549 research outputs found

    Efficient near-infrared organic light-emitting diodes with emission from spin doublet excitons

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    The development of luminescent organic radicals has resulted in materials with excellent optical properties for near-infrared (NIR) emission. Applications of light generation in this range span from bioimaging to surveillance. Whilst the unpaired electron arrangements of radicals enable efficient radiative transitions within the doublet-spin manifold in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), their performance is limited by non-radiative pathways introduced in electroluminescence. Here, we present a host:guest design for OLEDs that exploits energy transfer with demonstration of up to 9.6% external quantum efficiency (EQE) for 800 nm emission. The tris(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)methyl-triphenylamine (TTM-TPA) radical guest is energy-matched to the triplet state in a charge-transporting anthracene-derivative host. We show from optical spectroscopy and quantum-chemical modelling that reversible host-guest triplet-doublet energy transfer allows efficient harvesting of host triplet excitons

    Reversible spin-optical interface in luminescent organic radicals

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    Molecules present a versatile platform for quantum information science, and are candidates for sensing and computation applications. Robust spin-optical interfaces are key to harnessing the quantum resources of materials. To date, carbon-based candidates have been non-luminescent, which prevents optical read-out. Here we report the first organic molecules displaying both efficient luminescence and near-unity generation yield of high-spin multiplicity excited states. This is achieved by designing an energy resonance between emissive doublet and triplet levels, here on covalently coupled tris(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl) methyl-carbazole radicals (TTM-1Cz) and anthracene. We observe the doublet photoexcitation delocalise onto the linked acene within a few picoseconds and subsequently evolve to a pure high spin state (quartet for monoradicals, quintet for biradical) of mixed radical-triplet character near 1.8 eV. These high-spin states are coherently addressable with microwaves even at 295 K, with optical read-out enabled by intersystem crossing to emissive states. Furthermore, for the biradical, on return to the ground state the previously uncorrelated radical spins either side of the anthracene show strong spin correlation. Our approach simultaneously supports a high efficiency of initialisation, spin manipulations and light-based read-out at room temperature. The integration of luminescence and high-spin states creates an organic materials platform for emerging quantum technologies

    Direct linearly polarized electroluminescence from perovskite nanoplatelet superlattices

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    Polarized light is critical for a wide range of applications, but is usually generated by filtering unpolarized light, which leads to substantial energy losses and requires additional optics. Here we demonstrate the direct emission of linearly polarized light from light-emitting diodes made of CsPbI3 perovskite nanoplatelet superlattices. The use of solvents with different vapour pressures enables the self-assembly of the nanoplatelets with fine control over their orientation (either face-up or edge-up) and therefore their transition dipole moment. As a result of the highly uniform alignment of the nanoplatelets, as well as their strong quantum and dielectric confinement, large exciton fine-structure splitting is achieved at the film level, leading to pure red light-emitting diodes with linearly polarized electroluminescence exhibiting a high degree of polarization of 74.4% without any photonic structures. This work demonstrates the potential of perovskite nanoplatelets as a promising source of linearly polarized light, opening up the development of next-generation three-dimensional displays and optical communications from a highly versatile, solution-processable system

    Fast Transfer of Triplet to Doublet Excitons from Organometallic Host to Organic Radical Semiconductors

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    Spin triplet exciton formation sets limits on technologies using organic semiconductors that are confined to singlet-triplet photophysics. In contrast, excitations in the spin doublet manifold in organic radical semiconductors can show efficient luminescence. Here the dynamics of the spin allowed process of intermolecular energy transfer from triplet to doublet excitons are explored. A carbene-metal-amide (CMA-CF3) is employed as a model triplet donor host, since following photoexcitation it undergoes extremely fast intersystem crossing to generate a population of triplet excitons within 4 ps. This enables a foundational study for tracking energy transfer from triplets to a model radical semiconductor, TTM-3PCz. Over 74% of all radical luminescence originates from the triplet channel in this system under photoexcitation. It is found that intermolecular triplet-to-doublet energy transfer can occur directly and rapidly, with 12% of triplet excitons transferring already on sub-ns timescales. This enhanced triplet harvesting mechanism is utilized in efficient near-infrared organic light-emitting diodes, which can be extended to other opto-electronic and -spintronic technologies by radical-based spin control in molecular semiconductors.</p
