35 research outputs found

    On existence of normal p-complement of finite groups with restrictions on the conjugacy class sizes

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    The greatest power of a prime pp dividing the natural number nn will be denoted by npn_p. Let IndG(g)=∣G:CG(g)∣Ind_G(g)=|G:C_G(g)|. Suppose that GG is a finite group and pp is a prime. We prove that if there exists an integer α>0\alpha>0 such that IndG(a)p∈{1,pα}Ind_G(a)_p\in \{1,p^{\alpha}\} for every aa of GG and a pp-element x∈Gx\in G such that IndG(x)p>1Ind_G(x)_p>1, then GG includes a normal pp-complement.Comment: 8 page