31 research outputs found

    Sustainable science as a vocation

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    What would sustainable research and higher education mean as a vocation? Drawing on the sociologist Max Weber’s famous lecture on science as a vocation, Gorgi Krlev, outlines a vision of sustainable science, arguing that for academic research to effectively contribute to resolving the major challenges facing society it must embrace profound change on four levels

    Gemeinschaftsorientierte Wohnmodelle und klassisches „Betreutes Wohnen“: Wirkungen verschiedener Wohnformen auf ältere Menschen

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    Die vorliegende Untersuchung ist vor dem Hintergrund eines länger bestehenden Interesses an sozialer Wirkungsmessung, und speziell der Untersuchung von Effekten verschiedener Lebensformen im Alter entstanden. Zum einen schließt die vertiefte Analyse an die sogenannte SONG Studie an, in der gemeinschaftsorientierte Wohnmodelle auf mehreren Ebenen auf ihre soziale Wirkung hin untersucht wurden. Zum anderen basiert dieser Bericht auf einer breit angelegten Untersuchung sozialer Wirkung im Rahmen von Gorgi Krlevs Promotion an der Universität Oxford

    Learning As You Scale - A practical guide for using data and insights to navigate scaling and complex system change

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    This guide supports those involved in scaling social innovations to develop and embed a disposition to learn 'as they scale'. Learning As You Scale may mean that the 'innovation' shifts and flexes in response to challenge and learning, evolving into a better social innovation along the way. This guide has been designed specifically for those involved in social innovations who are interested in involving the people for whom the innovation is designed (the beneficiaries) within this scaling and learning process. It can be used by individuals and teams within these types of social innovations who occupy roles connected to evaluation, learning & development, and leadership, governance & strategy.A recording of the launch of the guide is available to view on this page: https://www.genio.ie/publications/learning-as-you-scal

    Welfare Regimes, Policy Reforms, and Hybridity

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    Did COVID lockdowns harm entrepreneurship? Not exactly

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    The prevalent view is that COVID lockdowns have severely harmed entrepreneurship, but have they? Gorgi Krlev, Katharina Scheidgen, Franziska Günzel-Jensen, Miriam Wolf, and Ali Aslan Gümüsay write that physical distancing created new digital spaces and led to unconventional ways of integrating new people, new products, and new purpose into entrepreneurship. They observed instances in which entrepreneurs opened their mind in fundamental ways to provide services which deviated clearly from their original mission