2 research outputs found

    Building a 3D Printer: Motors and Controls

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    3D printers require a reliable and robust control system to provide the proper quality of printed parts. The goal of this project was to design and implement the electronic and software controls for the large scale 3D printer. This system must be able to run all three print heads as well as color mixing in the central diamond print head. The resulting design for the control system utilized a RUMBA control board running with Repetier-Firmware as the printer firmware. A separate system was designed for the heat beds, which used an Arduino Uno to control a set of relays to maintain the set temperature to the heat beds

    Ancient Regional Steel Quality: Historical Methods of Steel Production around the World

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    The purpose of this paper is to compare the iron production techniques of three regions of the world: Northern Europe, India, and Japan, in order to better understand the material characteristics of the end product and how this shaped the development of weapons and armor of the region. We are seeking, in our research, to draw the links between resources, production and technology at play in regards to iron in antiquity. In this paper, we will describe our methods of research, our methods of reproduction, testing methods, and conclusions