17 research outputs found

    Principles of Haemodiafiltration: Rationale for Improved Patients’ Survival

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    Haemodiafiltration (HDF) is a renal replacement modality that combines diffusion and enhanced convection in order to remove small- and middle-molecular-weight compounds, respectively. They are removed along solvent drag effect of ultrafiltration through increased transmembrane pressure (TMP), whereas the replacement solution is infused intravenously at equal amount minus the desired fluid volume removal for achieving dry weight. Limiting factors for high-volume on-line haemodiafiltration (HV oHDF) are blood flow and viscosity (haematocrit, protocrit), filter performance and technical features of HDF monitor. Most recent advanced technology of dynamic analysis of pressure pulses along the blood flow pathway in the dialyser has enabled optimal ultrafiltration flow performances. HV oHDF offers today the best compromise of cardioprotective option by reducing cardiovascular risk factors in end-stage kidney disease patients. Recent randomised controlled trials (RCTs), individual participant data meta-analyses and a number of observational studies have shown the evidence of survival advantage of HDF over conventional haemodialysis (HD). The convective volume has become the key quantifier for HV oHDF as the measure of dialysis dose. Its cut-off values for better survival have been recognised, but the research is still needed in the years to come to set the required optimal volumes tailored to individual patients’ needs

    Functional status of patients after lumbar disc herniation surgery

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    Cilj rada je utvrditi da li rana rehabilitacija već od prvog postoperativnog dana nakon operacije lumbalne diskus hernije poboljšava funkcionalni status bolesnika u odnosu na rehabilitaciju koja započinje 3 tjedna nakon operacije. Za ocjenu funkcionalnog statusa korišten je Oswestry index, a rađen je kod 60 bolesnika prije operacije i nakon rehabilitacije, podijeljenih u 2 skupine, skupinu rane rehabilitacije i kontrolnu skupinu rehabilitacije nakon 3 tjedna od operacije. U svakoj skupini bilo je po 30 ispitanika. Vrijednosti Oswestry indexa prije operacije i nakon rehabilitacije u skupini rane rehabilitacije su bile 78,4±17 odnosno 19,6±9,9 (p<0,0001), a u kontrolnoj skupini 79±13 odnosno 37±14 (p<0,0001). Razlika Oswestry indexa prije operacije i nakon rehabilitacije u skupini rane rehabilitacije je bila 58,7±18,9, a u kontrolnoj skupini 41,6±13,2 (p=0,0001). Započinjanje rehabilitacije prvog dana nakon operacije vodi ka boljem funkcionalnom oporavku u odnosu na odgođeni početak rehabilitacije 3 tjedna nakon operacije lumbalne diskus hernije.The aim of this study was to determine whether early rehabilitation from the first postoperative day after lumbar disc herniation surgery improved functional status of patients compared to the rehabilitation that started 3 weeks after surgery. Oswestry index was used for functional status assessment before surgery and after rehabilitation in 60 patients divided in 2 groups, i.e. early and control group of rehabilitation strated 3 weeks after surgery, 30 in each. Oswestry index values before surgery and after rehabilitation in the early rehabilitation group were 78.4±17 and 19.6±9.9, respectively (p<0.0001) and in the control group the values were 79±13 and 37±14, respectively (p<0.0001). The difference of Oswestry index before operation and after rehabilitation in the early rehabilitation group was 58.7±18.9, and in the control group 41.6±13.2 (p=0.0001). Onset of rehabilitation from the first post operative day lead to better functional recovery compared to delayed rehabilitation 3 weeks after lumbar disc herniation surgery

    Comments on the article about the treatment of peripancreatic infection

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    We read with great interest the article by Tang et al published in issue 4 of World Journal of Gastroenterology 2010. The results of their study indicate that percutaneous catheter drainage in combination with choledochoscope-guided debridement is a simple, safe and reliable treatment procedure for peripancreatic infections secondary to severe acute pancreatitis. However, there are some points that need to be addressed, including data about the patients in the study and their clinical characteristics, data about infection and superinfection during the treatment and type of treatment of patients with acute necrotizing pancreatitis

    Anemia Identified One Month after Renal Transplantation is Predictive of Anemia Identified After Twelve Months

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    The aim of this study was to evalúate whether anemia identified earlier than 3 months postengraftment in modern era could be predictive of anemia at 12 months. Cross-sectional and cohort studies based on retrospective analysis of existing clinical records were performed. Data on recipient’s age at transplantation, follow-up serum creatinine (SCR) and hemoglobin (Hb) on day 7 (D7), at month 1 (M1) and at month 3 (M3) postengraftment were collected. Outcome was anemia identified at 12 months (M12) postengraftment. There were 75 patients on D7, 74 at M1 and 61 at M3. Multiple linear regression model that included recipient’s age at transplantation, Hb and creatinine on D7 and tested the risk for anemia at M12 retained only the age in the model, with the coefficient of 0,84 (P=0,001). The same model at M1 retained Hb and age, with the coefficients of 0,26 (P=0,03) and 0,81 (P=0,0002), respectively and at M3 it retained Hb and age, with the coefficients of 0,41 (P=0,004) and 0,70 (P=0,003), respectively. Anemia identified at M1 after renal transplantation is predictive of anemia at M12

    Anemia Identified One Month after Renal Transplantation is Predictive of Anemia Identified After Twelve Months

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    The aim of this study was to evalúate whether anemia identified earlier than 3 months postengraftment in modern era could be predictive of anemia at 12 months. Cross-sectional and cohort studies based on retrospective analysis of existing clinical records were performed. Data on recipient’s age at transplantation, follow-up serum creatinine (SCR) and hemoglobin (Hb) on day 7 (D7), at month 1 (M1) and at month 3 (M3) postengraftment were collected. Outcome was anemia identified at 12 months (M12) postengraftment. There were 75 patients on D7, 74 at M1 and 61 at M3. Multiple linear regression model that included recipient’s age at transplantation, Hb and creatinine on D7 and tested the risk for anemia at M12 retained only the age in the model, with the coefficient of 0,84 (P=0,001). The same model at M1 retained Hb and age, with the coefficients of 0,26 (P=0,03) and 0,81 (P=0,0002), respectively and at M3 it retained Hb and age, with the coefficients of 0,41 (P=0,004) and 0,70 (P=0,003), respectively. Anemia identified at M1 after renal transplantation is predictive of anemia at M12

    Trend of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy Patients on Renal Replacement Therapy in Bosnia From 2003 Through 2005

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate epidemiological status of Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) patients on renal replacement therapy (RRT) in Bosnia from 2003 through 2005. Incidence and prevalence rates of BEN, diabetes mellitus (DM) and RRT population and proportion of BEN RRT population in total RRT population were tracked in renal units covering the entire BEN endemic region in Bosnia. BEN incidence and prevalence rates were 52; 34;48 and 262; 265, 292, respectively. DM incidence and prevalence rates were 7; 13; 8 and 20; 28; 33, respectively. Total RRT population incidence and prevalence rates were 89; 82; 79 and 424; 436; 473, respectively. Proportions of incident BEN RRT population in incident total RRT population and proportions of incident BEN RRT population in incident total RRT population when incident diabetics were subtracted from incident total RRT population were 0,58; 0,41; 0,61, and 0,63; 0,49; 0,67; respectively. Proportions of prevalent BEN RRT population in prevalent total RRT population and proportions of prevalent BEN RRT population in prevalent total RRT population when prevalent diabetics were subtracted from prevalent total RRT population were 0,62; 0,61; 0,62, and 0,65; 0,65; 0,66, respectively. Trend of BEN RRT population was stable in Bosnia from 2003 through 2005


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    Cilj rada bio je usporediti ultrazvučni nalaz morfometrijskih mjerenja i registracije Dopplerovih signala bubrega među djecom i adolescentima s dijabetesom melitusom tipa 1 (DMT1) s mikroalbuminurijom i metaboličkom kontrolom u odnosu na trajanje bolesti. U retrospektivno-prospektivnu studiju uključeno je 80 ispitanika, oboljelih od DMT1 u dobi od 2 do 16 godina. Svi ispitanici podijeljeni su u dvije grupe: jedna grupa s trajanjem DMT1 kraćim od 10 godina i druga grupa s više od 10 godina. Ispitanici s trajanjem DMT1 dužim od 10 godina imaju učestalije mikroalbuminuriju, povećan volumen desnog bubrega, veći HbA1C i povišen indeks rezistencije u arteriji interlobaris. Pored mikroalbuminurije, praćenje dimenzija i volumena bubrega može upozoriti na postojanje ranih faza dijabetičke nefropatije.The aim of the study was to compare ultrasound findings of morphometric measurements and registration of Doppler signs of kidneys between children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus type 1 (DMT1) with microalbuminuria, and metabolic control with duration of the disease. Retrospective-prospective study included 80 patients, who got DMT1 in the age from 2 to 16 years. In relation to the duration of the disease, all patients were divided into two groups: the first was whose illness had lasted less than 10 years, the second group was with duration of DMT1 more than 10 years. In patients with duration of DMT1 more than 10 years, the frequency of microalbuminuria, pathological findings of the volume of right kidney, and higher HbA1C were significantly greater. The significant difference was found in the frequency of pathological findings of the resistance index (RI) in the interlobar arteries in both kidneys. Alongside microalbuminuria, monitoring the dimension and volume of the kidneys may indicate the existence of the early phases of diabetic nephropathy

    Comments on the article about correlation between computerized tomography and surgery in acute pancreatitis

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    We read with great interest the article by Vege et al published in issue 34 of World J Gastroenterol 2010. The article evaluates the ability of contrast-enhanced computerized tomography (CECT) to characterize the nature of peripancreatic collections found at surgery. The results of their study indicate that most of the peripancreatic collections seen on CECT in patients with severe acute pancreatitis who require operative intervention contain necrotic tissue and CECT has a limited role in differentiating various types of collections. However, there are some points that need to be addressed, including data about the stage of acute pancreatitis in which CECT was done and the time span between CECT examination and surgery

    What is the optimal treatment for appendiceal mass formed after acute perforated appendicitis

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    We read with great interest the editorial article by Meshikhes AWN published in issue 25 of World J Gastroenterol 2011. The article described the advantages of emergency laparoscopic appendectomy compared with interval appendectomy as a new safe treatment modality for the appendiceal mass. The author concluded that the emergency laparoscopic appendectomy was a safe treatment modality for the appendiceal mass, and might prove to be more cost-effective than conservative treatment, with no need for interval appendectomy. However, we would like to highlight certain issues regarding the possibility of percutaneous catheter drainage to successfully treat the appendiceal mass, with no need for appendectomy, too