5 research outputs found

    Analyse der einzelnen Entwicklungstendenzen von Hochleistungen bei den Dreispringern

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    Praćenjem razvoja rezultata 20 troskokaša u vremenskom periodu od najmanje osam godina kroz sagledavanje grafičkih prikaza najnovijih krivulja rezultata i polinomijalnom regresijskom analizom izvedenom u statističkom paketu STAGRAPHICS, uočilo se da je potrebno specijalizirati disciplinu troskok u nešto kasnijem životnom razdoblju (oko 16 godina života) zbog povećanog rizika ozljeđivanja. Upravo zbog kasnije selekcije rezultati troskokaša se kreću nepredvidljivim tokom a za rezultate u skakačkim disciplinama mogu biti odgovorni i vanjski faktori, kao sto su ozljeda i specifičnost tehnike, te i oni, uz kasnu specijalizaciju discipline, mogu biti limitirajući faktori u mogućnostima zadržavanja rezultata na visokoj razini kroz dulje vremensko razdoblje (pet do deset godina).During the period of at least eight years we have been analysing the results of 20 athletes (triple jump) through the graphic representation of result curves and by the polynomial regression analysis executed in the statistical package STAGRAPHICS. We have concluded that it is not necessary to specialize in triple jump too early and that it is better to do it at around 16 years of age, because of the increased risk of injuries. It is because of the late selection that the results of triple jumpers take unpredictable turns and the results are subject to high oscillations. Some other factors, like injuries and the specific quality of the technique, can be responsible for oscillations of results in jumping events. These factors, together with the late specialization in triple jump, can be the limiting factors in keeping up the results on the high level over a longer period of time (five to ten years)

    Messen des aktiven widerstands beim Schwimmen mittels kinematischer und dynamischer Parameter

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    The situation-related parameters of top volleyball matches were analyzed in this paper: five technical tactical elements (block, defense, serve, reception of serve and spike), performed by one volleyball team throughout the competition period and during the European Champions Cup matches, were monitored. The influence of these elements on the score in a volleyball game was investigated. Two regression analysis models were used. Further, by means of numerous frequencies in descriptive statistics one model of performance efficiency for each of the five analyzed elements was designed.Es wurden einige situationsbezogene Parameter von Spitzenvolleyballspielen analysiert, nämlich, fünf technisch-taktische Elemente (Block, Abwehr, Aufgabe, Aufgabenannahme und Schmetterschlag), die eine Volleyballmannschaft während der Spielsaison und während der Europapokalspiele ausgeführt hat. Wie diese Elemente das Endresultat beeinflussen wurde mittels zwei Regressionsanalysen untersucht. Anhand der in der deskriptiven Statistik berechneten Frequenzen wurde ein Modell der Ausführungseffektivität für jedes analysierte Element gestaltet

    Stabhochsprung für Mädchen

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    Premda se u nizu sportskih grana, koje su bile tradicionalno “muške” zadnjih godina natječu i žene, skok s motkom je nepravedno zapostavljen, pa se stoga predlaže program rada za učenje tehnike skoka motkom prilagođen za rad sa učenicama. Valja pripomenuti kako je program učenja skoka s motkom za djevojke raspoređen tijekom deset nastavnih sati, te ga je moguće izvesti bez većih materijalnih ulaganja i posebnih priprema.Although more and more women take part in the whole series of sports events that have in the past been considered as traditionally “masculine”, the pole vault has been unjustly neglected. Therefore, we are suggesting the application of a programme for acquiring the pole vault technique - this programme has been adapted in such a way that it is suitable for girl pupils. The duration of this programme should cover ten classes, and the programme can be carried out without high costs and without special preparations.Obwohl in vielen Sportarten, die traditionell “männlich” sind, in den letzten Jahren auch Frauen an Wettbewerben teilnehmen, ist der Stabhochsprung zu Unrecht vernachlässigt. Es wird deswegen ein Trainingsprogramm für Erwerbung der Stabhochsprungtechnik, das der Arbeit mit Schülerinnen angepaβt ist, vorgeschlagen. Dieses Programm für Erwerbung der Stabhochsprungtechnik für Mädchen umfaβt nur 10 Stunden und kann deswegen, ohne großeren materiellen Kosten decken zu müssen und Extravorbereitungen, durchgeführt werden

    Messen des aktiven widerstands beim Schwimmen mittels kinematischer und dynamischer Parameter

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    The situation-related parameters of top volleyball matches were analyzed in this paper: five technical tactical elements (block, defense, serve, reception of serve and spike), performed by one volleyball team throughout the competition period and during the European Champions Cup matches, were monitored. The influence of these elements on the score in a volleyball game was investigated. Two regression analysis models were used. Further, by means of numerous frequencies in descriptive statistics one model of performance efficiency for each of the five analyzed elements was designed.Es wurden einige situationsbezogene Parameter von Spitzenvolleyballspielen analysiert, nämlich, fünf technisch-taktische Elemente (Block, Abwehr, Aufgabe, Aufgabenannahme und Schmetterschlag), die eine Volleyballmannschaft während der Spielsaison und während der Europapokalspiele ausgeführt hat. Wie diese Elemente das Endresultat beeinflussen wurde mittels zwei Regressionsanalysen untersucht. Anhand der in der deskriptiven Statistik berechneten Frequenzen wurde ein Modell der Ausführungseffektivität für jedes analysierte Element gestaltet