200 research outputs found

    Auditory hindsight bias in school-age children

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    We report two experiments investigating hindsight bias in children, focusing on a rarely studied age range of 8–13 years. In Experiment 1, we asked children to complete both an auditory hindsight task and a visual hindsight task. Children exhibited hindsight bias in both tasks, and the bias decreased with age. In Experiment 2, we further explored children ‘s auditory hindsight bias by contrasting performance in hypothetical and memory designs (which previous research with adults had found to involve different mechanisms—fluency vs. memory reconstruction). Children exhibited auditory hindsight bias in both tasks, but only in the hypothetical design was the bias magnitude modulated by a priming manipulation designed to increase fluency, replicating and extending the pattern found in adults to children.Spanish Government PGC2018-095868-B-I00Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Landslide susceptibility assessment at the basin scale for rainfall- and earthquake- triggered shallow slides

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    The hydrographic basin of Ribeira Grande (S. Miguel Island, Azores) has a set of characteristics that enhance the occurrence of shallow slides that have been triggered by rainfall and earthquakes. Two landslide inventories were built according to the landslide triggers: Landslide Inventory 2 (LI 2), which includes 174 earthquake-triggered shallow slides occurred in 2005; and Landslide Inventory 1 (LI 1), which includes 442 shallow slides triggered by rainfall in several periods from 2005 to 2016. Both landslide inventories were characterized and compared from the morphometric point of view and were used individually to produce susceptibility models to failure using a simple bivariate state-of-the-art statistical method (the Information Value). The landslide susceptibility Models were validated using success rates, prediction rates, and Kappa statistics. The results show that shallow slides triggered by rainfall and earthquakes in the study area have di erent morphometric characteristics. It was verified that models produced with LI 1 are very e ective in predicting the spatial location of LI 2, but the same does not happen in the inverse situation. Finally, landslide susceptibility models developed with LI 1 and LI 2 for the upper sector of the hydrographic basin (where most landslides occurred), and latter applied to the complete watershed, present more modest predictive results but are more reliable to characterize the landslide susceptibility in the study area.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Si yo lo escucho, mis compañer@s también: el sesgo retrospectivo en la infancia

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    In this study we evaluated the mechanisms underlying auditory hindsight bias in schoolchildren between 8 and 13 years of age. Hindsight bias shows the effect that knowledge of an outcome has on individuals’ judgments. Studies in adults have shown that the bias in hypothetical designs is a product of a misattribution of the fluency generated by knowledge of the outcome (e.g., “identity of a distorted word”) to the characteristics of the auditory stimulus itself. In this study we investigated whether these same fluency processes are at work in bias in infancy. To this end, we created an auditory retrospective bias task in which schoolchildren listened to various fragments of songs that appeared to contain a “hidden message”. The participants’ task was to estimate how many of a group of 6 classmates would identify the “hidden message” in each song. In the first phase, the students made their estimates without receiving any information about the content of the message. In the second phase, before listening to the song and making their estimates, the students were informed of the content of the message. This task included a repetition priming manipulation that altered the fluency with which half of the “hidden messages” were processed. The results showed a modulating effect of priming on the magnitude of the hindsight bias and suggest that, also in childhood, the bias is a product of a misattribution of fluency generated by knowledge of the outcome.En este estudio evaluamos los mecanismos que subyacen al sesgo retrospectivo auditivo en escolares de entre 8 y 13 años de edad. El sesgo retrospectivo muestra el efecto que el conocimiento de un resultado posee en los juicios de los individuos. Estudios en adultos han mostrado que el sesgo en los diseños hipotéticos es producto de una atribución errónea de la fluencia generada por el conocimiento del resultado (p. ej., “identidad de una palabra distorsionada”) a las propias características del estímulo auditivo. En este estudio investigamos si estos mismos procesos de fluencia están actuando en el sesgo en la infancia. Para ello, creamos una tarea de sesgo retrospectivo auditivo en la que los escolares escuchaban varios fragmentos de canciones que parecían contener un “mensaje oculto”. La tarea de los participantes consistió en estimar cuántos de un grupo formado por 6 compañeros/as de clase identificarían el “mensaje oculto” en cada canción. En una primera fase, los escolares realizaban sus estimaciones sin recibir información sobre el contenido del mensaje. En la segunda fase, antes de escuchar la canción y realizar sus estimaciones, los escolares eran informados del contenido del mensaje. Esta tarea incluyó una manipulación de priming por repetición que alteraba la fluencia con la que la mitad de los “mensajes ocultos” eran procesados. Los resultados mostraron un efecto modulador del priming en la magnitud del sesgo retrospectivo y sugieren que, también en la infancia, el sesgo es producto de una atribución errónea de la fluencia generada por el conocimiento del resultado

    Historia de la enfermedad en el País Vasco. La epidemia de cólera de 1834

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    [ES] El cólera es considerado como el mayor problema epidemiológico de País Vasco durante el siglo XIX. La epidemia de 1834 en la región de Euskadi es la primera de los tres grandes brotes de cólera que asolan este territorio durante esta centuria. El objetivo de esta revisión es conocer los efectos y el impacto demográfico de esta oleada de cólera de 1834 en el seno de una población ya mermada por los estragos de la guerra carlista. Para ello, se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura científica e histórica relativa a la memoria del cólera de 1834 en el contexto socio- demográfico de País Vasco. La búsqueda bibliográfica se efectuó de manera presencial y telemática. La investigación requirió de las fuentes y recursos aportados por la biblioteca central de la Universidad del País Vasco y del Museo Vasco de Historia de la Medicina. Para la modalidad telemática se accedió hasta 15 bases de datos y se consultaron numerosas plataformas oficiales de archivos digitales. El cólera es una enfermedad infecciosa aguda del tracto gastrointestinal potencialmente mortal. Actualmente es endémica en más de 50 países y hasta la fecha ha provocado 7 pandemias, la última de ellas aún persiste. La epidemia de cólera de 1834 fue la primera de los 3 grandes brotes de cólera que afectaron a España y País Vasco. La enfermedad supuso un cataclismo demográfico a nivel nacional y regional, infravalorado a consecuencia de la simultaneidad de este proceso con la primera guerra carlista. La epidemia de cólera de 1834 provocó la muerte de aproximadamente el 3% de la población en todo el país. En País Vasco las provincias más afectadas fueron Vizcaya y Guipúzcoa. Se precisa de la elaboración y recopilación de historias locales de la Medicina en Euskadi para considerar el verdadero impacto en la región

    Legitimidad en el emprendimiento. Estructura intelectual y tendencias de investigación

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    [EN] From the beginning of the xxi century, research on organizational legitimacy has been frequently used to explain the survival of new companies. The need of being considered legitimated for new companies to improve their access to necessary resources to survive has called the researchers attention. This situation has favored the increase in the research about organizational legitimacy in the entrepreneurship field, which has augmented the complexity of obtaining a global understanding of the field´s current context. The aim of this research is to identify and visualize the intellectual structure of the research and the emerging trends regarding organizational legitimacy in the entrepreneurship field. The database is made up of the sources of knowledge and references on which the scientific articles published in the data base of the Web of Science (WOS) were based. Through a bibliometric methodology based on co-citation, we identify the main research areas, the most active ones, the main contributors, dissemination paths and emerging trends in the research field. This research paper contributes to the development of organizational legitimacy in the entrepreneurship field offering a comprehensive view of the situation of this domain, a starting point as well as a theoretical base for the researchers to build new developments.[ES] Desde principios del siglo xxi, la investigación sobre la legitimidad organizacional se ha utilizado con frecuencia para explicar la supervivencia de las nuevas empresas. La necesidad de ser consideradas legitimas las nuevas empresas para mejorar su acceso a los recursos necesarios para sobrevivir ha llamado la atención de los investigadores. Esta situación ha favorecido el aumento de la investigación sobre la legitimidad organizacional en el campo del emprendimiento, lo que ha aumentado la complejidad de obtener una comprensión global de la situación actual en el campo. El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar y visualizar la estructura intelectual de la investigación y las tendencias emergentes en el campo de la legitimidad organizacional en el emprendimiento. La base de datos está formada por las fuentes de conocimiento o referencias en que se basan los artículos científicos publicados en la base de datos de Web of Science (WOS). Mediante una metodología bibliométrica basada en co-citas, identificamos las principales áreas de investigación, las más activas, los principales contribuyentes, las vías de difusión y las tendencias emergentes en el campo de la investigación. Este trabajo de investigación contribuye al desarrollo del campo de la legitimidad organizacional en el emprendimiento ofreciendo una visión integral de la situación de este dominio, tanto un punto de partida como una base teórica para que los investigadores construyan nuevos desarrollos

    Short-term exposure to particulate matter and effects on emergency hospital admissions for Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease: an ecological study from an aged European metropolis

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) are important neurodegenerative disorders, especially in an aging population context that prevails in high-developed countries and Europe in particular. It is known that exposure to particulate matter (PM) leads to the production and deposition of aggregate clusters of proteins, which are linked to neurological disorders and impediments. Nonetheless, only a few works study the short-term exposure to PM and its association with hospital admissions or mortality due to AD or PD. This study assesses the association between exposure to PM and emergency hospital admissions for AD and PD in an aging metropole, serving as a case study for most European big cities. Daily emergency hospital admissions due to AD and PD data were obtained for the 2012 to 2015 period and multivariate Poisson regression models were used to evaluate the association between PM and admissions while controlling for the day of the week, seasonality, and environmental factors. Furthermore, lagged observations were assessed. Results show that an increase in exposure to PM2.5 resulted in a percentage increase in emergency hospital admissions due to AD and PD. Also, age was an efect modifer for PD admissions. Additionally, greater efects were felt at shorter lags for AD and delayed/longer lags for PD. This study found a relationship between short-term exposure to PM and AD and PD hospital admissions in an urban context, drawing attention to the importance of air pollution for urban health, especially in areas with an aged population structure.N/

    Exploring the relationship between socioemotional skills and decision-making styles in health students

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    Higher education in health study programs is particularly focused on the development of technical skills, despite there being a consensus on the importance of training students regarding socioemotional and life skills. The aim of this study was to characterize and explore correlations between socioemotional skills and decision-making styles in undergraduate health students. Undergraduate students (18–25 years old) were recruited at a School of Health Sciences in Portugal. Participants were characterized in terms of sociodemographic data, socioemotional skills (Study on Social and Emotional Skills questionnaire) and decisionmaking styles (Melbourne Decision Making questionnaire). Descriptive statistics and correlations between questionnaires´ subscales were calculated. Students presented higher scores in tolerance (34.8±3.4), cooperation (34.7±2.4), empathy (31.1±3.2), vigilance (16.0±1.9), and procrastination (9.9±2.1). Assertiveness presented negative correlations with buck-passing (rho=-0.43, p<0.01) and procrastination (rho=-0.38, p<0.01) and positive correlation with vigilance (rho=0.22, p=0.03). Students demonstrated higher values in empathy, cooperation, and tolerance skills, meaning they tend to be kind and care for others’ well-being. Vigilance style is related to assertiveness characterizing hard working leaders able to pay attention to others’ needs. Training that involves socioemotional skills might be crucial for the style of decision-making in future health professionals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Air Pollution and Emergency Hospital Admissions: evidences from Lisbon Metropolitan Area, Portugal

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    The relevance of air pollution in the public health agenda has recently been reinforced—it is known that exposure to it has negative effects in the health of individuals, especially in big cities and metropolitan areas. In this article we observed the evolution of air pollutants (CO, NO, NO2, O3, PM10) emissions and we confront them with health vulnerabilities related to respiratory and circulatory diseases (all circulatory diseases, cardiac diseases, cerebrovascular disease, ischemic heart disease, all respiratory diseases, chronic lower respiratory diseases, acute upper respiratory infections). The study is supported in two databases, one of air pollutants and the other of emergency hospital admissions, in the 2005–2015 period, applied to the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. The analysis was conducted through Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression, while also using semi-elasticity to quantify associations. Results showed positive associations between air pollutants and admissions, tendentially higher in respiratory diseases, with CO and O3 having the highest number of associations, and the senior age group being the most impacted. We concluded that O3 is a good predictor for the under-15 age group and PM10 for the over-64 age group; also, there seems to exist a distinction between the urban city core and its suburban areas in air pollution and its relation to emergency hospital admissions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El saldo comercial no energético español : determinantes y análisis de simulación (1964-1992)

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    En este trabajo, se abordan basicamente dos cuestiones: analiza la evolucion reciente (1986-1992) del saldo exterior no energetico español a partir de las funciones de importacion y exportacion estimadas, y valora en que medida la correccion registrada por el desequilibrio comercial en la etapa recesiva actual va a resultar eficiente, utilizando para ello un analisis de simulacion. Utiliza datos pertenecientes al periodo 1966-1992. Los resultados muestran que la economia española no puede compatibilizar el crecimiento economico con una mejora significativa del saldo no energetico, por lo que se recomienda la adopcion de medidas que mejoren la competitividad. Incluye cuadros de datos, graficos, bibliografia y varios anejos.(jha

    La protección nominal como factor determinante de las importaciones de bienes

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    En este trabajo se analiza la relevancia de la proteccion exterior arancelaria como factor determinante de las importaciones españolas. Para ello se estiman dos funciones de importaciones no energeticas con datos anuales para el periodo 1964-1993, empleando en cada una de ellas una definicion alternativa de la variable de competitividad, segun se considere como aproximacion de los precios interiores que compiten con los importados una medida de precios industriales o una medida mas amplia, como es el deflactor del PIB a coste de los factores, que considera tanto el precio de los bienes, como el de los servicios.El analisis se centra en el estudio de los efectos de la incorporacion de la proteccion exterior sobre la capacidad explicativa y las elasticidades del modelo, y se ofrece una cuantificacion de la respuesta de las importaciones ante los incrementos o descensos de los precios de importacion derivados de los cambios en el nivel de proteccion nominal. (aeb) (egm) (igg