2 research outputs found

    Continuous variable entanglement between propagating optical modes using optomechanics

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    This article proposes a new method to entangle two spatially separated output laser fields from an optomechanical cavity with a membrane in the middle. The radiation pressure force coupling is used to modify the correlations between the input and the output field quadratures. Then the laser fields at the optomechanical cavity output are entangled using the quantum back-action nullifying meter technique. The effect of thermal noise on the entanglement is studied. For experimentally feasible parameters, the entanglement between the laser fields survives upto room temperature.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 68 reference

    Optical ranging with quantum advantage

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    The quantum illumination technique requires joint measurement between the idler and the probe reflected from the low-reflective target present in a noisy environment. The joint measurement is only possible with prior knowledge about the target's location. The technique in this article overcomes this limitation by using entanglement and a cross-correlated homodyne measurement. This technique does not require quantum storage of the idler and prior knowledge about the target's distance. The cross-correlation measurement makes this technique completely immune to environmental noise, as the correlation between the idler and the environment is zero. The low reflectivity of the target is negated by increasing the intensity of the reference fields (non-entangled) in the homodyne. Based on heuristic arguments, a lower bound of the target's reflectivity for optimum application of this technique is described.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, 49 reference