3 research outputs found

    Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy: the European experience

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    Most countries in Europe have started using renewable energy source for electricity over decades now even though it's not investment friendly. That is why most countries have introduced different types of measures or mechanism to support investors and household consumer who are interested in using these polluted free renewable energy source. Recently, Russia was among the countries that signed the Paris Agreement contract and are hoping to execute their part in reducing the emissions greenhouse gas in the country even though Russians are oil producing country and most of the energy come from this. The article analyzes the mechanisms of tax incentives for renewable energy and energy efficiency currently used in European countries. Also the possibilities of investing in in research studies pertaining to energy. The article also analyse the reason for stimulating demand for electricity companies for energy-efficient equipment. Conclusions were made about disseminating their experience for effectiveness and ability for adaption in Russia

    Developed Programs of Research into Corporate Social Responsibility in Relation to Older Adults (the Case of Petroleum Companies)

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    Evaluation of corporate social responsibility in relation to older adults, due to its weak theoretical elaboration, demands course for research. In this paper the authors develop a research program: the factors of well-being of older adults, which may affect the company; develop analytical procedure and indicator’s system to measure the social responsibility of business. Calculation of some indicators of corporate responsibility on the example of the companies Rosneft (Russia) and Shell (Nigeria) was made

    State And Business Partnership As An Adaptation Instrument

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    The following article looks how the climate changes influence on dangerous industries. Global warming provokes natural disasters - hurricanes, tsunami, earthquakes - that have negative influence on ultra dangerous industries. In the article particularly there is an example of Japanese "Fukushima - 1" atomic power plant accident which was caused by the earthquake and tsunami. In economics theory there are two points how to reduce ecological risks. The first one is based on state restrictive measures - financial instruments. The second point is based on business adaptation to constantly changing climate conditions of management. The article suggests economical strategy, which allows to combine resources of state, business, scientific institutes and non-profit organizations to reduce the risk of technogeneous disasters. Attention is given to the fact that in actively developing Russian economy with the growth of society needs the lack of possibilities of state financing is perceived, at the same time there are large investment projects which can't be realized only by means of market mechanisms because of their scale and social importance. It is connected with the sphere of national safety, fuel - energy industry, transport infrastructure and community facilities. In this regard, the article discusses the French experience to realize large scale projects in the sphere of power industry