15 research outputs found

    Oblici i značaj vezanih poslova u međunarodnoj razmjeni

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    U svijetu se danas provodi čitav niz transakcija koje imaju karakteristike vezanih trgovačkih poslova. Temeljna im je karakteristika da je prodaja robe ili usluga vezana za kupovinu druge robe ili usluga, uglavnom ili djelomično bez posredstva novca. Ovi poslovi nastaju najčeŔće iz potrebe da se prevlada nedostatak gotovine, odnosno konvertibilnih sredstava plaćanja. Unazad tridesetak godina ove transakcije dobivaju sve sofisticiranijeo blike koji zahtjevaju dobro poznavanje tehnike poslovanja i pojedina tržiÅ”ta. Vlade mnogih, posebno manje razvijenih zemalja svijeta primjenjuju VTP iz potrebe pronalaženja načina financiranja uvoza, a velike kompanije sve viÅ”e koriste VTP kako bi se izborile za određene poslove i povećale svoj udio na tržiÅ”tu. Iako je po miÅ”ljenju mnogih vezana trgovina manje produktivna od uobičajene trgovine gdje se transakcije pokrivaju novcem, ona ipak postoji i često predstavlja jedini mogući način uvoza ili izvoza, posebno za manje razvijene zemlje. S obzirom na danaÅ”nju opću svjetsku situaciju, može se procijeniti da će ovaj oblik trgovine joÅ” dugo imati svoje mjesto u međunarodnoj razmjeni

    Influence of Foreign Direct Investments on Commodity Exchange of the Republic of Croatia

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    Gotovo sve zemlje svijeta nastoje osigurati ubrzani razvoj svojih gospodarstava i uz pomoć inozemnih izravnih ulaganja. Budući da inozemna izravna ulaganja, uz kapital, potencijalno osiguravaju i transfer suvremene tehnologije te upravljačkih i marketinÅ”kih znanja i vjeÅ”tina, one mogu biti značajan čimbenik rasta konkurentske sposobnosti nacionalnih gospodarstava i uključenosti zemalja u međunarodnu razmjenu. U radu se RCA metodom i ā€žTrade Overlapā€œ indeksom analizira utjecaj inozemnih izravnih ulaganja na komparativne prednosti i stupanj specijalizacije u međunarodnoj robnoj razmjeni za odabranu skupinu tranzicijskih zemalja i Republiku Hrvatsku. Nastoji se utvrditi u kojoj su mjeri inozemna izravna ulaganja utjecala na izmjenu strukture vanjskotrgovinske razmjene i jesu li, u promatranom razdoblju, pridonijele rastu izvoza složenijih grupa proizvoda.Almost all countries of the world try to ensure accelerated development of their economies with the help of foreign direct investments. Since the foreign direct investments, in addition to capital, potentially ensure the transfer of contemporary technology, management and marketing knowledge and skills respectively, they can be a signifcant growth factor of competitive abilities of national economies and involvement of countries into international exchange. Trough the RCA method and ā€œTrade Overlapā€ index, this paper analyzes the infuence of foreign direct investments on the comparative advantages and specialization degree in international commodity exchange for the selected group of transition countries and the Republic of Croatia. The paper tries to determine how much the foreign direct investments have infuenced the structure change of the foreign trade exchange and whether they have contributed to export growth of more complex groups of products in the observed period


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    Poslovna izvrsnost je bazirana na sustavu cjelovitog upravljanja kvalitetom (TQM - Total Quality Management). Uvođenje i certifi kacija prema ISO 9001:2000(2008) seriji standarda za sustav upravljanja kvalitetom predstavlja dobru polaznu točku za implementaciju EFQM modela poslovne izvrsnosti i ujedno prvi korak na putu prema poslovnoj izvrsnosti jer uvodi snažan procesni pristup upravljanju. Svrha ovog članka je iznijeti dio rezultata i zaključaka istraživanja Razine poslovne izvrsnosti u Republici Hrvatskoj kao i dati prijedloge njezinog potencijalnog unaprjeđenja. Polaznu točku istraživanja predstavljaju 1444 tvrtke koje su evidentirane u okviru djelatnosti D - Prerađivačka industrija u registru hrvatskih izvoznika koji je nastao u sklopu projekta HIO (Hrvatske izvozne ofenzive). Svrha istraživanja je utvrđivanje najznačajnijih čimbenika koji utječu na konkurentnost hrvatskih tvrtki gledano kroz prizmu prezentacije i obrazloženja temeljnih načela i kriterija EFQM modela poslovne izvrsnosti i ukazivanje na mogućnost jačanja konkurentnosti hrvatskih izvoznih tvrtki, a samim tim i pripremi tvrtki i državne uprave za ulazak u Europsku Uniju. Članak je baziran na tri hipoteze. H1 Hrvatske tvrtke nisu upoznate s EFQM modelom poslovne izvrsnosti niti njegovim potencijalnim pozitivnim efektima i stoga ga primjenjuju selektivno. H2 Tvrtke koje su certificirane po ISO 9001:2000 standardu imaju viÅ”e saznanja o EFQM modelu poslovne izvrsnosti. Obje su u potpunosti dokazane, dok je kod H3, kao Å”to je i bilo predviđeno, dokazana pozitivna korelacija između certificiranosti tvrtke po ISO 9001:2000 standardu i smanjenja vanjskotrgovinskog deficita.Business excellence is based on a system of TQM - Total Quality Management. Th e introduction and certifi cation of the ISO 9001:2000 series of standards for the system of quality management presents a good starting point for implementation of the EFQM business excellence model and also represents the fi rst step on the road to business excellence, because it introduces a powerful process approach for management. Th e purpose of this article is to present results and conclusions of the research level of business excellence in the Republic of Croatia and to make proposals of its potential improvement viewed through the prism of presentation and explanations of fundamental principles and criteria of the EFQM business excellence model. Th e starting point of the research were 1444 manufacturing companies registered with Croatian exporters that have emerged within the HIO project (Croatian export off ensive). Th e main issue is to point out the possibility of strengthening export competitiveness of Croatian companies in order to enhance healthy competition and encourage TQM in the national framework. Th is article is based on three hypothesis. Th e fi rst hypothesis H1 is that Croatian companies are not familiar with the EFQM business excellence model, nor its potential positive eff ects and therefore they apply it selectively; H2 Companies that are certifi ed by ISO 9001:2000 standard have more knowledge of the EFQM model of business excellence, are both fully established, while the H3 as it was anticipated, proved a positive correlation between ISO 9001:2000 standard certifi cation and potential defi cit reduction of Foreign trade balance

    Expected Legal and Financial Effects of the Continuation of the Process of Privatization of the Housing Fund in the Republic of Croatia

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    Since the fiscal burden of the citizens in the Republic of Croatia has reached its maximum, it is necessary to pay much more attention to non-fiscal financing of public requirements on the state level, as well as on the level of the units of local self-government. Significant non-fiscal income could be realized in the structure of the state budget and of the budgets of the units of local self-government, if the housing fund that used to be in public ownership and that is now the property of the Republic of Croatia were allowed for purchase. In addition to financial effects, this would also have legal effects, which are even more important, because these apartments and houses could now be bought even by those categories of citizens that were not in the position to that before. By continuing the process of privatization of the housing fund, the Republic of Croatia would prove to its citizens that it is a democratic and social state in which the power derives from the people and belongs to the people as the community of free and equal citizens. In this paper, the following methods were applied: analysis and synthesis, classification, comparative method, dialectical method, empirical method, and the case study method

    Pregled speleoloŔkog istraživanja Konavala

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    Članovi speleoloÅ”kog odsjeka Hrvatskog planinarskog druÅ”tva \u27\u27Sniježnica\u27\u27 su u razdoblju od travnja 2018. do listopada 2020. godine istražili i snimili ukupno 10 novih speleoloÅ”kih objekata. Redovito se radilo o \u27\u27blic akcijama\u27\u27 istraživanja na domaćem terenu, koje su se paralelno provodile s istraživanjima na PeljeÅ”cu i planini Sniježnici. U rujnu 2020. nastavljeno je sustavno istraživanje najdubljih dijelova jame Bezdan. Svi su objekti evidentirani po dojavi lokalnog stanovniÅ”tva i kolega speleologa iz ostalih hrvatskih druÅ”tava koji su provodili vlastita istraživanja na području Općine Konavle. Većina ih se nalazi na primorskom grebenu između Konavoskog polja i morske obale, dok se samo jedna Å”pilja nalazi na području konavoskih brda u selu Stravča. Istraživanja u Konavlima su posebno poslužila članovima odsjeka u edukaciji o topografskom snimanju, ali i napredovanju u opremanju speleoloÅ”kih objekata

    Expected Legal and Financial Effects of the Continuation of the Process of Privatization of the Housing Fund in the Republic of Croatia

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    Since the fiscal burden of the citizens in the Republic of Croatia has reached its maximum, it is necessary to pay much more attention to non-fiscal financing of public requirements on the state level, as well as on the level of the units of local self-government. Significant non-fiscal income could be realized in the structure of the state budget and of the budgets of the units of local self-government, if the housing fund that used to be in public ownership and that is now the property of the Republic of Croatia were allowed for purchase. In addition to financial effects, this would also have legal effects, which are even more important, because these apartments and houses could now be bought even by those categories of citizens that were not in the position to that before. By continuing the process of privatization of the housing fund, the Republic of Croatia would prove to its citizens that it is a democratic and social state in which the power derives from the people and belongs to the people as the community of free and equal citizens. In this paper, the following methods were applied: analysis and synthesis, classification, comparative method, dialectical method, empirical method, and the case study method