536 research outputs found
The Importance of Lens Galaxy Environments
While many strong gravitational lens galaxies are suspected to lie in groups
or clusters of galaxies, environmental effects in lens models are often
unconstrained and sometimes ignored. We show that this creates significant
biases in a variety of lensing applications, by creating mock lenses associated
with each of 13 galaxies in a realistic model group, and then analyzing them
with standard techniques. We find that standard models of double lenses, which
neglect environment, grossly overestimate the ellipticity of the lens galaxy
(de/e~0.5) and the Hubble constant (dh/h~0.22). Standard models of quad lenses,
which approximate the environment as a tidal shear, recover the ellipticity
reasonably well (|de/e|<~0.24) but overestimate the Hubble constant
(dh/h~0.15), and have significant (~30%) errors in the millilensing analyses
used to constrain the amount of substructure in dark matter halos. For both
doubles and quads, standard models slightly overestimate the velocity
dispersion of the lens galaxy (d(sigma)/sigma~0.06), and underestimate the
magnifications of the images (d(mu)/mu ~ -0.25). Standard analyses of lens
statistics overestimate Omega_Lambda (by 0.05-0.14), and underestimate the
ratio of quads to doubles (by a factor of 2). These biases help explain some
long-standing puzzles (such as the high observed quad/double ratio), but
aggravate others (such as the low value of H_0 inferred from lensing). Most of
the biases are caused by neglect of the convergence from the mass associated
with the environment, but additional uncertainty is introduced by neglect of
higher-order terms. Fortunately, we show that directly observing and modeling
lens environments should make it possible to remove the biases and reduce the
uncertainties associated with environments to the few percent level. (Abridged)Comment: 14 emulateapj pages; accepted in Ap
Dark matter and non-Newtonian gravity from General Relativity coupled to a fluid of strings
An exact solution of Einstein's field equations for a point mass surrounded
by a static, spherically symmetric fluid of strings is presented. The solution
is singular at the origin. Near the string cloud limit there is a
correction to Newton's force law. It is noted that at large distances and small
accelerations, this law coincides with the phenomenological force law invented
by Milgrom in order to explain the flat rotation curves of galaxies without
introducing dark matter. When interpreted in the context of a cosmological
model with a string fluid, the new solution naturally explains why the critical
acceleration of Milgrom is of the same order of magnitude as the Hubble
parameter.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX, no figure
Median Statistics, H_0, and the Accelerating Universe
(Abridged) We develop median statistics that provide powerful alternatives to
chi-squared likelihood methods and require fewer assumptions about the data.
Applying median statistics to Huchra's compilation of nearly all estimates of
the Hubble constant, we find a median value H_0=67 km/s/Mpc. Median statistics
assume only that the measurements are independent and free of systematic
errors. This estimate is arguably the best summary of current knowledge because
it uses all available data and, unlike other estimates, makes no assumption
about the distribution of measurement errors. The 95% range of purely
statistical errors is +/- 2 km/s/Mpc. The statistical precision of this result
leads us to analyze the range of possible systematic errors in the median,
which we estimate to be roughly +/- 5 km/s/Mpc (95% limits), dominating over
the statistical errors. A Bayesian median statistics treatment of high-redshift
Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) apparent magnitude versus redshift data from Riess
et al. yields a posterior probability that the cosmological constant Lambda > 0
of 70 or 89%, depending on the prior information used. The posterior
probability of an open universe is about 47%. Analysis of the Perlmutter et al.
high-redshift SNe Ia data show the best-fit flat-Lambda model favored over the
best-fit Lambda = 0 open model by odds of 366:1; corresponding Riess et al.
odds are 3:1 (assuming prior odds of 1:1).Median statistics analyses of the SNe
Ia data do not rule out a time-variable Lambda model, and may even favor it
over a time-independent Lambda and a Lambda = 0 open model.Comment: Significant revisions include discussion of systematic errors in the
median of H_0. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, v548,
February 20, 2001 issue. 47 pages incl. figures and table
Exotic spacetimes, superconducting strings with linear momentum, and (not quite) all that
We derive the general exact vacuum metrics associated with a stationary (non
static), non rotating, cylindrically symmetric source. An analysis of the
geometry described by these vacuum metrics shows that they contain a subfamily
of metrics that, although admitting a consistent time orientation, display
"exotic" properties, such as "trapping" of geodesics and closed causal curves
through every point. The possibility that such spacetimes could be generated by
a superconducting string, endowed with a neutral current and momentum, has
recently been considered by Thatcher and Morgan. Our results, however, differ
from those found by Thatcher and Morgan, and the discrepancy is explained. We
also analyze the general possibility of constructing physical sources for the
exotic metrics, and find that, under certain restrictions, they must always
violate the dominant energy condition (DEC). We illustrate our results by
explicitly analyzing the case of concentric shells, where we find that in all
cases the external vacuum metric is non exotic if the matter in the shells
satisfies the DEC.Comment: 13 pages with no figures. Accepted in PR
The velocity peaks in the cold dark matter spectrum on Earth
The cold dark matter spectrum on earth is expected to have peaks in velocity
space. We obtain estimates for the sizes and locations of these peaks. To this
end we have generalized the secondary infall model of galactic halo formation
to include angular momentum of the dark matter particles. This new model is
still spherically symmetric and it has self-similar solutions. Our results are
relevant to direct dark matter search experiments.Comment: 12 pages including 1 table and 4 figures, LaTeX, REVTEX 3.0 versio
Open Inflationary Universes in the Induced Gravity Theory
The induced gravity theory is a variant of Jordan--Brans--Dicke theory where
the `dilaton' field possesses a potential. It has the unusual feature that in
the presence of a false vacuum there is a {\em stable} static solution with the
dilaton field displaced from the minimum of its potential, giving perfect de
Sitter expansion. We demonstrate how this solution can be used to implement the
open inflationary universe scenario. The necessary second phase of inflation
after false vacuum decay by bubble nucleation is driven by the dilaton rolling
from the static point to the minimum of its potential. Because the static
solution is stable whilst the false vacuum persists, the required evolution
occurs for a wide range of initial conditions. As the exterior of the bubble is
perfect de Sitter space, there is no problem with fields rolling outside the
bubble, as in one of the related models considered by Linde and Mezhlumian, and
the expansion rates before and after tunnelling may be similar which prevents
problematic high-amplitude super-curvature modes from being generated. Once
normalized to the microwave background anisotropies seen by the COBE satellite,
the viable models form a one-parameter family for each possible .Comment: 7 pages RevTeX file with three figures incorporated (uses RevTeX and
epsf). Also available by e-mailing ARL, or by WWW at
Energy Production in the Formation of a Finite Thickness Cosmic String
The classical electromagnetic modes outside a long, straight, superconducting
cosmic string are calculated, assuming the string to be surrounded by a
superconducting cylindric surface of radius R. Thereafter, by use of a
Bogoliubov-type argument, the electromagnetic energy W produced per unit length
in the lowest two modes is calculated when the string is formed "suddenly". The
essential new element in the present analysis as compared with prior work of
Parker [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 59}, 1369 (1987)] and Brevik and Toverud [Phys.
Rev. D {\bf 51}, 691 (1995)], is that the radius {\it a} of the string is
assumed finite, thus necessitating Neumann functions to be included in the
fundamental modes. We find that the theory is changed significantly: W is now
strongly concentrated in the lowest mode , whereas the
proportionality that is characteristic for zero-width
strings is found in the next mode (1,1). Here G is the gravitational constant,
the string mass per unit length, and t the GUT time.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, no figure
Can the Universe Create Itself?
The question of first-cause has troubled philosophers and cosmologists alike.
Now that it is apparent that our universe began in a Big Bang explosion, the
question of what happened before the Big Bang arises. Inflation seems like a
very promising answer, but as Borde and Vilenkin have shown, the inflationary
state preceding the Big Bang must have had a beginning also. Ultimately, the
difficult question seems to be how to make something out of nothing. This paper
explores the idea that this is the wrong question --- that that is not how the
Universe got here. Instead, we explore the idea of whether there is anything in
the laws of physics that would prevent the Universe from creating itself.
Because spacetimes can be curved and multiply connected, general relativity
allows for the possibility of closed timelike curves (CTCs). Thus, tracing
backwards in time through the original inflationary state we may eventually
encounter a region of CTCs giving no first-cause. This region of CTCs, may well
be over by now (being bounded toward the future by a Cauchy horizon). We
illustrate that such models --- with CTCs --- are not necessarily inconsistent
by demonstrating self-consistent vacuums for Misner space and a multiply
connected de Sitter space in which the renormalized energy-momentum tensor does
not diverge as one approaches the Cauchy horizon and solves Einstein's
equations. We show such a Universe can be classically stable and
self-consistent if and only if the potentials are retarded, giving a natural
explanation of the arrow of time. Some specific scenarios (out of many possible
ones) for this type of model are described. For example: an inflationary
universe gives rise to baby universes, one of which turns out to be itself.
Interestingly, the laws of physics may allow the Universe to be its own mother.Comment: 48 pages, 8 figure
Compact hyperbolic universe and singularities
Recently many people have discussed the possibility that the universe is
hyperbolic and was in an inflationary phase in the early stage. Under these
assumptions, it is shown that the universe cannot have compact hyperbolic
time-slices. Though the universal covering space of the universe has a past
Cauchy horizon and can be extended analytically beyond it, the extended region
has densely many points which correspond to singularities of the compact
universe. The result is essentially attributed to the ergodicity of the
geodesic flow on a compact negatively curved manifold. Validity of the result
is also discussed in the case of inhomogeneous universe. Relationship with the
strong cosmic censorship conjecture is also discussed.Comment: 8 pages with 7 figure
Rotating Dilaton Solutions in 2+1 Dimensions
We report a three parameter family of solutions for dilaton gravity in 2+1
dimensions with finite mass and finite angular momentum. These solutions are
obtained by a compactification of vacuum solutions in 3+1 dimensions with
cylindrical symmetry. One class of solutions corresponds to conical
singularities and the other leads to curvature singularities.Comment: Accepted to be published in Gen. Rel. Grav., added reference
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