3 research outputs found
Process of oocyte release and capture in the human
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Hysteroscopy in recurrent in-vitro fertilisation failure (TROPHY):a multicentre, randomised controlled trial
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/06/2016
- Field of study
Elective uterine artery embolization prior to laparoscopic resection of interstitial pregnancy: two cases and literature review
- Author
- A Ansari
- A Galimberti
- A Gezer
- A Mackenna
- A Siow
- A Surbone
- A Takeda
- A Takeda
- A Takeda
- A Tinelli
- A Torre
- Alexandre Lazard
- Andries Van Holsbeeck
- Anne-Sophie Van Rompuy
- AO Alalade
- AP Advincula
- AW Horne
- C de Boer
- C DeWitt
- C Leggieri
- C Li
- C Manea
- C Wilkinson
- Carla Tomassetti
- CH Nezhat
- CM Yan
- D Duong
- D Garretto
- D Habek
- D Jurkovic
- D Laury
- D Song
- DA Dumesic
- Dirk Timmerman
- DL Katz
- DM Panelli
- DM Sherer
- DM Sherer
- DV Valsky
- E Araujo Junior
- E Cervino
- E Garavaglia
- E Ophir
- E-H Yoo
- ES Lee
- ES Sills
- Francesca Donders
- G Cucinella
- G Cucinella
- G Grimbizis
- G. Pistofidis
- GA Hill
- GA Lialios
- GA Vilos
- Gemma Tamarit
- GS Lee
- H Bickerstaff
- H Krissi
- H Reich
- H Steadman
- H Warda
- H Warda
- Hwa Sook Moon
- Hwa Sook Moon
- I Alkatout
- I Kahramanoglu
- IE Timor-Tritsch
- Iris Verbeeck
- J Bouyer
- J Bouyer
- J Kumakiri
- J Muglu
- J Pan
- J Ramkrishna
- J Wang
- J-M Ayoubi
- Jan Deprest
- JD Fisch
- JH Hwang
- JH Jeon
- JL Benifla
- JR Chandran
- JW Ahn
- K Jermy
- K Nikodijevic
- K Nirgianakis
- K Tanaka
- K Zhang
- L Bernardini
- L Hiersch
- L Narang
- L Qin
- L Rodriguez
- L Verity
- LA Izquierdo
- LC Poon
- Lien Van den Haute
- M Api
- M Chetty
- M Coric
- M Framarino-dei-Malatesta
- M Iuchtman
- M Kasum
- M Monia
- M Pelosi
- M Rahimi
- M Rheinboldt
- M Vicino
- M Woodland
- M. Ahsan Akhtar
- M. Vignali
- M.P. Yamamoto
- MC Huang
- MD Savvidou
- MH Lee
- MJ Kim
- MJ Kim
- ML Ko
- ML Swank
- MM Chou
- MP Andres
- MT Gomez Garcia
- N Pluchino
- N Singh
- N SzylitI
- NM Grindler
- NS Moawad
- P Casadio
- P Cassik
- P Deruelle
- P Klemm
- P Reid
- Pieter-Jan Buyck
- PJ Hajenius
- R Berretta
- R Faioli
- R MacRae
- R Mallick
- R Oliver
- R Ross
- R Sagiv
- R Sagiv
- RB Fritz
- S Chachan
- S Corioni
- S Fujioka
- S Hamada
- S Kato
- S Lalchandani
- S Lau
- S Meddeb
- S Ng
- S Oyawoye
- S Sahoo
- Sandra A Cornelissen
- SB Yang
- SD Wright
- Sylvie Gordts
- T Aust
- T Backman
- T Bremner
- T Tanaka
- T Tulandi
- T Tulandi
- T Watanabe
- TE Goldner
- TH Kim
- TH Said
- U Sungurtekin
- VL Baker
- W Farabow
- W Kun
- W Lodhi
- WA Grobman
- Wen-Jui Lee
- WM Ankum
- X Douysset
- X Xiong
- X Zhang
- X Zuo
- Y Afifi
- Y Chang
- Y Lin
- Y Osuga
- Y Thakur
- Y Xu
- Y Yu
- YL Wang
- YS Choi
- Z Cai
- Z Cheng
- Z Gunenc
- Z Katz
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study