41 research outputs found

    Comments on fusion matrix in N=1 super Liouville field theory

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    We study several aspects of the N=1N=1 super Liouville theory. We show that certain elements of the fusion matrix in the Neveu-Schwarz sector related to the structure constants according to the same rules which we observe in rational conformal field theory. We collect some evidences that these relations should hold also in the Ramond sector. Using them the Cardy-Lewellen equation for defects is studied, and defects are constructed.Comment: 28 pages, comment and reference adde

    Defects, Non-abelian T-duality, and the Fourier-Mukai transform of the Ramond-Ramond fields

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    We construct topological defects generating non-abelian T-duality for isometry groups acting without isotropy. We find that these defects are given by line bundles on the correspondence space with curvature which can be considered as a non-abelian generalization of the curvature of the Poincar\`{e} bundle. We show that the defect equations of motion encode the non-abelian T-duality transformation. The Fourier-Mukai transform of the Ramond-Ramond fields generated by the gauge invariant flux of these defects is studied. We show that it provides elegant and compact way of computation of the transformation of the Ramond-Ramond fields under the non-abelian T-duality.Comment: 18 pages, minor typos corrected, references adde

    On mini-superspace limit of boundary three-point function in Liouville field theory

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    We study mini-superspace semiclassical limit of the boundary three-point function in the Liouville field theory. We compute also matrix elements for the Morse potential quantum mechanics. An exact agreement between the former and the latter is found. We show that both of them are given by the generalized hypergeometric functions.Comment: 18 page

    On classical and semiclassical properties of the Liouville theory with defects

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    The Lagrangian of the Liouville theory with topological defects is analyzed in detail and general solution of the corresponding defect equations of motion is found. We study the heavy and light semiclassical limits of the defect two-point function found before via the bootstrap program. We show that the heavy asymptotic limit is given by the exponential of the Liouville action with defects, evaluated on the solutions with two singular points. We demonstrate that the light asymptotic limit is given by the finite dimensional path integral over solutions of the defect equations of motion with a vanishing energy-momentum tensor.Comment: 50 pages, typos corrected, references added, comments and explanations adde

    Topological defects in the Liouville field theories with different cosmological constants

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    We construct topological defects in the Liouville field theory producing jump in the value of cosmological constant. We construct them using the Cardy-Lewellen equation for the two-point function with defect. We show that there are continuous and discrete families of such kind of defects. For the continuous family of defects we also find the Lagrangian description and check its agreement with the solution of the Cardy-Lewellen equation using the heavy asymptotic semiclasscial limit.Comment: 15 page

    From rarefied elliptic beta integral to parafermionic star-triangle relation

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    We consider the rarefied elliptic beta integral in various limiting forms. In particular, we obtain an integral identity for parafermionic hyperbolic gamma functions which describes the star-triangle relation for parafermionic Liouville theory.Comment: 19 page

    On Least Action D-Branes

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    We discuss the effect of relevant boundary terms on the nature of branes. This is done for toroidal and orbifold compactifications of the bosonic string. Using the relative minimalization of the boundary entropy as a guiding principle, we uncover the more stable boundary conditions at different regions of moduli space. In some cases, Neumann boundary conditions dominate for small radii while Dirichlet boundary conditions dominate for large radii. The c=1 and c=2 moduli spaces are studied in some detail. The antisymmetric background field B is found to have a more limited role in the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions. This is due to some topological considerations. The results are subjected to T-duality tests and the special role of the points in moduli space fixed under T-duality is explained from least-action considerations.Comment: Latex, 20 pages, 2 figures, references adde

    S-move matrix in the NS sector of N=1N=1 super Liouville field theory

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    In this paper we calculate matrix of modular transformations of the one-point toric conformal blocks in the Neveu-Schwarz sector of N=1N=1 super Liouville field theory. For this purpose we use explicit expression for this matrix as integral of product of certain elements of fusion matrix. This integral is computed using the chain of integral identities for supersymmetric hyperbolic gamma functions derived by the degeneration of the integrals of parafermionic elliptic gamma functions.Comment: 25 page

    On canonical quantization of the gauged WZW model with permutation branes

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    In this paper we perform canonical quantization of the product of the gauged WZW models on a strip with boundary conditions specified by permutation branes. We show that the phase space of the NN-fold product of the gauged WZW model G/HG/H on a strip with boundary conditions given by permutation branes is symplectomorphic to the phase space of the double Chern-Simons theory on a sphere with NN holes times the time-line with GG and HH gauge fields both coupled to two Wilson lines. For the special case of the topological coset G/GG/G we arrive at the conclusion that the phase space of the NN-fold product of the topological coset G/GG/G on a strip with boundary conditions given by permutation branes is symplectomorphic to the phase space of Chern-Simons theory on a Riemann surface of the genus N−1N-1 times the time-line with four Wilson lines.Comment: 18 page