383 research outputs found

    Fast Single-Charge Sensing with an rf Quantum Point Contact

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    We report high-bandwidth charge sensing measurements using a GaAs quantum point contact embedded in a radio frequency impedance matching circuit (rf-QPC). With the rf-QPC biased near pinch-off where it is most sensitive to charge, we demonstrate a conductance sensitivity of 5x10^(-6) e^(2)/h Hz^(-1/2) with a bandwidth of 8 MHz. Single-shot readout of a proximal few-electron double quantum dot is investigated in a mode where the rf-QPC back-action is rapidly switched.Comment: related papers available at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed

    Spin accumulation in forward-biased MnAs/GaAs Schottky diodes

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    We describe a new means for electrically creating spin polarization in semiconductors. In contrast to spin injection of electrons by tunneling through a reverse-biased Schottky barrier, we observe spin accumulation at the metal/semiconductor interface of forward-biased ferromagnetic Schottky diodes, which is consistent with a theory of spin-dependent reflection off the interface. Spatiotemporal Kerr microscopy is used to image the electron spin and the resulting dynamic nuclear polarization that arises from the non equilibrium carrier polarization.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Interlaced Dynamical Decoupling and Coherent Operation of a Singlet-Triplet Qubit

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    We experimentally demonstrate coherence recovery of singlet-triplet superpositions by interlacing qubit rotations between Carr-Purcell (CP) echo sequences. We then compare performance of Hahn, CP, concatenated dynamical decoupling (CDD) and Uhrig dynamical decoupling (UDD) for singlet recovery. In the present case, where gate noise and drift combined with spatially varying hyperfine coupling contribute significantly to dephasing, and pulses have limited bandwidth, CP and CDD yield comparable results, with T2 ~ 80 microseconds.Comment: related papers at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed

    Rapid Single-Shot Measurement of a Singlet-Triplet Qubit

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    We report repeated single-shot measurements of the two-electron spin state in a GaAs double quantum dot. The readout scheme allows measurement with fidelity above 90% with a 7 microsecond cycle time. Hyperfine-induced precession between singlet and triplet states of the two-electron system are directly observed, as nuclear Overhauser fields are quasi-static on the time scale of the measurement cycle. Repeated measurements on millisecond to second time scales reveal evolution of the nuclear environment.Comment: supplemental material at http://marcuslab.harvard.edu/papers/single_shot_sup.pd

    Coherent spin manipulation in an exchange-only qubit

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    Initialization, manipulation, and measurement of a three-spin qubit are demonstrated using a few-electron triple quantum dot, where all operations can be driven by tuning the nearest-neighbor exchange interaction. Multiplexed reflectometry, applied to two nearby charge sensors, allows for qubit readout. Decoherence is found to be consistent with predictions based on gate voltage noise with a uniform power spectrum. The theory of the exchange-only qubit is developed and it is shown that initialization of only two spins suffices for operation. Requirements for full multi-qubit control using only exchange and electrostatic interactions are outlined.Comment: related work at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed

    Measurement of Temporal Correlations of the Overhauser Field in a Double Quantum Dot

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    In quantum dots made from materials with nonzero nuclear spins, hyperfine coupling creates a fluctuating effective Zeeman field (Overhauser field) felt by electrons, which can be a dominant source of spin qubit decoherence. We characterize the spectral properties of the fluctuating Overhauser field in a GaAs double quantum dot by measuring correlation functions and power spectra of the rate of singlet-triplet mixing of two separated electrons. Away from zero field, spectral weight is concentrated below 10 Hz, with 1/f^2 dependence on frequency, f. This is consistent with a model of nuclear spin diffusion, and indicates that decoherence can be largely suppressed by echo techniques.Comment: related papers available at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed

    Intrinsic Metastabilities in the Charge Configuration of a Double Quantum Dot

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    We report a thermally activated metastability in a GaAs double quantum dot exhibiting real-time charge switching in diamond shaped regions of the charge stability diagram. Accidental charge traps and sensor back action are excluded as the origin of the switching. We present an extension of the canonical double dot theory based on an intrinsic, thermal electron exchange process through the reservoirs, giving excellent agreement with the experiment. The electron spin is randomized by the exchange process, thus facilitating fast, gate-controlled spin initialization. At the same time, this process sets an intrinsic upper limit to the spin relaxation time.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (color