202 research outputs found
"Hieracium mixtum" FROEL. - a new neophyte in Germany
Erstmals wurde ein neophytisches Auftreten des pyrenäisch-kantabrischen Hieracium mixtum festgestellt. Die Art wird vorgestellt, das Vorkommen und seine Entwicklung werden beschrieben.A neophytic occurrence of the Pyrenean-Cantabrian H. mixtum has been recorded for the first time. Information about the species and its naturalisation are given
Die Hieracien des Neilreich-Herbars im Naturhistorischen Museum Wien (W) – Ergebnisse einer Revision
Die gesamte Kollektion (339 Herbarbögen) an Belegen aus der Gattung Hieracium des Herbariums von August Neilreich (1803–1871) aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum Wien (W) wurden revidiert. Als Ergebnis wird die neue Art Hieracium neostenophyllum aufgestellt. Außerdem wird eine Umkombination vorgenommen (Hieracium glaucinum subsp. calcodunense). Die Revision erbrachte ferner einen Erstnachweis für Niederösterreich (Hieracium visianii) und drei Erstnachweise für das Bundesland Wien (Hieracium aridum, H. cochleatum, H. sciadophorum). Die Namen H. cymosum var. silvaticum, H. sabaudum var. ovatum, H. sabaudum var. subverticillatum, H. schoenbrunnense, H. subcaesium f. oligocephalum, H. umbellatum var. lanceolatum und H. villosum var. anomalum werden lectotypisiert. Die Bedeutung der Neilreich-Sammlung für die Rekonstruktion der Vegetationsverhältnisse im Umland von Wien im 19. Jahrhundert wird herausgestellt. Die Daten aller Herbarbelege werden dokumentiert und ggf. kommentiert
Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 10
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of native vascular flora in Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes to the Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Artemisia, Chaetonychia, Cirsium, Cynanchum, Genista, Hieracium, Iberis, Melica, Misopates, Myosotis, Thalictrum, Trifolium, Utricularia, Veronica, and Vicia. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrigenda are provided as supplementary material
Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 1
In this contribution, new data concerning the Italian distribution of native vascular flora are presented. It includes new records, exclusions, and confirmations pertaining to the Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Arundo, Bromopsis, Cistus, Crocus, Festuca, Galeopsis, Genista, Lamium, Leucanthemum, Nerium, Orobanche, Peucedanum, Pilosella, Polycnemum, Stipa and Viola
Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 6
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of native vascular flora in Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations and status changes to the Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Alchemilla, Arundo, Bupleurum, Clematis, Clinopodium, Cota, Crassula, Cytisus, Euphorbia, Hieracium, Isoëtes, Lamium, Leontodon, Linaria, Lychnis, Middendorfia, Ophrys, Philadelphus, Pinus, Sagina, Sedum, Taeniatherum, Tofieldia, Triticum, Veronica, and Vicia. Nomenclature and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrigenda are provided as supplementary material
Notulae to the Italian native vascular flora: 6
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of native vascular flora in Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations and status changes to the Italian administrative regions for taxa in the genera Alchemilla, Arundo, Bupleurum, Clematis, Clinopodium, Cota, Crassula, Cytisus, Euphorbia, Hieracium, Isoëtes, Lamium, Leontodon, Linaria, Lychnis, Middendorfia, Ophrys, Philadelphus, Pinus, Sagina, Sedum, Taeniatherum, Tofieldia, Triticum, Veronica, and Vicia. Nomenclature and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrigenda are provided as supplementary material
Synopsis of all species and subspecies of the genus Hieracium s. l. (Hieracium s. str. and Pilosella) in Germany according to the records cited in literature for the German federal states
Eine Liste der 205 Arten und 1561 Unterarten der Gattung Hieracium s. l. , die in Deutschland, aufgeschlüsselt nach Bundesländern vorkommen, wird vorgestellt. Da die meisten infraspezifischen Namen unter Hieracium publiziert wurden und um die Zahl der invaliden Namen unter Pilosella in der Liste zu minimieren, wird auf eine Aufteilung in Hieracium und Pilosella verzichtet. Durch Farbmarkierungen wird gekennzeichnet, welche Unterart ursprünglich aus einem Bundesland beschrieben wurde bzw. ob ein Syntypus aus einem Bundesland stammt.A list of 205 collective species and 1563 subspecies of the genus Hieracium s. l. detected for Germany and its federal states, is provided. As the most infraspecific taxa were described under Hieracium s.l. and to avoid too much invalid names under Pilosella in the list, a separation of Hieracium and Pilosella is remained undone. By coloured marking additional informations are given whether a subspecies is originally described from a german federal state or its name has a syntype from Germany
Hieracium fallax – Verabschiedung eines vertrauten Namens
Die taxonomische Umgrenzung und interpretation von Hieracium fallax war im 19. Jahrhundert sehr unklar und teilweise schwankend. Sie hat dann vor allem durch die Monographie von Nägeli & Peter (1889) eine starke Wandlung erfahren, die mit Beschreibung bei Willdenow (1809) und dem Typus-Material in B nicht mehr übereinstimmt. Die Geschichte dieses Bedeutungswandels wird kurz dargelegt. Der von Bräutigam & Greuter (2007) im Zuge der Ausgliederung von Pilosella aus Hieracium vorgenommene Namenswechsel zu P. setigera Fr. ist zu korrigieren, da für die betreffende „echioides-cymosum“- Zwischenart mit H. cymosiforme Froel. ein älterer Name aufgegriffen werden muss. Die Namen H. cymosiforme, H. fallax und Pilosella setigera werden lectotypisiert und die Neukombination P. cymosiformis vorgenommen.Hieracium fallax – discharge of a familiar name. During the 19th century the taxonomical circumscription and interpretation of H. fallax was very unclear and inconsistent. Especially since the monograph of Nägeli & Peter (1885) it has undergone a strong transformation which no longer concurs with the description in Willdenow (1809) and the type material in B. This paper outlines the history of this change of meaning. In consideration of the splitting of Hieracium s. l. in Hieracium s. str. and Pilosella, a change of name and a new combination into Pilosella cymosiformis is necessary. Lectotypifications of H. cymosiforme, H. fallax and P. setigera are made
Hieracium rotundatum subsp. silvae-bavaricae, a new Hieracium taxon from the Bavarian Forest (Germany)
Hieracium rotundatum subsp. silvae-bavaricae is described as new for science and illustrated. The new subspecies belongs to a group of species (H. rotundatum, H. transylvanicum) whose main distribution is in the Balkans. The changeful nomenclatural history of the species name is described. Diagnostic features to distinguish the growth habit-similar species H. murorum, H. rotundatum and H. transylvanicum are discussed. Particular attention is drawn to the importance of the development of the basic leaf cycle. Contrary to previous knowledge, the northwestern distribution limit of H.rotundatum extends now to southeastern Bavaria. During the search for H. rotundatum a morphologically conspicuous subspecies of H. rotundatum could be detected, which is described here as new.Hieracium rotundatum subsp. silvae-bavaricae wird als neu für die Wissenschaft beschrieben und abgebildet. Die neue Unterart gehört zu einem Formenkreis von Arten (H. rotundatum, H. transylvanicum), dessen Hauptverbreitung auf dem Balkan liegt. Die wechselvolle nomenklatorische Geschichte des Artnamens wird nachgezeichnet. Diagnostische Merkmale zur Unterscheidung der in der Wuchsform ähnlichen Arten H. murorum, H. rotundatum und H. transylvanicum werden diskutiert. Dabei wird auf die Bedeutung der Ausbildung des Grundblattzyklus besonders hingewiesen. Entgegen bisheriger Kenntnis reicht die nordwestliche Verbreitungsgrenze von H. rotundatum nun bis Südost-Bayern. Bei der Suche nach H. rotundatum konnte auch eine morphologisch auffällige Unterart von H. rotundatum nachgewiesen werden, die hier als neu beschrieben wird
Hieracium racemosum subsp. spinidentatum Gottschl. & M. Villa 2022, subsp. nov.
Hieracium racemosum subsp. spinidentatum Gottschl. & M.Villa, subsp. nov. (Figs. 1–3). Type:— ITALY. Lombardy: province of Lecco, Parco Regionale di Montevecchia e della Valle del Curone, Missaglia, Via Montevecchia, 450 m s. m. (45.724637° N, 9.351219° E), 14.8.2021, M. Villa (holotype FI!; isotypes MSMN, Hb. Gottschlich 78583). Diagnosis:— Margine foliorum propter dentes spinosiformes Hieracio racemoso subsp. leiopsi similia sed folia caulina angustiora basin versus longe petioliformiter contracta, involucri phyllis pilis glanduliferis luteis modice densis obsitis differt. Perennial, hemicryptophyte. Rhizome stout, vertical. Stem erect, vertical, cylindrical, stout (3–5 mm in diam.), 80– 110 cm tall, dark to reddish green, striated, aphyllopodous, with moderate to subdense, 2–3 mm long, whitish, soft, dentate simple hairs and sparse to moderate stellate hairs. Cauline leaves 20–30, the lower ones 15–18(–20) cm long and 4–5 cm wide, with a winged petiole 2–3 cm long, ovate-lanceolate, margin spine-like dentate especially in the lower part, dark green, lower surface sometimes slightly reddish green, glabrous or with a few whitish, soft, dentate simple hairs 1 mm long, leaf vein of the lower surface with moderate to subdense white simple hairs 1–2 mm long, gradually decreasing in size upwards, the upper cauline leaves only 3–5 cm long and 0.5–1 cm wide, denticulate, sessile. Inflorescence paniculate, branches 10–15(–20), straight or laxly curved, 4–10(–15) cm long, each with 1–3(–5) capitula; capitula (10–)15–25(–30); acladium 1–2 cm long. Peduncles with 3–5 linear, light green bracts near the capitulum, with sparse white simple hairs 1–1.5 mm long, a few yellow glandular hairs 1 mm long and dense stellate hairs. Involucre almost ovoid, 9–10 mm long. Involucral bracts in a few series, light to olive green, linear-lanceolate, 1.2–1.5 mm wide, subacute, with moderate glandular simple hairs 0.2–0.4 mm long with yellow glands on white peduncles, few simple and few stellate hairs. Corolla limb ligulate, yellow, glabrous. Styles yellow with black papillae. Margins of alveoli with short broad teeth. Achenes 3.5–4 mm long, reddish-brown. Etymology:—The epithet spinidentatus refers to the conspicuous spike-like perforation of the leaf margins. Phenology: —Flowering August to September. Fruiting September to October. Distribution and ecology:—The new taxon was found in a single locality, with a few individuals (15–20), a few meters away from each other. The plants grow on a pre-quaternary outcrop made up of sedimentary rocks from the Cretaceous-Eocene. The sediments were formed on the seabed, mainly due to turbid currents (flysch or turbidites) and are made up of sandstones, pelites and marls that take on horizontal, oblique and vertical geometries with a thickness varying from a few centimeters to one meter. Conservation status:—The new taxon is currently known only from one restricted locality covering about 80– 100 m 2. The upper part of the rocky outcrop (about 4–5 m high) is currently covered with a vegetation that could hide or suffocate other plants. It is therefore necessary to study conservation and reinforcement actions for the plants present today. Furthermore, monitoring and research actions are needed to better understand the real population size and demographic trends of the taxon in similar environments of the Park. Taxonomic relationship:—In respect of the spike-like dentate leaf margin, H. racemosum subsp. spinidentatum resembles H. racemosum subsp. leiopsis Murr & Zahn in Koch (1902: 1927), but its leaves are narrower and long constricted into an indistinct petiole or into the base. Also there are differences in the indumentum: the phyllaries of H. racemosum subsp. leiopsis are nearly glabrous, whereas the phyllaries of H. racemosum subsp. spinidentatum bear a moderate amount of glandular hairs and some few simple and stellate hairs. Other specimen examined (paratype): — ITALY. Lombardy: Parco Regionale di Montevecchia e della Valle del Curone, Panoramica, 450 m s. m. (45.724517°N, 9.351200°E), 4/8/2021 and 27.8.2014, M. Villa (Hb. Parco di Montevecchia e della Valle del Curone). Acknowledgements: —The authors would like to thank Dott. Gabriele Galasso and Dott. Enrico Banfi of the Natural History Museum of Milan for their constant collaboration and valuable suggestions. Special thanks go to Giuseppe Sardi (member of the board of the Park) for his support and practical help in the field research. The authors warmly thank Dr. Alexander Sennikov for helpful comments to the manuscript.Published as part of Gottschlich, Günter & Villa, Milena, 2022, Hieracium racemosum subsp. spinidentatum (Asteraceae), a new hawkweed from Lombardy, Italy, pp. 78-82 in Phytotaxa 531 (1) on pages 78-82, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.531.1.7, http://zenodo.org/record/584356
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