 347 pred našim štetjem, spoznamo, da naj bi tudi Platon imel mentorja in velikega učitelja v Sokratu, za katerega je bilo značilno poučevanje z dialogom (Garvey, Stokes in Megginson, 2009). Tudi Platon je nadaljeval vlogo mentorja, in sicer je bil mentor Aristotelu. Ta je začel koncept mentorstva, filozofijo poučevanja, ki izhaja iz obrtniške tradicije za časa Aristotelovega življenja, še bolj razvijati

    Posebnosti andragoške prakse na ljudskih univerzah

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    V prispevku bomo najprej spoznali, kak{en je pomen andragoške prakse nasploh, kakšna je bila andragoška praksa do sedaj in kakšne so pričakovane novosti v prihodnje z bolonjsko reformo. Prikazali bomo, kakšne so dejanske možnosti za izvajanje kvalitetne andragoške prakse na ljudskih univerzah. Opisali bomo ugotovitve s srečanj mentorjev ljudskih univerz, ki so potekala v okviru projekta Partnerstvo fakultet in šol II (2006–2007) na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Glavni namen pa je prikazati, kakšne so možne konkretne oblike in vsebine dela za prakso študenta praktikanta na ljudskih univerzah. Opredelili bomo, kakšne so prednosti in dobre strani ter ovire in težave pri izvajanju andragoške prakse na ljudskih univerzah ter kakšne prednosti prinaša andragoška praksa študenta ljudskim univerzam

    Razvoj in pomen ljudskih visokih šol na Slovenskem v letih 1918 -1941

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    Within the period between both WWs, during 1918-1941, the so called People’s Further Education Schools were formed. The article explains why these schools were formed, motivations of individuals along with the then theoretical viewpoints of these schools and their development. Described and analyzed shall also be the first further education schools in then Slovenia and their significance for the development of further adult education.V obdobju med obema vojnama, v letih 1918-1941, so se prvič oblikovale na Slovenskem tako imenovane »ljudske visoke šole«. Prikazali bomo vzroke za nastanek teh institucij, prizadevanja posameznikov in takratne teoretične poglede na ljudsko visoko šolo ter njihov razvoj. Opisali in analizirali bomo prve ljudske visoke šole na Slovenskem in njihov pomen za razvoj nadaljnjega izobraževanja odraslih