11 research outputs found

    Corporation Law

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    Covers the Massachusetts Trust Act of 1959 and the Securities Act of Washington


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    Covers corporate charitable contributions

    Legal Characteristics and Consequences of Voting Trusts

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    Quite frequently it becomes desirable for corporate stockholders to combine the voting power of their stock for a common purpose. The device usually employed to achieve that objective is the voting trust. Under the conventional voting trust arrangement, two or more stockholders transfer the legal title to their stock to a common trustee, who causes new certificates to be issued in his name. The voting trustee then issues voting trust certificates to the beneficial owners of the stock. The terms under which the stock is held in trust are defined by a written voting trust agreement


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    Covers recent laws on fiduciary security transfers and oln shareholders\u27 consent in lieu of meeting

    Implied Warranty of Quality under the Uniform Sales Act

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    The Uniform Sales Act was adopted by the legislature of the state of Washington m the extraordinary session of 1925. This act, patterned after similar legislation previously enacted in England, is designed to bring the law of the different states into conformity To effect this purpose the draughtsmen of the act largely codified the common law, but even where such a course was followed it is inevitable that the pre-existing law of some jurisdictions must be overruled. It is the purpose of the present discussion to consider the provisions of the Sales Act relative to implied warranty of quality in order to determine the proper interpretation to be given thereto, and then in the light of such principles to note the effect on the Washington law as previously announced by the Supreme Court of this state. Resort must be had for purposes of construction to the English and American cases construing the respective acts, since as yet no case involving this portion of the act has been decided in the state of Washington and the cases decided previously are in numerous instances valueless as authority under the Sales Act

    Legal Significance of Capital Stock

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    The purpose of this article is to clarify, if possible, these different meanings. In essence, it will be shown that the first meaning, that is, capital stock in the sense of shares , while possibly technically inaccurate is practically unimportant; second, that the concept of capital stock as property or as a trust fund for creditors is, if given a literal meaning, most inaccurate, confusing and unnecessary; and third, that the concept of capital stock as an amount , is the only usage which is useful and correct under the present Washington statute

    Probate Legislation Enacted by the 1955 Session of the Washington Legislature

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    The purpose of this survey is to focus attention on changes in the probate law of the state as a result of the 1955 session of the legislature. Five separate Acts amending or adding to the law of probate were adopted. These Acts are chapters 98, 141, 154 and 205 of the Laws of 1955 and chapter 7 of the Laws of 1955 (Extraordinary Session). In the aggregate they embody a substantial number of changes, most of which are simple procedural amendments. A few of the amendments present secondary questions of some difficulty. It is not the purpose of this survey to attempt elaborate discussion of any such complicated problems. For the most part these questions are peculiar to the Washington statute and not categorically answerable on the basis of existing authorities. Consequently the existence of such questions will be noted leaving their ultimate solution to the future. (Parts of this article were prepared by the authors for the larger article, Washington Legislation—1955, which appeared in 30 Wash. L. Rev. 195-223. The Article was deemed to be of sufficient interest to justify printing it outside of the special issue for which it was written.

    Devolving the heartland: making up a new social policy for the 'South East'

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    Devolution appears to challenge the traditional regional and national hierarchies of the UK, but in practice the dominance of the South East of England has been maintained through active state intervention. As social welfare has increasingly been redefined through economic success and access to the labour market, the focus of social policy has shifted accordingly. In this context the South East has been re-imagined not as a symbol of inequality and a potential source of redistribution, but rather as driver of economic prosperity and 'national' (UK) well-being

    Beyond the Territorial Fix: Regional Assemblages, Politics and Power

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    Allen J. and Cochrane A. (2007) Beyond the territorial fix: regional assemblages, politics and power, Regional Studies 41, 1161-1175. The idea of regions as territorially fixed in some vital political sense is a stubborn conception, one that is both mobilized to pursue selective interests and to establish regional identities. To assert that regions are political constructs, however, is not to say that such bounded, territorial entities enclose all the political relations that produce them. This paper puts forward a relational view of the region based upon an assemblage of political actors, some public, some private, where elements of central and local government are 'lodged' within the region, not acting above or below it. Using examples drawn from governing agencies across and beyond the south-east of England, it is shown how a more diffuse form of governance has given rise to a spatially discontinuous region. This is grounded in an exposition of the political assemblage that is Milton Keynes today, with its provisional, cross-cutting mix of institutional agencies, partnerships, businesses and interest groupings engaged in a 'politics of scale' exercise to fix the region. Allen J. et Cochrane A. (2007) Au-dela de la delimitation territoriale fixe: les regroupements regionaux, la politique et le pouvoir, Regional Studies 41, 1161-1175. D'un important point de vue politique, l'idee que la region constitue une zone bien delimitee fixe est une notion obstinee, dont on se sert afin de poursuivre des interets particuliers et d'etablir des identites regionales. Cependant, affirmer que la region est une structure politique ne veut pas dire que de telles delimitations territoriales embrassent tous les rapports politiques qui les creent. Cet article cherche a avancer un point de vue relationnel de la region fonde sur un regroupement d'agents regionaux politiques, les uns publics, les autres prives, ou des elements des administrations centrale et locale se sont 'loges' au sein de la region et n'agissent ni au niveau superieur, ni au niveau inferieur. A partir des exemples puises dans des agences publiques a travers et au-dela du Sud-est de l'Angleterre, on montre comment une forme de gouvernance plus diffuse a donne naissance a une region geographiquement discontinue. Cela est fonde sur une presentation d'un regroupement d'aujourd'hui, a savoir Milton Keynes, etant donne son melange provisoire d'agences institutionnelles, de partenariats, de commerces et de groupes d'interet qui se chevauchent et qui s'engagent dans une action de 'politique a l'echelle' afin de bien delimiter la region. Region;Regroupements;Pouvoir;Politique;Gouvernance;Reseaux Allen J. und Cochrane A. (2007) Jenseits der territorialen Festlegung: regionale Versammlungen, Politik und Macht, Regional Studies 41, 1161-1175. Die Idee der Regionen als in einem wesentlichen politischen Sinn territorial festgelegt ist eine hartnackige Vorstellung, die sowohl zur Durchsetzung selektiver Interessen als auch zur Festlegung regionaler Identitaten mobilisiert wird. Die Feststellung, dass es sich bei Regionen um politische Konstrukte handelt, besagt jedoch nicht, dass in solchen eingegrenzten territorialen Einheiten samtliche politischen Beziehungen angesiedelt sind, die sie hervorbringen. Dieser Beitrag enthalt eine relationale Perspektive der Region aufgrund einer Versammlung politischer Akteure aus dem offentlichen und privaten Bereich, wobei die Elemente der Zentral- und Lokalregierung innerhalb der Region, untergebracht' sind, also nicht ober- oder unterhalb dieser Ebene wirken. Anhand der Beispiele von Regierungsbehorden im Sudosten Englands und daruber hinaus zeigen wir eine diffusere Form der Regierungsfuhrung, die eine raumlich unterbrochene Region hat entstehen lassen. Diese Darstellung beruht auf einer Beschreibung der politischen Versammlung, aus der Milton Keynes heute besteht: einer provisorischen, ungeordneten Mischung aus institutionellen Agenturen, Partnerschaften, Unternehmen und Interessensgruppen, die sich an einer Ubung der, Massstabspolitik' zur Festlegung der Region beteiligen. Region;Versammlungen;Macht;Politik;Regierungsfuhrung;Netzwerke Allen J. y Cochrane A. (2007) Mas alla de una seguridad territorial; reuniones, politica y poder regionales, Regional Studies 41, 1161-1175. La idea de las regiones como territorios fijos en algun sentido politico vital es un concepto persistente que se usa para apoyar intereses selectivos y establecer identidades regionales. Sin embargo, sostener que las regiones son construcciones politicas no significa decir que estas entidades territoriales y confinadas contienen todas las relaciones politicas que las producen. En este ensayo proponemos una vision relacional de la region en funcion de un conjunto de protagonistas politicos, algunos publicos y otros privados, en el que los elementos del gobierno central y local estan 'alojados' en la misma region sin que actuen ni por encima ni por debajo de este nivel. Con ejemplos extraidos de organizaciones gubernamentales en el sureste de Inglaterra y mas alla de esta region, demostramos que una forma mas difusa de gobernanza ha desembocado en una region espacialmente discontinua. Esta representacion se basa en la descripcion de reunion politica que en Milton Keynes consta de una combinacion provisional e intersectorial de agencias institucionales, sociedades, negocios y grupos de interes que participan en un ejercicio de 'politicas de escala' para asegurar la region. Region;Conjuntos;Poder;Politicas;Gobernanza;RedesRegion, Assemblages, Power, Politics, Governance, Networks,