41 research outputs found

    Pension System in Serbia in the Light of Crisis

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    Mjere koje se u Srbiji provode kao odgovor na krizu ne podrazumijevaju preispitivanje sustava u cjelini, već se donose kao odraz nužnosti na rashodnoj strani. Pojedine mjere obrazlažu se različitim načelima pa postaje uočljivo da nije jasno definiran model kome se teži. Pod pritiskom krize postaje posebno vidljivo da se javni mirovinski sustav sve viÅ”e pomjera u pravcu koji će omogućavati samo smanjenje siromaÅ”tva u starosti i to u apsolutnom smislu, a ne i održanje standarda nakon umirovljenja. Ovakvo opredjeljenje, ukoliko bi se prihvatilo i na duži rok zadržalo, zahtijeva i određeno redizajniranje postojećeg sustava, kako ne bi doÅ”lo do uruÅ”avanja njegove unutraÅ”nje logike. Nejasno je, međutim, nastaje li ova suÅ”tinska konceptualna promjena kao rezultat strateÅ”ke i utemeljene odluke ili slučajno. Naposljetku, sve veće oslanjanje na budžetsko financiranje pokreće i pitanje opravdanosti osiguravanja mirovina samo za stare koji su uplaćivali mirovinsko osiguranje i potrebu da se sustav preispita i s tog aspekta.The measures implemented in Serbia in answer to the crisis do not imply re-evaluation of the system as a whole, but are taken as a result of the necessity on the side of expenditure. Individual measures are explained by different principles, so it is becoming visible that the desired model has not been clearly defined. Under the pressure of the crisis it is becoming particularly visible that the public pension system is increasingly shifting towards the direction that would enable only a reduction of poverty in the old age, in the absolute sense, but not the maintenance of standard of living after retirement. Such an orientation, if accepted and maintained in the long run, demands a certain redesigning of the existing system in order to prevent the implosion of its internal logic. However, it remains unclear whether this substantial conceptual change appears a result of a strategic and well-founded decision or randomly. Finally, increasing reliance on budgetary financing raises the question of the justifiability of ensuring pensions only for those who have been paying their pension contributions and creates the need to re-examine the system from that aspect as well

    Injuries in Racket Sports among Slovenian Players

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    On the sample of 83 top Slovenian athletes we have studied the frequency of injuries among table tennis, tennis and badminton players, types of injuries and severity of injuries ā€“ the latter based on data of players absences from training and/or competition processes. The most liable parts to injuries are shoulder girdle (17.27%), spine (16.55%) and ankle (15.83%), while foot (10.07%) and wrist (12.23%) are slightly less liable to injuries. The most frequent injuries in racket sports pertain to muscle tissues. According to this data, the majority of injuries occur halfway through a training session or a competition event, mostly during a competition season. The injuries primarily pertain to muscle tissues; these are followed by joint and tendon injuries. There are no differences between male and female players. Compared to other racket sports players, table tennis players suffer from fewer injuries

    Preparation, Thermal Analysis and Spectral Characterization of the 1:1 Complexes of Mercury(II) Halides and Pseudohalides with 3,4,5,6-Tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thione. Crystal Structures of Bis(3,4,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thione-S)mercury(II) Tetrachloro and Tetrabromomercurate(II)

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    Mercury(II) complexes of the type HgX2(H4pymtH) (X = Cl-, Br-, I-, SCN-, CN-; H4pymtH = 3,4,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thione) have been obtained and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction, IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. Single crystal X-ray structure analysis was performed for the chloro and bromo complexes, which were found to be isostructural. Their crystal structures consist of [Hg(H4pymtH)2]2+ complex cations and [HgX4]2- complex anions interconnected by Hgā‹…ā‹…ā‹…X contacts into puckered sheets. The crystal structure of H4pymtH has been redetermined to greater accuracy. In solution NMR spectra of complexes, the greatest complexation effects were found on the 13C Chemical shift of the thio-keto-carbon atom and on the 1H Chemical shift of the NH protons

    Preparation, thermal analysis and spectral characterization of the 1 : 1 complexes of mercury(II) halides and Pseudohalides with 3,4,5,6-Tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thione. Crystal structures of bis(3,4,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thione-S)mercury(II) tetrachloro and tetrabromomercurate(II)

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    Mercury(II) complexes of the type HgX2(H(4)pymtH) (X Cl- Br I-, SCN-, CN-; H(4)pymtH = 3,4,5, 6-tetrahydropyrimidine-2-thione) have been obtained and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction, IR, H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy. Single crystal X-ray structure analysis was performed for the chloro and bromo complexes, which were found to be isostructural. Their crystal structures consist of [Hg(H(4)pymtH)(2)](2+) complex cations and [HgX4](2-) complex anions interconnected by Hg . . .X contacts into puckered sheets. The crystal structure of H(4)pymtH has been redetermined to greater accuracy. In solution NMR spectra of complexes, the greatest complexation effects were found on the C-13 chemical shift of the thioketo-carbon atom and on the H-1 chemical shift of the NH protons


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    Mnogi čimbenici mogu ugroziti dobrobit laboratorijskih životinja, a samim time i tijek i rezultate istraživanja u kojem se te životinja koriste. Dobrobit laboratorijskih životinja izravno ovisi o čovjeku, stoga se nužno temelji na načelu osiguravanja pet sloboda, osobitih za svaku vrstu. Među ostalim slobodama (od boli, povreda i bolesti, straha i stresa, neudobnosti i izražavanja vrsno specifičnog ponaÅ”anja), nabraja se i sloboda od gladi i žeđi. Ona se postiže osiguravanjem dovoljne količine kvalitetne hrane i vode ovisno o fizioloÅ”kim potrebama životinje, osim ukoliko protokol pokusa opravdano ne zahtijeva drugačije. Međutim, hrana, većinom komercijalnih proizvođača, osim s nutritivnog, mora biti visoke kakvoće i s higijenskog stanoviÅ”ta, Å”to znači da ne smije biti kemijski, fizički, parazitarno ili mikrobioloÅ”ki onečiŔćena jer takva izravno ugrožava zdravlje životinja. Napajanje životinja tehnoloÅ”ki je iznimno složeno jer voda iz vodovoda, čak i ako udovoljava propisima o zdravstvenoj ispravnosti vode za piće, nije sterilna kako zahtijevaju protokoli nekih pokusa. Nužno je redovito nadzirati vrijednost pH, tvrdoću vode te prisutnost mikrobioloÅ”kog ili kemijskog onečiŔćenja. Primjerena higijena hranjenja i napajanja laboratorijskih životinja značajan je čimbenik u očuvanju njihove dobrobiti, te može bitno utjecati na uspjeÅ”nost provođenja pokusa i vjerodostojnost dobivenih rezultata.Many factors can jeopardize the welfare of laboratory animals and thus the process and results of research in which these animals are used. Welfare of laboratory animals strictly depends on humans; therefore, it is necessarily based on the principles of providing five freedoms, distinctive for each type. Among other freedoms (from pain, injury and disease, fear and stress, discomfort, and finally expression of species specific behaviors), there is freedom from hunger and thirst. It is achieved by providing sufficient quantities of quality food and water depending on the physiological needs of the animal, unless justifiably required otherwise by the experimental protocol. However, the food, mostly obtained from commercial manufacturers, in addition to nutritional value must be of high quality and hygienic properties, which means that it must not be chemically, physically, parasitically or microbiologically contaminated because contaminated food can directly threaten animal health. Automated water delivery systems are extremely complicated because tap water, even if meeting the requirements of sanitary drinking water, is not sterile according to the protocols of some experiments. It is necessary to regularly monitor water pH, hardness and presence of microbial or chemical contamination. Appropriate feeding and watering hygiene of laboratory animals is an important factor in maintaining their welfare and can significantly influence the success of the experiment and validity of the results

    Synthesis, Spectral and Thermal Characterization of Bis(pyridine-3- carboxy-2-thiolato-S)mercury(II). Crystal Structure of Dibromobis(3- metoxycarbonylpyridine-2-thiolato-S)mercury(II)

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    2-mercaptonicotinic acid (H2mna = 2-HS(C5H3N)COOH) gave a thiolato compound of the formula Hg(Hmna)2 by a reaction with various mercury(II) salts, HgX2 (X = Clāˆ’, Brāˆ’, Iāˆ’, SCNāˆ’) in an ethanol or methanol solution irrespectively of the molar ratio of the reactants (1:1 or 1:2). The same compound was obtained from the reaction of mercury(II) acetate in an aqueous-ethanol solution. Hg(Hmna)2 was characterized by vibrational spectroscopy and thermal analysis. 1H and 13C NMR measurements provided additional information on the thiol-thione tautomerism in H2mna and Hg(Hmna)2 and also on the binding mode to mercury in the DMSO-d6 solution. HgBr2(CH3-Hmna)2 was obtained from the reaction of H2mna with HgBr2 in methanol after filtering off the main product Hg(Hmna)2 (CH3-Hmna = 2- HS(C5H3N)COOCH3). The crystal structures of H2mna and HgBr2(CH3-Hmna)2 were determined by the X-ray structure analysis. 2-mercaptonicotinic acid exists in the crystalline state in the thione tautomeric form. Two bromine atoms and two S-bound CH3-Hmna ligands form a tetrahedral coordination sphere around the mercury atom in HgBr2(CH3-Hmna)2.(doi: 10.5562/cca2169

    Učinak predmeta za obogaćenje okoliÅ”a na prirast odbijene prasadi.

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effect of environmental enrichment objects on weight gain in weaned pigs. The study was carried out at two identical pig breeding farm weaner units during 60-day weaning period and included a total of 208 Topigs hybrid weaned pigs. The weaners were assigned to one of 5 treatments, i.e. control (n = 52) and 4 experimental treatments enriched with a car tyre on the floor, a hanging ball, a ball on the floor and a hanging chain, respectively (n = 39 each). The weaner body mass was determined on days 0, 30 and 60 post-weaning. Study results showed the weight gain to be significantly greater (P<0.05) in the experimental group with their environment enriched with a tyre as compared with either group with ball enrichment in the first half of the weaning period. During the same period, a significantly higher weight gain (P<0.05) was also recorded in the experimental group with their environment enriched with a hanging chain, as compared with the group enriched with a ball on the floor. Weight gain in the second half of the weaning period and total weight gain recorded from day 0 to day 60 was significantly lower (P<0.05) in the control group as well as in the groups enriched with a tyre or chain, as compared with both groups enriched with a ball. Accordingly, the effect of environmental enrichment with particular objects on weight gain in weaners depends on weaner age and type of objects, whereby ball as an enrichment object may prove effective in weight gain improvement.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti učinak predmeta za obogaćenje okoliÅ”a na prirast odbijene prasadi. Istraživanje je provedeno u dva istovjetna uzgajaliÅ”ta svinjogojske farme tijekom razdoblja uzgoja od 60 dana i uključilo je ukupno 208 odbijene prasadi Topigs hibrida. Prasad je bila podijeljena u pet skupina, kontrolnu (n=52) i 4 pokusne, obogaćene automobilskom gumom na podu, visećom loptom, loptom na podu odnosno visećim lancem (n=39 svaka). Tjelesna masa prasadi određivana je 0., 30. i 60. dana po odbiću. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je u prvoj polovici uzgojnog razdoblja prirast prasadi u pokusnoj skupini obogaćenoj automobilskom gumom bio značajno veći (P<0,05) u odnosu na obje skupine obogaćene loptom. U istom razdoblju utvrđen je i značajno veći prirast (P<0,05) u pokusnoj skupini obogaćenoj visećim lancem u odnosu na skupinu s loptom na podu. Prirast u drugoj polovici uzgojnog razdoblja te ukupni prirast prasadi, u razdoblju od 0. - 60. dana, bio je značajno manji (P<0,05) u kontrolnoj te skupinama obogaćenima automobilskom gumom, odnosno lancem s obzirom na obje skupine obogaćene loptom. Može se zaključiti da učinak obogaćenja okoliÅ”a pojedinim predmetima na prirast odbijene prasadi ovisi o dobi prasadi te vrsti predmeta, pri čemu upravo lopta može biti učinkovita u poboljÅ”anju prirasta