6 research outputs found

    The contribution of friction to the dislocation resistance of bonded fiber posts.

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    Choice of Endodontic Fiber Posts and its Influence on Dental Malpractice: An in vitro Evaluation

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    Resin Bonding to Root Canal Dentin: Effect of the Application of an Experimental Hydrophobic Resin Coating after an All-in-one Adhesive

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    Effect of Instrumentation Techniques, Irrigant Solutions and Artificial accelerated Aging on Fiberglass Post Bond Strength to Intraradicular Dentin

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    Influence of Fiber Post Cementation Length on Coronal Microleakage Values in vitro and Finite Element Analysis

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    Push-out Bond Strength of Glass Fiber Posts Cemented in Weakened Roots with Different Luting Agents

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