23 research outputs found

    Les sociétés populaires à travers leurs procès-verbaux

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    Sous la Révolution française, les sociétés populaires ont créé et animé des réseaux de sociabilité politique dont leurs procès-verbaux sont des témoins. Ces délibérations sont des sources remarquables que la collection des "Documents inédits sur l’histoire de France", publiée sous l’égide du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, permet de redécouvrir. Les études réunies dans cet ouvrage nous invitent à mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des sociétés populaires et à mesurer l’importance de leurs archives pour l’histoire politique et sociale


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    DIJON-BU Médecine Pharmacie (212312103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Investigations on a nitriding process of molybdenum thin films exposed to (Ar–N2–H2) expanding microwave plasma

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    International audienceNitriding treatments using various (Ar–N2–H2) gas mixtures are performed on thin molybdenum films coated on Si (100) substrates, in an expanding microwave plasma reactor. The electron density measured in (Ar–25%N2–30%H2) and (Ar–8%N2–10%H2) plasma as well as the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) vary with the distance from the centre of the discharge and are large compared to the corresponding parameters found in (Ar–30%N2–12%H2) gas mixture and pure N2 gas. In such ternary gas mixtures, the mean electron energy ranges between 0.5 and 0.7 eV. A nitride compound of tetragonal-like structure is formed in the whole film thickness of molybdenum heated at 873 K and exposed to (Ar–25%N2–30%H2) and (Ar–8%N2–10%H2) gas mixtures for exposure times of 20 min duration. It consists of small columnar grains ranging in size from 20 to 30 nm in the growth direction. The nitrogen diffusion profiles are fitted to the Fick's second law by introducing a diffusion coefficient ranging between 5×10−10 and 5×10−9 cm2s−1 within the accuracy of the method. The diffusion coefficient found from previous measured pressure transients is equal to about 10−10 cm2s−1. The plasma composition as well as the distance from the centre of the discharge seems to play a role on the reduction of oxides, only. An (Ar–25%N2–30%H2) nitriding treatment carried out at 8 cm from the centre of the discharge leads to oxide amount twice lower than the one measured after an (Ar–8%N2–10%H2) nitriding treatment carried out at 12 cm from the centre of the discharge. Because of the low ion energies, the reduction of oxides is probably mainly confined to hydrogen species

    An expanding plasma process for thin metal films nitriding : reactivity and structure of the surface correlated to microwave plasma parameters

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    International audienceThe reactivity of molybdenum surface heated at temperatures as low as 673 K and exposed to (Ar-N2-H2) expanded microwave plasma is explained by the formation of a large amount of defects where nitrogen species pile up before diffusing in the metal. This effect is caused by the impact of the impinging active gaseous species such as ions and simple radicals on the molybdenum surface. Moreover, in contrast to binary gas mixtures, the plasma is stable and expands to long distance in ternary gas mixture containing large concentration of N2 and H2. Investigation means such as secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron spectroscopy (TEM) are carried out to determine the composition, the crystallographic and morphologic structure of the molybdenum films after nitriding. (Ar-25%N2-30%H2) and (Ar-8%N2-10%H2) plasma exposures of thin molybdenum films up to 600 nm thick and heated at 873 K lead to nitrogen diffusion into the whole film thickness. A nitride compound of tetragonal-like bMo2N structure has formed whereas a low amount of pure bcc Mo phase is detected. The film consists of small columnar grains ranging in size from 20 nm to 30 nm in the growth direction

    Prospective assessment of FilmArray® technology for the rapid identification of yeast isolated from blood cultures

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    International audienceWe prospectively assessed the ability of FilmArray® device to identify fungal species involved in bloodstream infections. It succeeded in identifying 85.7% of isolates. The automated readout of results enabled the rapid initiation of appropriate antifungal therapy. Thus, FilmArray® appeared as a reliable alternative diagnostic method for the most common yeast-like species