5 research outputs found

    Localization of metabotropic glutamate receptors in the outer plexiform layer of the goldfish retina

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    We studied the localization of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) in the goldfish outer plexiform layer by light-and electron-microscopical immunohistochemistry. The mGluR1α antibody labeled putative ON-type bipolar cell dendrites and horizontal cell processes in both rod spherules and cone triads. Immunolabeling for mGluR2/3 was absent in the rod synaptic complex but was found at horizontal cell dendrites directly opposing the cone synaptic ribbon. The mGluR5 antibody labeled Müller cell processes wrapping rod terminals and horizontal cell somata. The mGluR7 antibody labeled mainly horizontal cell dendrites invaginating rods and cones and some putative bipolar cell dendrites in the cone synaptic complex. The finding of abundant expression of various mGluRs in bipolar and horizontal cell dendrites suggests multiple sites of glutamatergic modulation in the outer retina

    Cortical cholinergic decline parallels the progression of Borna virus encephalitis

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    Borna disease virus (BDV)-induced meningoencephalitis is associated with the dysfunction of the cholinergic system. Temporal development of this cholinergic decline during pre-encephalitic and encephalitic stages of BDV infection remains however elusive. Changes in choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activities were therefore determined in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, striatum, amygdala and cholinergic basal forebrain nuclei (ChBFN) of rats infected with BDV. Immunocytochemistry for ChAT and vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) was employed to identify morphological consequences of BDV infection on cholinergic neurons. Whereas both ChAT and AChE activities changed only slightly under pre-encephalitic conditions, the encephalitic stage was characterized by a significant decrease of ChAT activity in the cerebral cortex, horizontal diagonal band of Broca (hDBB), hippocampus and amygdala concomitant with a marked reduction of AChE activity in the cerebral cortex, hDBB and hippocampus. The striatum and medial septum remained unaffected. ChAT and VAChT immunocytochemistry revealed prominent axonal degeneration in affected cortical and limbic projection areas of ChBFN. In summary, our data indicate progressive deterioration of forebrain cholinergic systems that parallels the progression of BDV encephalitis.