78 research outputs found

    Corotating light cylinders and Alfv\'en waves

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    Exact relativistic force free fields with cylindrical symmetry are explored. Such fields are generated in the interstellar gas via their connection to pulsar magnetospheres both inside and outside their light cylinders. The possibility of much enhanced interstellar fields wound on cylinders of Solar system dimensions is discussed but these are most likely unstable.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRA

    On the pulsar Y-point

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    The pulsar magnetosphere is divided into a corotating region of closed field lines surrounded by open field lines that emanate from the two poles of the star, extend to infinity and are separated by an equatorial current sheet. The three regions meet at a magnetospheric Y-point. In steady-state solutions of the ideal force-free magnetosphere, the Y-point may lie at any distance inside the light cylinder. Time-dependent force-free simulations, however, develop closed-line regions that extend all the way to the light cylinder. On the other hand, particle (PIC) solutions consistently develop smaller closed-line regions. In order to understand this effect, we solve the pulsar equation with an improved numerical method. We show that the total electromagnetic energy stored in the ideal force-free magnetosphere manifests a subtle minimum when the closed-line region extends to only 90% of the light cylinder, and thus argue that the system will spontaneously choose this particular configuration. Furthermore, we argue that the intersection of the corotating region with the equatorial current sheet is at right angles, literally leading to a T-point

    Relativistically expanding cylindrical electromagnetic fields

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    We study relativistically expanding electromagnetic fields of cylindrical geometry. The fields emerge from the side surface of a cylinder and are invariant under translations parallel to the axis of the cylinder. The expansion velocity is in the radial direction and is parametrized by v=R/(ct)v=R/(ct). We consider force-free magnetic fields by setting the total force the electromagnetic field exerts on the charges and the currents equal to zero. Analytical and semi-analytical separable solutions are found for the relativistic problem. In the non-relativistic limit the mathematical form of the equations is similar to equations that have already been studied in static systems of the same geometry.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted by MNRA

    PSR J0737-3039B: A probe of radio pulsar emission heights

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    In the double pulsar system PSR J0737-3039A/B the strong wind produced by pulsar A distorts the magnetosphere of pulsar B. The influence of these distortions on the orbital-dependent emission properties of pulsar B can be used to determine the location of the coherent radio emission generation region in the pulsar magnetosphere. Using a model of the wind-distorted magnetosphere of pulsar B and the well defined geometrical parameters of the system, we determine the minimum emission height to be ~ 20 neutron star radii in the two bright orbital longitude regions. We can determine the maximum emission height by accounting for the amount of deflection of the polar field line with respect to the magnetic axis using the analytical magnetic reconnection model of Dungey and the semi-empirical numerical model of Tsyganenko. Both of these models estimate the maximum emission height to be ~ 2500 neutron star radii. The minimum and maximum emission heights we calculate are consistent with those estimated for normal isolated pulsars.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures, Accepted by ApJ on 3 March 201

    Twisted magnetar magnetospheres

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    Magnetar magnetospheres are strongly twisted, and are able to power sudden energetic events through the rapid release of stored electromagnetic energy. In this paper, we investigate twisted relativistic force-free axisymmetric magnetospheres of rotating neutron stars. We obtain numerical solutions of such configurations using the method of simultaneous relaxation for the magnetic field inside and outside the light-cylinder. We introduce a toroidal magnetic field in the region of closed field-lines that is associated with a poloidal electric current distribution in that region, and explore various mathematical expressions for that distribution. We find that, by increasing the twist, a larger fraction of magnetic field-lines crosses the light-cylinder and opens up to infinity, thus increasing the size of the polar caps and enhancing the spin-down rate. We also find that, for moderately to strongly twisted magnetospheres, the region of closed field-lines ends at some distance inside the light-cylinder. We discuss the implications of these solutions on the variation of magnetar spin-down rates, moding and nulling of pulsars, the relation between the angular shear and the twist and the overall shape of the magnetosphere.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    Axisymmetric magneto-plastic evolution of neutron-star crusts

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    Magnetic field evolution in neutron-star crusts is driven by the Hall effect and Ohmic dissipation, for as long as the crust is sufficiently strong to absorb Maxwell stresses exerted by the field and thus makes the momentum equation redundant. For the strongest neutron-star fields, however, stresses build to the point of crustal failure, at which point the standard evolution equations are no longer valid. Here, we study the evolution of the magnetic field of the crust up to and beyond crustal failure, whence the crust begins to flow plastically. We perform global axisymmetric evolutions, exploring different types of failures affecting a limited region of the crust. We find that a plastic flow does not simply suppress the Hall effect even in the regime of a low plastic viscosity, but it rather leads to non-trivial evolution – in some cases even overreacting and enhancing the impact of the Hall effect. Its impact is more pronounced in the toroidal field, with the differences on the poloidal field being less substantial. We argue that both the nature of magnetar bursts and their spin-down evolution will be affected by plastic flow, so that observations of these phenomena may help us to constrain the way the crust fails
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