804 research outputs found

    Contribution of magnetotail reconnection to the cross-polar cap electric potential drop

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    Since the work of Dungey (1961), the global circulation pattern with two (dayside and nightside) reconnection regions has become a classic concept. However, the contributions of dayside and nightside sources to the cross-polar cap potential (PCP) are not fully understood, particularly, the relative role and specifics of the nightside source are poorly investigated both in quantitative and qualitative terms. To fill this gap, we address the contributions of dayside and nightside sources to the PCP by conducting global MHD simulations with both idealized solar wind input and an observed event input. The dayside source was parameterized by solar wind–based “dayside merging potential” Φd = LeffVBt sin4(θ/2), whereas to characterize the nightside source we integrated across the tail the dawn-dusk electric field in the plasma sheet (to obtain the “cross-tail potential” Φn). For the idealized run we performed simulations using four MHD codes available at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center to show that contribution of the nightside source is a code-independent feature (although there are many differences in the outputs provided by different codes). Particularly, we show that adding a nightside source to the linear fit function for the ionospheric potential (i.e., using the fit function Φfit = KdΦd + KnΦn + Φ0) considerably improves the fitting results both in the idealized events as well as in the simulation of an observed event. According to these simulations the nightside source contribution to the PCP has a fast response time (<5 min) and a modest efficiency (potential transmission factor from tail to the ionosphere is small, Kn < 0.2), which is closely linked to the primarily inductive character of strong electric field generated in the plasma sheet. The latter time intervals are marked by strongly enhanced nightside (lobe) reconnection and can be associated with substorm expansion phases. This association is further strengthened by the simulated patterns of precipitation, the R1-type field-aligned substorm current wedge currents and Hall electrojet currents, which are consistent with the known substorm signatures

    Observation of nuclei with energies 8-30 MeV per nucleon in the Earth's magnetosphere at the altitudes 350 KM

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    Observations of the flux of nuclei with an energy of IO MeV per nucleon on the Salyut-7 Station in September 1984 are presented. The observed flux is smaller by a factor of 50 than the flux detected in May, 1981

    The role of time management in the self-organisation of the individual within an effective self-marketing model

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    The study determines the role of time management in the self-organisation of a person oriented towards successful career development, identifies opportunities and ways of self-organisation within the effective self-marketing model. Two tests have been conducted among two hundred respondents of the following categories: non-working students, working students, freelancers, specialists, middle managers and top managers. The first testing allowed us to identify differences in the structure of timing during the day by categories of respondents. Based on the second test survey, six base effective time management factors have been analysed: consistency, purposefulness, perseverance, fixation (on structuring activities), self-organisation (through external means), orientation to the present. The results of the study confirm the need for time management, its competent distribution and budgeting, and effective use in the context of the self-organisation unit of the effective self-marketing model

    A standard photomap of ovarian nurse cell chromosomes and inversion polymorphism in Anopheles beklemishevi

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    Background Anopheles beklemishevi is a member of the Maculipennis group of malaria mosquitoes that has the most northern distribution among other members of the group. Although a cytogenetic map for the larval salivary gland chromosomes of this species has been developed, a high-quality standard cytogenetic photomap that enables genomics and population genetics studies of this mosquito at the adult stage is still lacking. Methods In this study, a cytogenetic map for the polytene chromosomes of An. beklemishevi from ovarian nurse cells was developed using high-resolution digital imaging from field collected mosquitoes. PCR-amplified DNA probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) were designed based on the genome of An. atroparvus. The DNA probe obtained by microdissection procedures from the breakpoint region was labelled in a DOP-PCR reaction. Population analysis was performed on 371 specimens collected in 18 locations. Results We report the development of a high-quality standard photomap for the polytene chromosomes from ovarian nurse cells of An. beklemishevi. To confirm the suitability of the map for physical mapping, several PCR-amplified probes were mapped to the chromosomes of An. beklemishevi using FISH. In addition, we identified and mapped DNA probes to flanking regions of the breakpoints of two inversions on chromosome X of this species. Inversion polymorphism was determined in 13 geographically distant populations of An. beklemishevi. Four polymorphic inversions were detected. The positions of common chromosomal inversions were indicated on the map. Conclusions The study constructed a standard photomap for ovarian nurse cell chromosomes of An. beklemishevi and tested its suitability for physical genome mapping and population studies. Cytogenetic analysis determined inversion polymorphism in natural populations of An. beklemishevi related to this species’ adaptatio

    Development of low-temperature thermochemical conversion reactors for coal power engineering

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    The main principles applied in developing a technology for low-temperature thermochemical conversion of brown coals to obtain fuel gas and semicoke intended for being fired in two-fuel power installations are considered on the basis of a set of experimental and calculated investigations. The obtained results are compared with the experimental data obtained using other methods and with the results of previous industrial tests. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Near-seismic effects in ULF fields and seismo-acoustic emission: statistics and explanation

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    International audiencePreseismic intensification of fracturing has been investigated from occurrence analysis of seismo-acoustic pulses (SA foreshocks) and ULF magnetic pulses (ULF foreshocks) observed in Karimshino station in addition to seismic foreshocks. Such analysis is produced for about 40 rather strong and nearby isolated earthquakes during 2 years of recording. It is found that occurrence rate of SA foreshocks increases in the interval (-12, 0 h) before main shock with 3-times exceeding of background level in the interval (-6, -3 h), and occurrence probability of SA foreshocks (pA~75%) is higher than probability of seismic foreshocks (ps~30%) in the same time interval.ULF foreshocks are masked by regular ULF activity at local morning and daytime, nevertheless we have discovered an essential ULF intensity increase in the interval (-3, +1 h) at the frequency range 0.05-0.3 Hz. Estimated occurrence probability of ULF foreshocks is about 40%. After theoretical consideration we conclude: 1) Taking into account the number rate of SA foreshocks, their amplitude and frequency range, they emit due to opening of fractures with size of L=70-200 m (M=1-2); 2) The electro-kinetic effect is the most promising mechanism of ULF foreshocks, but it is efficient only if two special conditions are fulfilled: a) origin of fractures near fluid-saturated places or liquid reservoirs (aquifers); b) appearance of open porosity or initiation of percolation instability; 3) Both SA and ULF magnetic field pulses are related to near-distant fractures (r<20-30 km); 4) Taking into account number rate and activation period of seismic, SA and ULF foreshocks, it is rather probable that opening of fractures and rupture of fluid reservoirs occur in the large preparation area with horizontal size about 100-200km

    Rapid dissipation of magnetic fields due to Hall current

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    We propose a mechanism for the fast dissipation of magnetic fields which is effective in a stratified medium where ion motions can be neglected. In such a medium, the field is frozen into the electrons and Hall currents prevail. Although Hall currents conserve magnetic energy, in the presence of density gradients, they are able to create current sheets which can be the sites for efficient dissipation of magnetic fields. We recover the frequency, ωMH\omega_{MH}, for Hall oscillations modified by the presence of density gradients. We show that these oscillations can lead to the exchange of energy between different components of the field. We calculate the time evolution and show that magnetic fields can dissipate on a timescale of order 1/ωMH1/\omega_{MH}. This mechanism can play an important role for magnetic dissipation in systems with very steep density gradients where the ions are static such as those found in the solid crust of neutron stars.Comment: 9 pages, changed fig.

    Mass Transfer Mechanism in Real Crystals by Pulsed Laser Irradiation

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    The dynamic processes in the surface layers of metals subjected activity of a pulsing laser irradiation, which destroyed not the crystalline structure in details surveyed. The procedure of calculation of a dislocation density generated in bulk of metal during the relaxation processes and at repeated pulse laser action is presented. The results of evaluations coincide with high accuracy with transmission electron microscopy dates. The dislocation-interstitial mechanism of laser-stimulated mass-transfer in real crystals is presented on the basis of the ideas of the interaction of structure defects in dynamically deforming medium. The good compliance of theoretical and experimental results approves a defining role of the presented mechanism of mass transfer at pulse laser action on metals. The possible implementation this dislocation-interstitial mechanism of mass transfer in metals to other cases of pulsing influences is justifiedComment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Late