312 research outputs found

    Calibration of an Existing Creep Model for Analysis of Aluminium Members Exposed to Constant Temperature

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    The paper presents the development of a creep model applicable for the analysis of aluminium members exposed to a constant temperature. The model is intended as a base for defining a creep model in a transient heating regime. The behaviour of aluminium members exposed to the transient heating regime is a relatively unexplored topic in the scientific community. There is a need for defining an advanced creep model for aluminium, which should cover any heating regime to model the influence of creep on members exposed to fire. A comparison of results between the existing experimental data and the built-in creep models from commercial software ANSYS 16.2 for specific temperature and stress levels is provided. The experimental data used was extracted from previous tests carried out on coupons of aluminium alloy EN 6082 AW T6 and fitted in the aforementioned ANSYS models which serve as a base for defining the representative advanced creep model

    The Comparison of Forensic-Psychiatric Traits between Female and Male Perpetrators of Murder or Attempted Murder

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    The aim of this investigation was to define more clearly specific forensic-psychiatric characteristics of female murder or attempted murder perpetrators. The retrospective method applied was based on the comparison of the data from forensic-psychiatric assessments carried out in the Center for Forensic Psychiatry, Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče, Zagreb, from 1983 to 1997 (including 70 female and 70 male subjects – who committed murder or attempted murder). Compared with men, female offenders were most often in some way emotionally related to their victims, and they were more often victimized themselves before committing the crime. In men alcoholism was a more significant circumstantial factor in the assessment of their accountability. Psychiatric security measures were more often given to male offenders. The intensity of aggression was lower in females than in males. This investigation reveals that there are some sex specific forensic-psychiatric traits of murder or attempted murder perpetrators. The obtained results could be of help in everyday forensic-psychiatric practice, both in assessments and treatment

    Berufshaftung des Psychiaters

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    Profesionalna odgovornost psihijatra temelji se na obvezi poštivanja aktualno važećih profesionalnih standarda od kojih su neki jasno definirani i široko prihvaćeni, dok su neki još uvijek u procesu jasnijeg definiranja pa je njihovo poštivanje ili nepoštivanje teže dokazivati. U radu se daje pregled većeg broja (17) profesionalnih standarda za područje opće i forenzične psihijatrije čiji opisi upućuju na stupanj njihove opće prihvaćenosti kao i na potrebu njihove potencijalne dorade u dijelu u kojem ta prihvaćenost još uvijek nije dostatna, kako za kliničku tako i za forenzično-psihijatrijsku primjenu. Temeljni kriteriji za formuliranje opisanih standarda sadržani su u međunarodnim klasifikacijama mentalnih poremećaja i poremećaja ponašanja, u međunarodno priznatim udžbenicima psihijatrije, u etičkim normama Svjetskog psihijatrijskog udruženja i drugih nacionalnih etičkih psihijatrijskih kodeksa, te u hrvatskom Zakonu o zaštiti osoba s duševnim smetnjama. Opisani standardi (informirani pristanak, psihijatrijska dijagnoza, psihofarmakološka terapija, psihoterapija, prisilna hospitalizacija, vođenje dokumentacije, čuvanje tajne i dr.) ponuđeni su kao osnova za vrednovanje potencijalne odgovornosti za počinjene liječničke pogreške i za eventualnu naknadu štete uzrokovane tim pogreškama.The professional responsibility of psychiatrists is based on the obligation to respect the currently valid professional standards, some of which are clearly defined and widely accepted, while others are still being defined, which makes it more difficult to prove whether or not they have been observed. The paper gives an overview of 17 professional standards covering general and forensic psychiatry, the descriptions of which indicate the degree of their acceptance and the need for their potential elaboration in the segment in which acceptance is insufficient, both in clinical and forensic-psychiatric applications. The basic criteria for the formulation of the described standards are contained in international classifications of mental and behavioural disorders, in internationally recognized psychiatric textbooks, in the Code of Ethics of the World Psychiatric Association, other national psychiatric codes of ethics and in the Croatian Act on the Protection of Persons With Mental Disorders. The described standards (informed consent, psychiatric diagnosis, psychopharmacological therapy, psychotherapy, forced hospitalization, the keeping of documents, the professional secret, etc.) are offered as the basis for the assessment of potential responsibility for medical errors and the compensation for damage caused by such errors.Die Berufshaftung des Psychiaters gründet auf der Verpflichtung, die aktuell gültigen Berufsstandards zu achten, von denen einige klar definiert sind und breite Akzeptanz gefunden haben, andere jedoch noch immer eindeutiger bestimmt werden müssen, weshalb ihre Beachtung oder Missachtung schwerer nachzuweisen ist. Dieser Beitrag liefert einen Überblick über eine größere Anzahl beruflicher Standards (17) für das Gebiet der allgemeinen und der Gerichtspsychiatrie, deren Beschreibung der Grad ihrer allgemeinen Akzeptanz sowie das Erfordernis einer weiteren Ausarbeitung bezüglich der mangelhaft akzeptierten Bereiche für die klinische und die gerichtspsychiatrische Anwendung zu entnehmen ist. Die Basiskriterien für die Darstellung der beschriebenen Standards entstammen internationalen Klassifikationen von Geistes- und Verhaltensstörungen aus international anerkannten Psychiatrielehrbüchern, den Ethiknormen der Welt-Psychiatrie-Vereinigung und weiteren nationalen psychiatrischen Verhaltenskodizes sowie dem kroatischen Gesetz über den Schutz von Personen mit seelischen Störungen. Die beschriebenen Standards (informierte Einwilligung, psychiatrische Diagnose, Psychopharmatherapie, Psychotherapie, Zwangshospitalisierung, Dokumentation, Verschwiegenheit) werden als Grundlage für die Beurteilung der potenziellen Haftung für ärztliche Kunstfehler und die eventuelle Entschädigung für dadurch verursachte Schäden angeboten


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    Kritička znanstvena aktualizacija i valorizacija Tomašićevih radova nije samo značajan pothvat za hrvatsku sociologiju, već i za druge humanističko-društvene znanosti pa tako svakako i za suvremenu psihijatriju. Iz te se perspektive u radu analizira razvojno-psihološka problematika različitih tipova ličnosti u dvama dominantnim tipovima kultura balkanskih društava. Karakteristike ličnosti u plemenskim zajednicama odgovaraju nekim kategorijama psihopatskih poremećaja ličnosti no veći je problem u prijelazu tih dispozicija u stvarno ponašanje, što često bive provoclrano vanjskim okolnostima. Tomašić je stoga značajan što ovu psihijatrijsku dimenziju rizičnosti "plemenski" strukturiranih ličnosti vrlo dobro prepoznaje kako na individualnom tako i na širem društvenom planu. Ukazujući i na Tomašićev opis hajdučko- uskočkog kulturnog modela autor iznosi svoj sud da je već njegova analiza iz 1936. jasno pokazala sve bitne razloge izbijanja aktualnoga rata na tlu bivše JugOSlavije. Na krajU se rada govori o problemu transformacije karakternih struktura s negativnim "plemenskim" obilježjima u demokratske, politički zrele skupine i pojedince.Critical scientific actualization and evaluation of Tomašlč\u27s works is not only an important undertaking for Croatian sociology, but also for other humanistic and social sciences including contemporary psychiatry. It is from this perspective that the development and psychology of different personality types to be found in the two dominant culture types prevalent in Balkan societies are analyzed. Personality features in tribal communities correspond to some categories of psychopathic personality disturbances, but the even bigger problem is in the transition of these dispositions into real behaviour, which often becomes provoked by external circumstances. Tomašić is thus important for his recognition of this psychiatric risk dimension of "tribally" structured personalities on the individual level as well as on the level of broader society. Indicating also Tomašić\u27s description of the "hajdučko-uskočki" (outlaw-runaway) cultural model, the author argues that his 1936 analysis had already clearly demonstrated all the relevant reasons for the breaking out of today\u27s war in the area of former Yugoslavia. ln the end, the author discusses the problem of transformation of character structures with negative "tribal" features into democratic, politically mature groups and individuals.Die kritische wissenschaftliche Aktualisierung und Aufwertung der Werke von Tomašić stellen ein wichtiges Unternehmen nicht nur fur kroatische Soziologie sondern auch fUr andere Geisteswissenschaften und daher auch fur die zeitgenossische Psychiatrie dar. Aus dieser Hinsicht wird in der Arbeit die Problematik der Entwicklungspsychologie verschiedner Personlichkeitstypen in zwei dominanten Kulturarten der balkanischen Gesellschaften analysiert. Die Personlichkeitscharakteristiken in den Stammesgemeinschaften entsprechen einigen Kategorien psychopatologischer stčrunpen der Personlichkeit, aber ein groBeres Problem stelt der Ubergang dieser Dispozitionen zum wirklichen Benehmen dar, was oft von den auseren umstanden veranlaBt wird. Tomašić ist deshalb bedeutend, weil er diese psychiatrische Dimension der Gefahlichkeit der "dem Stamm gemaB" strukturierten Personlichkeit sowohl auf der individuelIen als auch auf der gesellschaftlichen Ebene sehr gut erkennt. Wobei der Autor auf die Beschreibung des Kulturmodells der Haiduken und Uskoken von Tomašić hinweist, auBert er die Meinung, daB schon seine Analyse aus dem Jahre 1936 alle wichtige Grunde fUr den aktuellen Kriegsausbruch auf dem Gebiet von ExJugoslawien vor Augen gefUhrt hat. Am Ende der Arbeit wird das Problem erčrtert, die Charakterstrukturen mit negativen "Stammesbezeichnungen" in die demokratische, politisch reife gemeinschaften und Einzelpersonen zu transformieren

    Protection of sugar beet from desseasses and pets on OPG „Goreta“ 2014.

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    Obiteljsko poljoprivredno gospodarstvo „Goreta“ se nalazi u Otoku, u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj ţupaniji. Osnovano je 2003. godine s ciljem intenzivnijeg bavljenja poljoprivredom kojom se ova obitelj bavi već više generacija. Nositelj obiteljskog poljoprivrednog gospodarstva „Goreta“ je Snjeţana Goreta. Na ovom poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu se najviše uzgajaju pšenica, šećerna repa, soja i kukuruz. Na obiteljskom poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu „Goreta“ u 2014. godini su zasijane sorte šećerne repe Strube Kundera, KWS Severina i KWS Clementina na ukupnoj površini od 12,08 ha. Zbog nepovoljnih vremenskih uvjeta dolazi do pojave bolesti i štetnika. Od bolesti se pojavljuje Cercospora, koju se u tri navrata pokušava suzbiti kemijskom zaštitom, ali bezuspješno zbog velikog pritiska bolesti i povoljnih uvjeta za njen razvoj. Od štetnika šećerne repe pojavljuju se repina pipa i buhač, koji se uspješno tretiraju insekticidom Chromorel D. Prinos šećerne repe 2014. godine je, unatoč nepovoljnim vremenskim uvjetima, bio dobar (74 t/ha čistoga korijena), ali je digestija bila slaba (12,38%)Family farm "Goreta" is located in Otok, in Vukovar-Srijem County. It was founded in 2003. with the aim of more intensive agricultural practices with which this family is occupied for several generations. Owner/operater of the family farm "Goreta" is Snjezana Goreta. On this farm are most grown wheat, sugar beets, soybeans and corn. On family farm "Goreta" in 2014. were sown sugar beet cultivars Strube Kundera, KWS Severina and KWS Clementina at the total area of 12,08 ha. Due to unfavorable weather conditions diseases and pests occurred. One of the diseases appeard was Cercospora, so the chemical protection was carryed out for three times, but without success because of the climatic conditions. Of the pests of sugar beet appearred sugar-beet weevil (Bothynoderes punctiventris) and sugar-beet flea beetle (Chaetocnema tibialis) which has been successfully treated with insecticide Chromorel D. The yield of sugar beet in 2014., despite the adverse weather conditions, was quite good (74 t/ha clean root), but the amount of sucrose in the crop was poor (12,38%)

    Androgens in women: Establishing reference intervals for dehydroepiandrostenedione sulphate and androstenedione on the Roche Cobas

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    IntroductionImmunoassays are the most common method in routine practice for measuring androgens in women. Study’s aim was to establish new population specific indirect reference intervals (RI) for dehydroepiandrostenedione sulphate (DHEAS) and for new androstenedione test available on automated Roche Cobas electrochemiluminescent immunoassay method. Materials and methodsFrom extracted laboratory records, testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin and follicle-stimulating hormone were used as reference tests to exclude possibly diseased women. After the data selection steps, the study included 3500 subjects for DHEAS and 520 for androstenedione aged 20-45 years. To evaluate the need for age partitioning, we calculated standard deviation ratio and bias ratio. For each hormone, 90% and 95% RIs were calculated with appropriate statistical method. ResultsTotal age group (20-45 years) 95% RIs were: 2.77-11.50 µmol/L for DHEAS and 2.48-8.89 nmol/L for androstenedione. Age-stratified 95% RIs for DHEAS were: 3.65-12.76 µmol/L (20-25 years); 2.97-11.50 µmol/L (25-35 years) and 2.30-9.83 µmol/L (35-45 years). Age-stratified 95% RIs for androstenedione were: 3.02-9.43 nmol/L (20-30 years) and 2.23-7.75 nmol/L (30-45 years). ConclusionNew RIs for DHEAS were slightly wider for age group 20-25 and 35-45, while the differences in the age group 25-35 years were more pronounced. Androstenedione RI showed significantly higher concentrations than the manufacturer’s. Age-related decrease of androgens should be considered when calculating RIs. We propose population specific, age-stratified RIs for DHEAS and androstenedione on electrochemiluminescent method, which should improve test interpretation in women of reproductive age

    Etička pitanja na području tretmana nasilničkog ponašanja

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    radu se razmatraju etičke norme koje se trebaju primjenjivati na području izricanja i provođenju mjera sigurnosti i zaštitnih mjera počinitelja nasilničkog ponašanja. Naglašava se da su one dio univerzalno važećih etičkih normi koje se primjenjuju i na svim drugim područjima psihijatrijskog ili nepsihijatrijskog tretmana počinitelja (drugih) kaznenih djela i/ili prekršaja. One se uklapaju i u etičku normu načela razmjernosti. Posebno se u tom kontekstu razmatra problem izricanja i provođenja mjere psihosocijalnog tretmana kojega bi u sadašnjim zakonskim okvirima trebalo smatrati nemedicinskom psihološko-pedagoškom mjerom. Držeći da je razinu nesigurnosti i nesnalaženja na području indiciranja i provođenja „terapijskih“ intervencija obuhvaćenih zaštitnim mjerama, posebno obvezama i mjerama sigurnosti, značajna, autor predlaže niz koraka u pravcu primjerenijeg etičkog, stručnog i zakonskog postavljanja mjerodavnih stručnjaka na tom području zajedničkog rada


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    Trendovi koji su prisutni u 2017. godini u svijetu digitalnog marketinga su brojni zbog iznimne brzine promjena i napretka u tehnologiji. Potrebno je stalno istraživati nove načine privlačenja kupaca, nove načine prezentiranja proizvoda i usluga, te uz sve to prilagođavati se svim generacijama, njihovim navikama, potrebama i željama. Privatnim iznajmljivačima put do krajnjih kupaca primjenom digitalnog marketinga znatno je olakšan, ali kvalitetnom promocijom treba kvalitetno upravljati. Odluka o načinima i mjestima promocije nije nimalo jednostavna, a postojanje brojnih mrežnih stranica, portala, društvenih mreža, ne čini odluku lakšom. Brojke pokazuju važnost TripAdvisora i informacija na njemu. Privatni iznajmljivači u svrhu što bolje promocije, ne smiju zanemariti utjecaj TripAdvisor-a na odluke o kupnji od strane turista. Iako je istraživanje pokazalo da je važnost TripAdvisor-a nesiguran pojam zbog moguće nevjerodostojnosti podataka, broj korisnika koji ga koristi za dobivanje informacija svakako ga čini važnim elementom promocije.Trends that are present in 2017. in the world of digital marketing are numerous because of the speed of change and progress in technology. It is necessary to constantly explore new ways of attracting customers, new ways of presenting the product and services and adapting it to all generations, their habits, needs and wishes. Private accomodation owners have greatly facilitated way to reach out to the end customers by using digital marketing, but high quality promotion demands high quality management. Decision on ways and places of promotion is not easy at all, but the exitance of numerous web sites, portals, social networks, makes decision not much easier. The numbers show the importance of TripAdvisor and informations it offers. Private accomodation owners, in purpose of better promotion, can not ignore the impact of TripAdvisor on purchase decision making. Although research has shown that the importance of TripAdvisor is an uncertain term because of the possible untruthfulness of the informations, the number of users makes it very important element of the promotion