10 research outputs found

    Structure of the native chemotaxis core signaling unit from phage E-protein lysed E. coli cells

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    Motile bacteria employ conserved chemotaxis networks to detect chemical gradients in their surroundings and effectively regulate their locomotion, enabling the location of essential nutrients and other important biological niches. The sensory apparatus of the chemotaxis pathway is an array of core-signaling units (CSUs) composed of transmembrane chemoreceptors, the histidine kinase CheA and an adaptor protein, CheW. Although chemotaxis pathways represent the best understood signaling systems, a detailed mechanistic understanding of signal transduction has been hindered by the lack of a complete structural picture of the CSU and extended array. In this study, we present the structure of the complete CSU from phage φX174 E protein lysed Escherichia coli cells, determined using cryo-electron tomography and sub-tomogram averaging to 12-Å resolution. Using AlphaFold2, we further predict the atomic structures of the CSU’s constituent proteins as well as key protein-protein interfaces, enabling the assembly an all-atom CSU model, which we conformationally refine using our cryo-electron tomography map. Molecular dynamics simulations of the resulting model provide new insight into the periplasmic organization of the complex, including novel interactions between neighboring receptor ligand-binding domains. Our results further elucidate previously unresolved interactions between individual CheA domains, including an anti-parallel P1 dimer and non-productive binding mode between P1 and P4, enhancing our understanding of the structural mechanisms underlying CheA signaling and regulation. IMPORTANCE Bacterial chemotaxis is a ubiquitous behavior that enables cell movement toward or away from specific chemicals. It serves as an important model for understanding cell sensory signal transduction and motility. Characterization of the molecular mechanisms underlying chemotaxis is of fundamental interest and requires a high-resolution structural picture of the sensing machinery, the chemosensory array. In this study, we combine cryo-electron tomography and molecular simulation to present the complete structure of the core signaling unit, the basic building block of chemosensory arrays, from Escherichia coli . Our results provide new insight into previously poorly-resolved regions of the complex and offer a structural basis for designing new experiments to test mechanistic hypotheses

    Mutational Analysis of N381, a Key Trimer Contact Residue in Tsr, the Escherichia coli Serine Chemoreceptorâ–¿

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    Chemoreceptors such as Tsr, the serine receptor, function in trimer-of-dimer associations to mediate chemotactic behavior in Escherichia coli. The two subunits of each receptor homodimer occupy different positions in the trimer, one at its central axis and the other at the trimer periphery. Residue N381 of Tsr contributes to trimer stability through interactions with its counterparts in a central cavity surrounded by hydrophobic residues at the trimer axis. To assess the functional role of N381, we created and characterized a full set of amino acid replacements at this Tsr residue. We found that every amino acid replacement at N381 destroyed Tsr function, and all but one (N381G) of the mutant receptors also blocked signaling by Tar, the aspartate chemoreceptor. Tar jamming reflects the formation of signaling-defective mixed trimers of dimers, and in vivo assays with a trifunctional cross-linking reagent demonstrated trimer-based interactions between Tar and Tsr-N381 mutants. Mutant Tsr molecules with a charged amino acid or proline replacement exhibited the most severe trimer formation defects. These trimer-defective receptors, as well as most of the trimer-competent mutant receptors, were unable to form ternary signaling complexes with the CheA kinase and with CheW, which couples CheA to receptor control. Some of the trimer-competent mutant receptors, particularly those with a hydrophobic amino acid replacement, may not bind CheW/CheA because they form conformationally frozen or distorted trimers. These findings indicate that trimer dynamics probably are important for ternary complex assembly and that N381 may not be a direct binding determinant for CheW/CheA at the trimer periphery

    Analyses of the Roles of the Three cheA Homologs in Chemotaxis of Vibrio cholerae

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    The Vibrio cholerae genome revealed the presence of multiple sets of chemotaxis genes, including three cheA gene homologs. We found that the cheA-2, but not cheA-1 or cheA-3, gene is essential for chemotaxis under standard conditions. Loss of chemotaxis had no effect on virulence factor expression in vitro

    Chemiosmotic Mechanism of Antimicrobial Activity of Ag(+) in Vibrio cholerae

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    Although the antimicrobial effects of silver salts were noticed long ago, the molecular mechanism of the bactericidal action of Ag(+) in low concentrations has not been elucidated. Here, we show that low concentrations of Ag(+) induce a massive proton leakage through the Vibrio cholerae membrane, which results in complete deenergization and, with a high degree of probability, cell death

    Loss- and Gain-of-Function Mutations in the F1-HAMP Region of the Escherichia coli Aerotaxis Transducer Aer

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    The Escherichia coli Aer protein contains an N-terminal PAS domain that binds flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), senses aerotactic stimuli, and communicates with the output signaling domain. To explore the roles of the intervening F1 and HAMP segments in Aer signaling, we isolated plasmid-borne aerotaxis-defective mutations in a host strain lacking all chemoreceptors of the methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP) family. Under these conditions, Aer alone established the cell's run/tumble swimming pattern and modulated that behavior in response to oxygen gradients. We found two classes of Aer mutants: null and clockwise (CW) biased. Most mutant proteins exhibited the null phenotype: failure to elicit CW flagellar rotation, no aerosensing behavior in MCP-containing hosts, and no apparent FAD-binding ability. However, null mutants had low Aer expression levels caused by rapid degradation of apparently nonnative subunits. Their functional defects probably reflect the absence of a protein product. In contrast, CW-biased mutant proteins exhibited normal expression levels, wild-type FAD binding, and robust aerosensing behavior in MCP-containing hosts. The CW lesions evidently shift unstimulated Aer output to the CW signaling state but do not block the Aer input-output pathway. The distribution and properties of null and CW-biased mutations suggest that the Aer PAS domain may engage in two different interactions with HAMP and the HAMP-proximal signaling domain: one needed for Aer maturation and another for promoting CW output from the Aer signaling domain. Most aerotaxis-defective null mutations in these regions seemed to affect maturation only, indicating that these two interactions involve structurally distinct determinants

    Signaling Interactions between the Aerotaxis Transducer Aer and Heterologous Chemoreceptors in Escherichia coli

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    Aer, a low-abundance signal transducer in Escherichia coli, mediates robust aerotactic behavior, possibly through interactions with methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCP). We obtained evidence for interactions between Aer and the high-abundance aspartate (Tar) and serine (Tsr) receptors. Aer molecules bearing a cysteine reporter diagnostic for trimer-of-dimer formation yielded cross-linking products upon treatment with a trifunctional maleimide reagent. Aer also formed mixed cross-linking products with a similarly marked Tar reporter. An Aer trimer contact mutation known to abolish trimer formation by MCPs eliminated Aer trimer and mixed trimer formation. Trimer contact alterations known to cause epistatic behavior in MCPs also produced epistatic properties in Aer. Amino acid replacements in the Tar trimer contact region suppressed an epistatic Aer signaling defect, consistent with compensatory conformational changes between directly interacting proteins. In cells lacking MCPs, Aer function required high-level expression, comparable to the aggregate number of receptors in a wild-type cell. Aer proteins with clockwise (CW)-biased signal output cannot function under these conditions but do so in the presence of MCPs, presumably through formation of mixed signaling teams. The Tar signaling domain was sufficient for functional rescue. Moreover, CW-biased lesions did not impair aerotactic signaling in a hybrid Aer-Tar transducer capable of adjusting its steady-state signal output via methylation-dependent sensory adaptation. Thus, MCPs most likely assist mutant Aer proteins to signal productively by forming collaborative signaling teams. Aer evidently evolved to operate collaboratively with high-abundance receptors but can also function without MCP assistance, provided that it can establish a suitable prestimulus swimming pattern

    Experimental Verification of a Sequence-Based Prediction: F(1)F(0)-Type ATPase of Vibrio cholerae Transports Protons, Not Na(+) Ions

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    The membrane energetics of the intestinal pathogen Vibrio cholerae involves both H(+) and Na(+) as coupling ions. The sequence of the c subunit of V. cholerae F(0)F(1) ATPase suggested that this enzyme is H(+) specific, in contrast to the results of previous studies on the Na(+)-dependent ATP synthesis in closely related Vibrio spp. Measurements of the pH gradient and membrane potential in membrane vesicles isolated from wild-type and ΔatpE mutant V. cholerae show that the F(1)F(0) ATPase of V. cholerae is an H(+), not Na(+), pump, confirming the bioinformatics assignments that were based on the Na(+)-binding model of S. Rahlfs and V. Müller (FEBS Lett. 404:269-271, 1999). Application of this model to the AtpE sequences from other bacteria and archaea indicates that Na(+)-specific F(1)F(0) ATPases are present in a number of important bacterial pathogens