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    U radu se analizira Hrvatska ukupna vanjskotrgovinska razmjena poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda za razdoblje od 2000. do 2010. godine, a po proizvodima i uvozno-izvoznim odredištima za razdoblje od 2005. do 2010. Poljoprivredno-prehrambeni sektor sudjeluje s 9,7% u ukupnoj vanjskotrgovinskoj razmjeni Hrvatske (prosjek 2000/10. godina), manje u uvozu (9,1%) nego u izvozu (10,9%). U istom razdoblju Republika Hrvatska ima deficit kod poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda i to između 280 milijuna dolara u 2000. i 1.225 milijuna dolara u 2008. godini. Pokrivenost uvoza izvozom kod poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda je nešto povoljnija (58,7%) u odnosu na ukupnu vanjskotrgovinsku razmjenu (48,9%). Najznačajniji izvozni proizvodi su šećer od šećerne repe i trske, cigare i cigarete od duhana te čokolada, a uvozni prehrambeni proizvodi-ostali, svježe svinjsko meso te živa goveda. Najviše poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda (oko trećine ukupnog) izvozimo u Bosnu i Hercegovinu, a najviše uvozimo iz Njemačke (11,8%) i Italije (11,6%). Hrvatskoj su bitna tržišta okruženja te s Bosnom i Hercegovinom, Crnom Gorom, Slovenijom i Srbijom ima pozitivnu vanjskotrgovinsku bilancu kod poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda, a negativnu s Makedonijom.In this article total Croatian foreign trade of agricultural and food products is analyzed for the period from 2000 to 2010. Also analyzed one by products and the import-export destinations for the period from 2005 to 2010. Agricultural and food sector participates with 9.7% in total Croatian foreign trade exchange (average 2000/10), but less in import (9.1%) than in export (10.9%). During the same period the Croatian agricultural and food sector was in deficit between 280 million USD in 2000 and 1.225 million USD in 2008. The coverage of import by export of agricultural and food products was somewhat better (58.7%) compared to total foreign trade exchange (48.9%). The most important export products were sugar from sugar beet and sugar cane, cigars and cigarettes and chocolate, and imported agricultural and food products were others, such as fresh pork and cattle. Most agricultural and food products (about a third of the total) were exported to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and most were imported from Germany (11.8%) and Italy (11.6%). Neighbouring markets are very important for Croatia and there is a positive foreign trade balance in agricultural and food products exchange with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia and Serbia, negative only with Macedonia

    Importance of new winter pea genotyp in production of the milk on family farms

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    Krmni grašak (Pisum sativum L.) postaje sve zastupljenija krmna mahunarka na oranicama Republike Hrvatske. Trogodišnjim istraživanjima (od 2003. do 2005.) utvrđivan je utjecaj učinkovitosti bakterizacije sjemena ozimoga graška i prihrane dušikom na produktivnost novoga genotipa ozimoga graška G3 u proizvodnji mlijeka na obiteljskim gospodarstvima. Prije sjetve izvršena je bakterizacija sjemena graška sojem Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 1001 iz zbirke Zavoda za mikrobiologiju Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Iz rezultata istraživanja utvrđen je ukupno najveći broj kvržica na korijenu graška kod bakterizirane varijante (39,7 kvržica/biljka), kao i masa suhe tvari kvržica (0,203 g/biljka). Najveći prinos suhe tvari graška utvrđen je na bakteriziranoj varijanti (4,33 t ha-1). Ukupni prinosi suhe tvari smjese graška i pšenice iznosili su od 8,92 t ha-1 (kontrola) do 10,64 t ha-1 (prihrana dušikom). Najveći prinos sirovih bjelančevina graška utvrđen je na bakteriziranoj varijanti (266 kg ha-1) u 2003., (672 kg ha-1) u 2004. i (853 kg ha-1) 2005. godini. Na temelju ovih istraživanja možemo zaključiti da je najveći prinos suhe tvari (4,33 t ha-1) i sirovih bjelančevina ostvaren bakterizacijom novoga genotipa ozimoga krmnoga graška G3.Forage pea (Pisum sativum L.) is becoming more represented gorage leguminoza on the fields Republic of Croatia. Three year field trials (2003-2005) were carried out to determine the effect of seed winter pea inoculation and nitrogen top-dressing on productivity of new winter pea genotype G3 in production of milk on family farms. Just before sowing the inoculation of pea seed was performed by the variety of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 1001 which is part of the microbiological collection of the Department of Microbiology at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb. The results of the research showed that the highest total nodule number on pea root (39.7 nodule/plant) as well as nodule dry matter weight (0.203 g/plant) was determined on the inoculated variant. Average highest yield of winter pea dry matter was, once more, determined on the inoculated variant (4.33 t ha-1). Total dry matter yield of winter pea and wheat mixture were ranging from 8.92 t ha-1 (control) up to 10.64 t ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing). Average highest yield of winter pea crude protein was, once more, determined on the inoculated variant (266 kg ha-1) in 2003, (672 kg ha-1) in 2004 and (853 kg ha-1) in 2005. The conclusion of this research is that the highest dry matter yield (4.33 t ha-1) and crude protein yield was obtained with the inoculation of new genotype winter pea G3

    Importance of new winter pea genotyp in production of the milk on family farms

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    Krmni grašak (Pisum sativum L.) postaje sve zastupljenija krmna mahunarka na oranicama Republike Hrvatske. Trogodišnjim istraživanjima (od 2003. do 2005.) utvrđivan je utjecaj učinkovitosti bakterizacije sjemena ozimoga graška i prihrane dušikom na produktivnost novoga genotipa ozimoga graška G3 u proizvodnji mlijeka na obiteljskim gospodarstvima. Prije sjetve izvršena je bakterizacija sjemena graška sojem Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 1001 iz zbirke Zavoda za mikrobiologiju Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Iz rezultata istraživanja utvrđen je ukupno najveći broj kvržica na korijenu graška kod bakterizirane varijante (39,7 kvržica/biljka), kao i masa suhe tvari kvržica (0,203 g/biljka). Najveći prinos suhe tvari graška utvrđen je na bakteriziranoj varijanti (4,33 t ha-1). Ukupni prinosi suhe tvari smjese graška i pšenice iznosili su od 8,92 t ha-1 (kontrola) do 10,64 t ha-1 (prihrana dušikom). Najveći prinos sirovih bjelančevina graška utvrđen je na bakteriziranoj varijanti (266 kg ha-1) u 2003., (672 kg ha-1) u 2004. i (853 kg ha-1) 2005. godini. Na temelju ovih istraživanja možemo zaključiti da je najveći prinos suhe tvari (4,33 t ha-1) i sirovih bjelančevina ostvaren bakterizacijom novoga genotipa ozimoga krmnoga graška G3.Forage pea (Pisum sativum L.) is becoming more represented gorage leguminoza on the fields Republic of Croatia. Three year field trials (2003-2005) were carried out to determine the effect of seed winter pea inoculation and nitrogen top-dressing on productivity of new winter pea genotype G3 in production of milk on family farms. Just before sowing the inoculation of pea seed was performed by the variety of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 1001 which is part of the microbiological collection of the Department of Microbiology at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb. The results of the research showed that the highest total nodule number on pea root (39.7 nodule/plant) as well as nodule dry matter weight (0.203 g/plant) was determined on the inoculated variant. Average highest yield of winter pea dry matter was, once more, determined on the inoculated variant (4.33 t ha-1). Total dry matter yield of winter pea and wheat mixture were ranging from 8.92 t ha-1 (control) up to 10.64 t ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing). Average highest yield of winter pea crude protein was, once more, determined on the inoculated variant (266 kg ha-1) in 2003, (672 kg ha-1) in 2004 and (853 kg ha-1) in 2005. The conclusion of this research is that the highest dry matter yield (4.33 t ha-1) and crude protein yield was obtained with the inoculation of new genotype winter pea G3

    The effect of cutting regime on economy properties of fodder sorghum Grazer N

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    Hibridi krmnog sirka vrlo se dobro uklapaju u slijed proizvodnje kvalitetne krme na obiteljskim gospodarstvima. Mogu se sijati nakon skidanja ozimih, ranih jarih kultura ili strnih žitarica. Ovisno o roku sjetve i oborinama, za upotrebu prispijevaju tijekom ljeta kada je zbog suše malo zelene krme za izravnu hranidbu stoke. Koriste se za zelenu krmu izravno s polja sve do jesenskih mrazova, i to u više otkosa. Viškovi proizvedene krme se siliraju. Tako se tijekom ljeta zadovolje potrebe za kvalitetnom krmom, a po jedinici površine proizvede se više kvalitetne krme tijekom vegetacije. Cilj istraživanja provedenih u 2003. i 2004. godini na pokušalištu Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu bio je utvrditi prinos zelene mase i suhe tvari te hranidbenu vrijednost krmnog sirka (hibrid Grazer N) u različitim fazama rasta i razvoja. Najveći prinosi zelene mase (90,70 t ha-1) i suhe tvari (27,40 t ha-1) krmnog sirka ostvareni su u fazi metličanja. Najveći sadržaj sirovih bjelančevina (13,35 %) ostvaren je kod visine krmnog sirka od 100 cm, a s odmicanjem vegetacije značajno se smanjivao. Najveći sadržaj sirovih vlakana (31,20 %) ostvaren je u metličanju krmnog sirka.Sorghum hybrids fit well in the system of forage production on family farms. It can be sown after harvesting of winter and early sown spring crops, and utilized in few cuts during the second part of summer, until the beginning of autumn and appearance of the first frost. Furthermore, it can ensure good yields of quality green forage and the rest quantity can be ensilaged. In that way, higher yields of quality forage per hectare can be provided during vegetation season. The aim of this research, carried out in 2003 and 2004 at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb, was to determine green matter yield, dry matter yield and forage quality of forage sorghum (hybrids Grazer N) at different development stages. The highest forage sorghum green mass (90,70 t ha-1) and dry matter yields (27,40 t ha-1) were obtained in panicles. The highest contents of crude proteins (13,35 %) were obtained at the forage sorghum height of 100 cm and significantly decreased until panicles. Crude fibres contents (31,20 %) significantly decreased until panicles

    Importance of winter pea cv. Maksimirski ozimi in production of the milk on family farms in Croatia

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    Two year field trials (1999-2001) were carried out to determine the effect of seed winter pea inoculation and nitrogen top-dressing on number and nodule dry weight g/plant of pea root and also on the yield of winter pea cv. Maksimirski ozimi and triticale cv. Clercal mixture. Just before sowing the inoculation of pea seeds was performed by the variety of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae which is part of the microbial collection of the Department of Microbiology at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb. The highest total nodule number on pea root (28 nodule/plant) was determined on the inoculated variant 2 as well as nodule dry weight (0,175 g/plant). Average pea seed yield were ranging from 1327 kg ha-1 (control) up to 1825 kg ha-1 (inoculation). Average triticale grain yield were ranging from 2375 kg ha-1 (control) up to 3345 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing). Average total grain yield of winter peas in mixture triticale were ranging from 3702 kg ha-1 (control) up to 5045 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing). This paper and given results are a humble contribution to the research of pea growth in the Republic of Croatia

    Importance of winter pea cv. Maksimirski ozimi in production of the milk on family farms in Croatia

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    Dvogodišnjim istraživanjima (od 1999. do 2001.) utvrđivan je utjecaj učinkovitosti bakterizacije sjemena ozimog graška i prihrane dušikom na broj i masu suhe tvari kvržica na korijenu graška (g/biljka) te prinose zrna smjese graška cv. Maksimirski ozimi i tritikale cv. Clercal. Prije sjetve izvršena je predsjetvena bakterizacija sjemena graška sojem Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae iz zbirke Zavoda za mikrobiologiju Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Ukupno najveći broj kvržica na korijenu graška utvrđen je na bakteriziranoj varijanti 2 (28 kvržica/biljka), kao i masa suhe tvari kvržica (0,175 g/biljka). Prosječni prinosi zrna graška iznosili su od 1327 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 1825 kg ha-1 (bakterizacija). Prosječni prinosi zrna tritikale iznosili su od 2375 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 3345 kg ha-1 (prihrana dušikom). Prosječni ukupni prinosi zrna ozime smjese graška i tritikale iznosili su od 3702 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 5045 kg ha-1 (prihrana dušikom). Ovaj rad i dobiveni rezultati skroman su doprinos istraživanjima u uzgoju graška u Republici Hrvatskoj.Two year field trials (1999-2001) were carried out to determine the effect of seed winter pea inoculation and nitrogen top-dressing on number and nodule dry weight g/plant of pea root and also on the yield of winter pea cv. Maksimirski ozimi and triticale cv. Clercal mixture. Just before sowing the inoculation of pea seeds was performed by the variety of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae which is part of the microbial collection of the Department of Microbiology at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb. The highest total nodule number on pea root (28 nodule/plant) was determined on the inoculated variant 2 as well as nodule dry weight (0,175 g/plant). Average pea seed yield were ranging from 1327 kg ha-1 (control) up to 1825 kg ha-1 (inoculation). Average triticale grain yield were ranging from 2375 kg ha-1 (control) up to 3345 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing). Average total grain yield of winter peas in mixture triticale were ranging from 3702 kg ha-1 (control) up to 5045 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing). This paper and given results are a humble contribution to the research of pea growth in the Republic of Croatia

    The effect of cutting regime on economy properties of fodder sorghum Grazer N

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    Hibridi krmnog sirka vrlo se dobro uklapaju u slijed proizvodnje kvalitetne krme na obiteljskim gospodarstvima. Mogu se sijati nakon skidanja ozimih, ranih jarih kultura ili strnih žitarica. Ovisno o roku sjetve i oborinama, za upotrebu prispijevaju tijekom ljeta kada je zbog suše malo zelene krme za izravnu hranidbu stoke. Koriste se za zelenu krmu izravno s polja sve do jesenskih mrazova, i to u više otkosa. Viškovi proizvedene krme se siliraju. Tako se tijekom ljeta zadovolje potrebe za kvalitetnom krmom, a po jedinici površine proizvede se više kvalitetne krme tijekom vegetacije. Cilj istraživanja provedenih u 2003. i 2004. godini na pokušalištu Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu bio je utvrditi prinos zelene mase i suhe tvari te hranidbenu vrijednost krmnog sirka (hibrid Grazer N) u različitim fazama rasta i razvoja. Najveći prinosi zelene mase (90,70 t ha-1) i suhe tvari (27,40 t ha-1) krmnog sirka ostvareni su u fazi metličanja. Najveći sadržaj sirovih bjelančevina (13,35 %) ostvaren je kod visine krmnog sirka od 100 cm, a s odmicanjem vegetacije značajno se smanjivao. Najveći sadržaj sirovih vlakana (31,20 %) ostvaren je u metličanju krmnog sirka.Sorghum hybrids fit well in the system of forage production on family farms. It can be sown after harvesting of winter and early sown spring crops, and utilized in few cuts during the second part of summer, until the beginning of autumn and appearance of the first frost. Furthermore, it can ensure good yields of quality green forage and the rest quantity can be ensilaged. In that way, higher yields of quality forage per hectare can be provided during vegetation season. The aim of this research, carried out in 2003 and 2004 at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb, was to determine green matter yield, dry matter yield and forage quality of forage sorghum (hybrids Grazer N) at different development stages. The highest forage sorghum green mass (90,70 t ha-1) and dry matter yields (27,40 t ha-1) were obtained in panicles. The highest contents of crude proteins (13,35 %) were obtained at the forage sorghum height of 100 cm and significantly decreased until panicles. Crude fibres contents (31,20 %) significantly decreased until panicles