7 research outputs found
Sunbelt Capital and Conservative Political Realignment in the 1970s and 1980s
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Changes in latitude, changes in attitude: Population movements and conservative shifts in congress
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A Study on Un-decided Voters: The Effects of Party Preference and Campaign Issues
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Korean Political Science Association'
- Publication date
- Field of study
An analysis of PAC contributions and legislator quality
- Author
- Christine Loucks
- Diana Evans
- Frank Wayman
- Gerald Keim
- Henry W. Chappell
- Henry W. Chappell
- J. David Gopoian
- J. L. Regens
- J. M. Snyder
- James Endersby
- Janet Grenzke
- Janet Grenzke
- John Wright
- Keith Poole
- Kevin Grier
- Kevin Grier
- Kevin Grier
- Laura I. Langbein
- Michael Munger
- R. Kenneth Godwin
- R. L. Hall
- Randall Bennett
- Robert E. Florence
- T. Stratman
- Thomas Romer
- William Mitchell
- William Welch
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Congressional support for unions’ positions across diverse legislation
- Author
- Allen Wilhite
- Ann P. Bartel
- Arthur Wolfe
- Asghar Zardkoohi
- Cletus C. Coughlin
- Federal Election Commission
- Gregory Saltzman
- Harry Holloway
- Henry W. Chappell
- Ian Maitland
- J. David Gopoian
- J. David Greenstone
- James B. Kau
- James B. Kau
- James B. Kau
- James B. Kau
- James B. Kau
- James F. Herndon
- John T. Addison
- Jonathan I. Silberman
- Jong Oh Ra
- Joseph P. Kalt
- Keith T. Poole
- Marcus Pohlmann
- Marick F. Masters
- Marick F. Masters
- Marick F. Masters
- Marick F. Masters
- Michael Barone
- Michael Barone
- Richard B. Freeman
- Robert Axelrod
- Robert Axelrod
- Robert H. Salisbury
- Sam Peltzman
- Theodore J. Lowi
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- William P. Welch
- William T. Moore
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Balanced Budgets and the Withering of U.S. Fiscal Policy: The Outlines of a Postwar American Fiscal Constitution
- Author
- __________
- _____________
- _______________
- ________________
- ________________
- _________________
- _________________
- __________________
- __________________
- __________________
- __________________ _______________
- ___________________
- ___________________
- ____________________
- _______________________
- _______________________
- _______________________
- _______________________
- _______________________
- _______________________
- _________________________
- _________________________
- __________________________________________
- __________________________________________
- ____________________________________________
- ____________________________________________
- ________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________
- A Alesina
- Aage Clausen
- Aaron Wildavsky
- Aida Donald
- Alan J Auerbach
- Alan S Blinder
- Albert Ando
- Alfred A Marcus
- Alfred C Neal
- Allen H Meltzer
- Allen Schick
- Ann Orloff
- Annette E Meyer
- Anthony Downs
- Anthony S Campagna
- Arthur M Schlesinger
- Arthur Maass
- Arthur Okun
- B Hinckley
- Barbara Luck ________________
- Betram M _______________
- Brian Barry
- Bruce C Greenwald
- Bureaucracy _________________
- Business ____________________
- C A E Goodhart
- C Macrae
- Cain
- Cameron Elliott Gordon
- Cameron Gordon
- Charles Lindblom
- Clair Brown
- D C _____________
- D C W Ashington
- D Golden
- Daniel Long
- Darrell M West
- Darrell West
- David _________________
- David A Stockman
- David C Mowery
- David Calleo
- David Felix
- David J Stern
- David L Brumbaugh
- David Lowery
- David Mayhew
- David Naveh
- De Leeuw
- Dennis C Mueller
- Dennis Ippolito
- Dennis M Roth
- Dennis M Roth
- Donald R Matthews
- Douglas A Hibbs
- E Canterbury
- Ed ______________
- Edward R Tufte
- Edwin G Nourse
- Eileen Applebaum
- Ernst A Boehm
- F H Hayek
- F Kydland
- Frances Piven
- Francis F Rourke
- G C Jacobson
- G H Kramer
- G L Bach
- Gabriel Kolko
- Gardner Ackley
- Gavin Wright
- George C Edwards
- George J Stigler
- Goran Therborn
- Gordon __________________
- Guy C Colarulli
- H W Chappell
- Harold Wilensky
- Harry S Havens
- Harwood Childs
- Heino ___________________
- Helen Ginsburg
- Henry Fairlie
- Herbert Stein
- Hobart Rowen
- Howard E Shuman
- Howard J Sherman
- Hugh S Norton
- Hugh Sidey
- Hyman P Minsky
- Irving Horowitz
- J C Asselain
- J E Alt
- J Gopoian
- J Greenstone
- J Havemann
- J Mueller
- J T ________
- Jackie Calmes
- James E Anderson
- James L Sundquist
- James M Buchanan
- James Malachowski
- James O&apos
- James P Pfiffner
- James Savage
- James T Bennett
- James Tobin
- James V Saturno
- James W Dean
- Jeffrey __________
- Jeffrey M Berry
- Jim F Heath
- John D Robertson
- John E Yang
- John F Witte
- John L Palmer
- John Miller
- John Ray
- John T Manley
- Jonathan R T Hughes
- Joseph A Pechman
- Joseph White
- K Blackburn
- Karl Marx
- Karl Polyani
- Karl Schriftgeisser
- Keith M Carlson
- Kennedy _____________________
- Kenneth Weiher
- Kevin B Grier
- Kim Mcquaid
- Kirsten A Gronjberg
- Kristen R Monroes
- L O Laney
- Lance Leloup
- Lance T Leloup
- Larry Berman
- Larry Boyle
- Lasky
- Laurence J Kotlikoff
- Lawrence H Summers
- Loren J Okroi
- Louis Alan Talley
- M Weatherford
- Macroeconomics ________________
- Mancur Olson
- Mark Hill
- Martin Robinson
- Max Weber
- Michael Bernstein
- Michael J Boskin
- Michael Macdowell
- Michael S Lewis-Beck
- Michael Shalev
- Micheal Piore
- Murray L Weidenbaum
- Nathaniel Beck
- Nelson Polsby
- Nigel Bowles
- O H Swank
- Ornstein
- Ornstein
- Otis L Graham
- P A Klein
- P Eulau
- Patrick Anderson
- Paul Courant
- Paul Mosley
- Paul Peretz
- Paul Peretz
- Paul R Krugman
- Paul Roberts
- Paul W Mccracken
- Pierce Lawrence
- Preston J Miller
- Ray C Fair
- Richard E __________________
- Richard E Cohen
- Richard Fenno
- Richard Musgrave
- Richard Nuestadt
- Robert A Bernstein
- Robert D Plotnick
- Robert Dahl
- Robert Dahl
- Robert Eisner
- Robert Higgs
- Robert J Barro
- Robert Lucas
- Robert M Collins
- Roger D Congleton
- Roger Davidson
- Rudolph G Penner
- Russell D Renka
- Samuel Bowles
- Sar A Levitan
- Sar Levitan
- Seymour E Harris
- Seymour Melman
- Sheetal Chand
- Simon Kuznets
- Stanley E Collender
- Steven E Schier
- Steven M Sheffrin
- Steven S Smith
- T Amemiya
- T Havrilesky
- Talcott Parsons
- Theodore C Sorenson
- Theodore J Eismeier
- Thomas J Hailstones
- Thomas Sargent
- U S
- U S
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- U S Congress
- V K Borooah
- Vic George
- W _____________
- Walter W Heller
- Wassily Leontief
- Wealth ______________
- Wilfred L David
- Wilfred Lewis
- William Ashworth
- William D Berry
- William D Nordhaus
- William E Leuchtenburg
- William Greider
- William Niskanen
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1996
- Field of study
The impact of legislator attributes on union PAC campaign contributions
- Author
- Al. Wilhite
- Allen Wilhite
- Arthur Denzau
- Arthur Denzau
- Barry R. Weingast
- Cletus G. Coughlin
- Courtney D. Gifford
- D. R. Cox
- Diana Evans
- Edward P. Zuckerman
- Edward Roeder
- George Goodwin
- Gregory M. Saltzman
- Henry W. Chappell
- Henry W. Chappell
- J. David Gopoian
- James B. Kau
- James B. Kau
- James T. Bennett
- James W. Endersby
- Janet M. Grenzke
- John P. Frendreis
- John R. Wright
- John R. Wright
- John R. Wright
- Jonathan I. Silberman
- Keith T. Poole
- Keith T. Poole
- Kenneth A. Shepsle
- Kevin Grier
- Kevin Grier
- Larry J. Sabato
- Laura I. Langbein
- Marick F. Masters
- Marick F. Masters
- Marick F. Masters
- Marick F. Masters
- Marvin Weinberger
- Michael C. Munger
- Michael C. Munger
- Michael C. Munger
- Richard F. Fenno
- Richard Hall
- Sam Peltzman
- Theodore J. Eismeier
- U.S. Bureau of the Budget
- U.S. Congress. Committee on Rules
- U.S. Congress. Committee on Rules
- U.S. Congress. Joint Committee on Congressional Operations
- U.S. Congress. Joint Committee on Printing
- U.S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- U.S. Federal Election Commission
- U.S. Federal Election Commission
- U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Statistical Policy Division. 1978
- U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Statistical Policy Division. 1978
- W. P. Welch
- Walter Stubbs
- Woodrow Wilson
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study