63 research outputs found

    Digital Learning in Higher Education: A Training Course for Teaching Online- Universidade Aberta, Portugal

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    This paper uses qualitative evidence to describe, explore and discuss the progress of the online teacher training course taught at the Open University to Portuguese and foreign teachers of higher education institutions. As this is an entirely online course, its pedagogical design results from the combination of the basics of open distance education and network education using the Moodle 2.0 platform and other digital environments. The results point, on one hand, to a dynamic pedagogical design that addresses the need for continuous improvement, and, on the other hand, to the changes in the role of teachers in virtual teaching and learning environments, and to the different and specific pedagogical strategies in need of adjustment. They also point to the strong presence of technological and pedagogical elements of innovation

    Digital learning in higher education: a training course for teaching online - Universidade Aberta, Portugal

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    This paper uses qualitative evidence to describe, explore and discuss the progress of the online teaching training course taught at the Universidade Aberta to Portuguese and foreign professors of higher education institutions. As this is an entirely online course, its pedagogical design results from the combination of the basics of open distance education and network education using the Moodle 2.0 platform and other digital environments. The results point, on one hand, to a dynamic pedagogical design that addresses the need for continuous improvement, and, on the other hand, to the changes in the role of professors in virtual teaching and learning environments, and to the different and specific pedagogical strategies in need of adjustment. They also point to the strong presence of technological and pedagogical elements of innovation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transformative community mental health: perspectives from Portugal and Europe

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    In the context of the agreement protocol celebrated between APA (American Psychological Association) and OPP (Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses) was held in San Francisco, for the 156 th edition of APA annual convention an invited symposium. Were invited speakers the first two of authors of this paper, and the symposium held this same title: Transformative community mental health: perspectives from Portugal and Europe. This symposia was chaired by Amanda Clinton, Director of the Office of International Affairs from APA and was registered the presence of some of the representative from European Associations of Psychologists (including the delegation of OPP), and the presence of the Portuguese diplomatic representation in San Francisco, represented by the Consul General of Portugal in San Francisco. This brief note aims at synthetizing the main ideas flowing from this debate, highlighting the importance of having two Portuguese researchers reporting not only the contemporary views on prevention and promotion but also successful case studies from Portugal and from Europe in the area of Transformative Community Mental Health. Some aspects of the trajectory of scientific knowledge in recent decades and their impact on interventions in the area of Psychology, Public Health, Mental Health and Public Policies will be highlighted, and three case studies related to successful psychological interventions and three successful national public policies will be shortly discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Laparoscopic Nephrectomy in Pediatric age

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    Objectivos: Numerosas séries têm sido publicadas documentando a experiência em nefrectomias por via transperitoneal e retroperitoneal. Este artigo pretende documentar as primeiras 10 nefrectomias e nefroureterectomias laparoscópicas via transperitoneal realizadas no Hospital D. Estefânia. Material e Métodos: Revisão retrospectiva de cinco nefrectomias e cinco nefroureterectomias laparoscópicas realizadas no período de Fevereiro a Setembro de 2010 em crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 2 e os 18 anos. Todos os doentes foram referenciados por complicações de rins não funcionantes. Os procedimentos, via transperitoneal, foram unilaterais, com recurso a 3 portas. Foi igualmente efectuada a análise da duração da cirurgia, taxa de conversão, tempo de internamento e complicações associadas à técnica. Resultados: Todos os rins foram removidos com sucesso por via laparoscópica, sem necessidade de conversão em nenhum dos casos. O tempo operatório médio foi de 103 minutos. Cinco doentes tiveram alta ao 2º dia de pós-operatório, três doentes ao 3º dia de pós-operatório e dois doentes, pela complexidade médico-cirúrgica inerente tiveram internamentos mais prolongados. Não se verificaram complicaçõesno per- ou pós-operatório, com retoma precoce da actividade normal em todos os doentes. Conclusão: A nefrectomia laparoscópica na criança parece ser uma alternativa viável e segura à cirurgia aberta. Consideramos necessário a aquisição de mais experiência para reduzir os tempos operatórios e definir a sua verdadeira eficácia. A experiência adquirida com outros procedimentos laparoscópicos transperitoneais foi determinante na opção por esta via (versus retroperitoneal)

    Retratos do docente no ensino superior online: pedagogias e tecnologias

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    Retratos do docente no ensino superior online: pedagogias e tecnologias

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    O desenvolvimento tecnológico, bem como as exigências da sociedade e do mercado de trabalho impelem para a mudança dos ambientes de aprendizagem. Estas mudanças passam pela redefinição de papéis, formas de interação e promoção do trabalho colaborativo e da aprendizagem em rede. É, pois evidente que, o redimensionamento dos cenários educativos implica alterações e redefinição do papel e das funções do professor, de modo a adaptar-se às caraterísticas deste tipo de ensino (Goulão, 2012; Baran, Correia, Thompson, 2011). Dito de outro modo, as modificações do contexto implicam alterações e redefinições do papel e das funções do professor, exigindo esforços de adaptação às caraterísticas de um tipo de ensino ajustado aos ambientes digitais de aprendizagem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Starting a conversation about estimands with public partners involved in clinical trials: a co-developed tool

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    Background: Clinical trials aim to draw conclusions about the effects of treatments, but a trial can address many different potential questions. For example, does the treatment work well for patients who take it as prescribed? Or does it work regardless of whether patients take it exactly as prescribed? Since different questions can lead to different conclusions on treatment benefit, it is important to clearly understand what treatment effect a trial aims to investigate—this is called the ‘estimand’. Using estimands helps to ensure trials are designed and analysed to answer the questions of interest to different stakeholders, including patients and public. However, there is uncertainty about whether patients and public would like to be involved in defining estimands and how to do so. Public partners are patients and/or members of the public who are part of, or advise, the research team. We aimed to (i) co-develop a tool with public partners that helps explain what an estimand is and (ii) explore public partner’s perspectives on the importance of discussing estimands during trial design. Methods: An online consultation meeting was held with 5 public partners of mixed age, gender and ethnicities, from various regions of the UK. Public partner opinions were collected and a practical tool describing estimands, drafted before the meeting by the research team, was developed. Afterwards, the tool was refined, and additional feedback sought via email. Results: Public partners want to be involved in estimand discussions. They found an introductory tool, to be presented and described to them by a researcher, helpful for starting a discussion about estimands in a trial design context. They recommended storytelling, analogies and visual aids within the tool. Four topics related to public partners’ involvement in defining estimands were identified: (i) the importance of addressing questions that are relevant to patients and public in trials, (ii) involving public partners early on, (iii) a need for education and communication for all stakeholders and (iv) public partners and researchers working together. Conclusions: We co-developed a tool for researchers and public partners to use to facilitate the involvement of public partners in estimand discussions

    Doors that digital opened in education research

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    In today's network societies, constantly changing through the evolution of virtual environments and digital technologies, individual and collective dimensions integrate complex, dynamic, and innovative processes. Complexity here refers to an ecosystem of networks with interconnected and interdependent elements. In this context, the mechanistic, rational, and fragmented paradigm tends to run out, emerging an approach based on the connection and convergence of previously fragmented knowledge into a new multidimensional, transdisciplinary and global approach. In such context of complexity, collaboration emerges as a promoter of the development of a critical, reflective, transformative view. Virtual environments and digital technologies expand the possibilities of collaboration, its results, and impacts. But they also add complexity. Educational research is not outside of such dynamics. The purpose of this text is to present a contribution to the discussion of this issue. The new virtual learning invironments come from these digital scenarios, do facilitate the pedagogical and interactive intentionality, as they promote co-learning and co-investigation. The objective of this chapter is to analyze the pedagogical elements that constitute an open and collaborative investigation in such virtual and networked environments. We will carry out this analysis using a qualitative approach, focusing on discussions coming from online training, learning communities and innovative interfaces. With this empirical framework, it is possible to highlight innovative and complex issues that pedagogical strategies for co-investigation require.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Educação digital em rede: princípios para o design pedagógico em tempos de pandemia

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    O processo de globalização da economia e da comunicação, a evolução das tecnologias e de uma consciência de mundialização em rede têm provocado mudanças acentuadas na sociedade, impulsionando o nascimento de novos paradigmas, modelos, processos de comunicação educacional e novos cenários de ensino e de aprendizagem digital. Mas ninguém, nem mesmo os professores que já adotavam ambientes online nas suas práticas, imaginavam que que seria necessária uma mudança tão rápida e emergencial, de forma quase obrigatória, devido à expansão do COVID 19. Com efeito, a suspensão das atividades letivas presenciais, um pouco por todo o mundo, gerou a obrigatoriedade dos professores e estudantes migrarem para a realidade online, transferindo e transpondo metodologias e práticas pedagógicas típicas dos territórios físicos de aprendizagem, naquilo que tem sido designado por ensino remoto de emergência. No entanto, na maioria dos casos, estas tecnologias foram e estão a ser utilizadas numa perspetiva meramente instrumental, reduzindo as metodologias e as práticas a um ensino apenas transmissivo. É, pois, urgente e necessário transitar deste ensino remoto de emergência, importante numa primeira fase, para uma educação digital em rede de qualidade. Mas como proceder então para realizar esta transição? Como se deve desenhar um ambiente online de aprendizagem? Como devem ser organizadas e planificadas as aulas online? Como se deve comunicar de forma assíncrona e síncrona com o grupo que agora se transformou numa comunidade virtual? Como desenvolver práticas pedagógicas online na realidade digital, sem momentos de presencialidade física? Que tecnologias e plataformas podem ser utilizadas para enriquecer o ambiente de aprendizagem? Como devem ser criadas e desenvolvidas atividades online de aprendizagem? E como se deve avaliar os estudantes nestes cenários virtuais? É a este conjunto de questões que se pretende responder, sendo apresentados nesta obra os princípios básicos para o design de um ambiente online, quer a nível da sua organização e seleção de recursos, quer a nível da preparação e avaliação de e-atividades de aprendizagem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of Ionic Liquid Structure and Loading on Gas Sorption and Permeation for ZIF-8-Based Composites and Mixed Matrix Membranes

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    CEECIND/ 00793/2018 LA/P/0008/2020 PTDC/CTM-TM/30326/2017Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture has become of great importance for industrial processes due to the adverse environmental effects of gas emissions. Mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) have been studied as an alternative to traditional technologies, especially due to their potential to overcome the practical limitations of conventional polymeric and inorganic membranes. In this work, the effect of using different ionic liquids (ILs) with the stable metal–organic framework (MOF) ZIF-8 was evaluated. Several IL@ZIF-8 composites and IL@ZIF-8 MMMs were prepared to improve the selective CO2 sorption and permeation over other gases such as methane (CH4) and nitrogen (N2). Different ILs and two distinct loadings were prepared to study not only the effect of IL concentration, but also the impact of the IL structure and affinity towards a specific gas mixture separation. Single gas sorption studies showed an improvement in CO2 /CH4 and CO2 /N2 selectivities, compared with the ones for the pristine ZIF-8, increasing with IL loading. In addition, the prepared IL@ZIF-8 MMMs showed improved CO2 selective behavior and mechanical strength with respect to ZIF-8 MMMs, with a strong dependence on the intrinsic IL CO2 selectivity. Therefore, the selection of high affinity ILs can lead to the improvement of CO2 selective separation for IL@ZIF-8 MMMs.publishersversionpublishe