23 research outputs found

    Utilisation des données Google Street View pour cartographier la distribution géographique des espÚces. Une étude préliminaire de la processionnaire du pin (Thaumetopoea pityocampa)

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    Article publiĂ© suite Ă  l'Ă©vĂ©nement : MEDINSECT 3 ; Hammamet-Tunis (Tunisie) - (2012-05-08 - 2012-05-11).Mapping species distribution is an important and useful task to monitor invasive species spread or native species expansion under climate change. Unfortunately it requires a lot of occurrence data that are not easily available from literature and that are very time-consuming to collect in the field. For that reason, we designed a survey with the aim to explore to which extent large-scale databases such as Google Street View could be used to derive valid occurrence data. We worked with an insect species, the Pine Processionary Moth (PPM) Thaumetopoea pityocampa because the larvae of that moth build silk nests on its host tree that are easily visible. The presence of the species at one location can therefore be inferred from visual records derived from the panoramic views available from Google Street View. We designed a standardized procedure allowing the evaluation of the presence of the PPM on a large sampling grid (covering 46 848 km2) located in France. Field sampling has been conducted in parallel, which allowed a straightforward comparison between field and Google-derived datasets. Data derived from Google Street View were highly similar to field data as we found an accuracy (percentage of field values correctly predicted using Google Street View) of 92.9%. We conclude that Google database might provide useful occurrence data for mapping the distribution of species which presence can be visually evaluated such as the PPM. More data are needed, however, to assess the range of spatial scales at which Google Street View actually provides reliable occurrence data.La cartographie de la distribution gĂ©ographique des espĂšces est importante pour suivre l’évolution des aires de distribution d’espĂšces invasives ou d’espĂšces natives en expansion gĂ©ographique. Malheureusement, les donnĂ©es nĂ©cessaires sont parfois difficilement accessibles Ă  partir de la littĂ©rature et sont coĂ»teuses Ă  collecter sur le terrain. Pour cette raison, nous avons conçu une Ă©tude dans le but d'explorer dans quelle mesure il est possible d’utiliser les bases de donnĂ©es telles que Google Street View (GSV) pour obtenir des donnĂ©es d’occurrence valides. Nous avons choisi de travailler avec une espĂšce d’insecte, la chenille processionnaire du pin (PP) Thaumetopoea pityocampa car les larves de cette espĂšce se dĂ©veloppent dans le feuillage des arbres hĂŽtes et tissent un nid blanc aisĂ©ment visible. La prĂ©sence de l'espĂšce dans un site donnĂ© peut donc ĂȘtre facilement renseignĂ©e en examinant les vues panoramiques disponibles pour de nombreuses localitĂ©s dans la base de donnĂ©es de Google Street View. Nous avons conçu une procĂ©dure standardisĂ©e permettant d'Ă©valuer la prĂ©sence de la PP Ă  partir des donnĂ©es GSV et nous l’avons mise en oeuvre sur une aire d’étude couvrant 46 848 km2dans la rĂ©gion Centre en France. La distribution de l’espĂšce a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crite Ă  l’aide d’échantillonnages rĂ©alisĂ©s sur le terrain. Les donnĂ©es issues de l’examen des images Google Street View ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es aux donnĂ©es de terrain et se sont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©es de bons estimateurs de la prĂ©sence de la processionnaire du pin avec une prĂ©cision (proportion de valeurs correctement estimĂ©es) de 92.9% sur notre zone d’étude pour un maillage de 16 km x 16 km. Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que l’exploitation des bases de donnĂ©es de GSV pourrait permettre de produire des donnĂ©es Ă©cologiques intĂ©ressantes pour les espĂšces dont la prĂ©sence peut ĂȘtre estimĂ©e visuellement Ă  partir de photographies. Des Ă©tudes complĂ©mentaires sont cependant nĂ©cessaires pour mieux cerner la gamme d’échelles spatiales auxquelles GSV fournit des donnĂ©es d’occurrence fiables

    Chapitre VI. Dynamique des essences forestiÚres dans les zones d'activité rurale

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    Since about sixty years, the stands in the Niolu valley are deeply altering and these changes become more conspicious each year : after the demographic regression following the 1914 war, which resulted in the forsaking of cultivated lands and later by diminution of the grazing, the corsican pines grows on the former cultivated areas and gradually overgrows the chestnut grove. The same colonization process is noted for the whiteoak. The forest species dynamics in the former areas of village activities, as also the various aspects of the colonization process in every part of the Albertacce village lands are shown with a very simple methodology, by means of a survey along 10 transects each 3 to 4 kms long, and representing the main facies of the valley. The interpretation of aerial views taken by IGN in 1951 and 1975 shows the magnitude of the reforestation process over the whole Albertacce village lands and of its evolution during the past 24 years. The data collected during the forest entomology surveys in the other corsican valleys prove the generalization of this process, although it varies according to the topography to the forest stands, and to the former human occupation of each place.Les boisements de la vallĂ©e du Niolu subissent depuis une soixantaine d’annĂ©es de profondes modifications dont les rĂ©sultats deviennent chaque annĂ©e plus apparents : Ă  la suite de la rĂ©gression dĂ©mographique qui a suivi la guerre de 1914, qui s’est traduite par l’abandon des cultures puis plus tardivement par la diminution mĂȘme de l’activitĂ© pastorale, les pins laricio progressent sur les anciennes terres de culture et envahissent progressivement la chĂątaigneraie. Le mĂȘme processus de recolonisation est observĂ© pour le chĂȘne blanc. La vitesse de cette dynamique des essences forestiĂšres dans les anciennes zones d’activitĂ© villageoise, ainsi que les diffĂ©rentes formes du processus de recolonisation dans les diffĂ©rents secteurs de la commune d’Albertacce sont mises en Ă©vidence, suivant une mĂ©thodologie trĂšs simple, par une enquĂȘte rĂ©alisĂ©e le long de dix transects de 3 Ă  4 km reprĂ©sentatifs des principaux faciĂšs de la vallĂ©e. L’interprĂ©tation des photos aĂ©riennes des missions I.G.N. de 1951 et de 1975 montrent l’importance du phĂ©nomĂšne de reforestation pour l’ensemble de la commune d’Albertacce et son Ă©volution sur une pĂ©riode de 24 ans. Les informations recueillies au cours des enquĂȘtes d’entomologie forestiĂšre dans les autres vallĂ©es de Corse confirment la gĂ©nĂ©ralitĂ© de ce phĂ©nomĂšne dont les modalitĂ©s sont toutefois trĂšs diversifiĂ©es en fonction des conditions topographiques, de la nature des peuplements forestiers, et de l’occupation humaine antĂ©rieure des diffĂ©rents sites.GĂ©ri Claude, Goussard Francis. Chapitre VI. Dynamique des essences forestiĂšres dans les zones d'activitĂ© rurale. In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 6,1980. Études Ă©cologiques et ethnologiques dans le Niolu. pp. 115-133

    La colonisation des cÎnes et galbules des genévriers méditerranéens par les insectes et acariens et son influence sur les possibilités de régénération naturelle de ces essences.

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    Female reproductive forms pests of Mediterranean Juniper seem to be confined to Cupressaceae and in majority strictly to genus Juniperus . The composition of their own fauna doesn't respect botanical partitions of the genus and appears to be climate-linked. J. oxycedrus L. and J. phoenicea L., characteristics of the mediterranean vegetation level, present in their whole french repartition area the same fauna, very different of which of J. thuJiLfaetia L. species distributed in the supramediterranean level. High attack rates of berries are frequently observed for the three species, with some differences between continental and corsican stands. But the weak number of seed pests as the important quantity of. sound seeds by berry limits, excepted for J. thuUviïżœeAa L., the reduction of the regeneration possibilities of Juniper natural stands by insect or mite action.Les ravageurs des structures reproductrices femelles des genĂ©vriers mĂ©diterranĂ©ens semblent Ă©troitement infĂ©odĂ©s aux CupressacĂ©es et dans leur majoritĂ© exclusivement au genre Juniperus. La composition de leurs faunes propres ne respecte pas les divisions botaniques du genre et parait liĂ©e Ă  des facteurs climatiques. J. oxycedrus L. et J. phoenicea L., caractĂ©ristiques de l'Ă©tage de vĂ©gĂ©tation mĂ©diterranĂ©en, prĂ©sentent sur toute leur aire de distribution française une faune identique, trĂšs diffĂ©rente de celle de J. thurifera L., espĂšce rĂ©partie dans l'Ă©tage supramĂ©diterranĂ©en. Des taux Ă©levĂ©s d'attaque des galbules sont frĂ©quemment observĂ©s pour les trois essences avec des diffĂ©rences entre les peuplements continentaux et corses. Mais le faible nombre de ravageurs s'attaquant aux graines -comme la quantitĂ© importante de graines pleines par galbule -limitent, sauf chez J. thurifera L., la rĂ©duction des possibilitĂ©s de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration des peuplements naturels de ces genĂ©vriers par les insectes et acariens.Roques Alain, Raimbault Jean-Paul, Goussard Francis. La colonisation des cĂŽnes et galbules des genĂ©vriers mĂ©diterranĂ©ens par les insectes et acariens et son influence sur les possibilitĂ©s de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration naturelle de ces essences.. In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 10 n°1-2, 1984. pp. 147-169

    Population monitoring of the pine processionary moth (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae) with pheromone-baited traps

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    International audienceA series of tests were carried out to design pheromone-based monitoring of the pine processionary moth (PPM), Thaumetopoea pityocampa. In a dose–response field test the number of male captures increased significantly with the dosage of pityolure to a plateau around 10 mg. The activity of pheromone dispensers persisted for at least 11 weeks, enough to cover the entire flight period of T. pityocampa. In a comparison of several saturating and non-saturating trap designs, plate sticky traps always showed the highest trapping efficiency. Captures were significantly higher in regularly cleaned traps than in traps without cleaning, and at tree canopy height; however, the latter were positively correlated with captures from traps positioned at breast height. The relationship between the number of PPM males captured in pheromone traps and the density of winter nests was investigated in 14 stands of the maritime pine (Pinus maritima) using 10 traps baited with low doses of pityolure. Mean trap captures calculated from 3 traps schemes to 10 traps were significantly correlated with nest density, indicating that four plate sticky traps baited with 0.2 mg of pityolure would provide a cost-effective tool for monitoring population densities of PPM per hectare. The reliability of this design was tested in 33 pine stands of different age and tree species across a range of geographic regions (France, Italy, Portugal), both in the core and expansion areas of the pest. The results were remarkably consistent, showing significant and positive correlations between mean male captures per day and total number of winter nests per hectare irrespective of the regions. The correlations with the level of infestation in the following generation was also positive for all regions although less significant. Our findings suggest that pheromone-baited traps provide a suitable tool for monitoring of T.pityocampa population

    Expansion of Pine Processionary Moth and Parasitoid responses

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    La partie est intégrée dans le Chapitre 7: Ecological Responses of Parasitoids, Predators and Associated Insect Communities to the Climate-Driven Expansion of the Pine Processionary MothInternational audienc