14 research outputs found

    Integrating GIS and BIM

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    UrbanismArchitecture and The Built Environmen

    3D Spatial Information Infrastructure for the Port of Rotterdam

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    The maintenance of the complex infrastructure and facilities of Port of Rotterdam is based on large amounts of heterogeneous information. Almost all activities of the Port require spatial information about features above- and under- ground. Current information systems are department and data oriented and cannot reflect the new process- & project-oriented needed for information exchange. Moreover most of the systems are able to process only two-dimensional data, while increasing number of 3D design models is becoming available. This complexity of activities and diversity of information challenges the Port authority to look for more advanced 3D solutions. This paper presents research in progress related to developing a 3D SII in support of information and process management within the Port of Rotterdam. The discussions and the research findings within this project are very relevant to the development of corporative information infrastructure for any large institution of a company.OTB ResearchOTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    3D Spatial Data Infrastructure

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    OTB ResearchOTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    Evaluation and patient experience of wireless noninvasive fetal heart rate monitoring devices

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    Introduction: In clinical practice, fetal heart rate monitoring is performed intermittently using Doppler ultrasound, typically for 30 minutes. In case of a non-reassuring heart rate pattern, monitoring is usually prolonged. Noninvasive fetal electrocardiography may be more suitable for prolonged monitoring due to improved patient comfort and signal quality. This study evaluates the performance and patient experience of four noninvasive electrocardiography devices to assess candidate devices for prolonged noninvasive fetal heart rate monitoring. Material and methods: Non-critically sick women with a singleton pregnancy from 24 weeks of gestation were eligible for inclusion. Fetal heart rate monitoring was performed during standard care with a Doppler ultrasound device (Philips Avalon-FM30) alone or with this Doppler ultrasound device simultaneously with one of four noninvasive electrocardiography devices (Nemo Fetal Monitoring System, Philips Avalon-Beltless, Demcon Dipha-16 and Dräger Infinity-M300). Performance was evaluated by: success rate, positive percent agreement, bias, 95% limits of agreement, regression line, root mean square error and visual agreement using FIGO guidelines. Patient experience was captured using a self-made questionnaire. Results: A total of 10 women were included per device. For fetal heart rate, Nemo performed best (success rate: 99.4%, positive percent agreement: 94.2%, root mean square error 5.1 BPM, bias: 0.5 BPM, 95% limits of agreement: −9.7 – 10.7 BPM, regression line: y = −0.1x + 11.1) and the cardiotocography tracings obtained simultaneously by Nemo and Avalon-FM30 received the same FIGO classification. Comparable results were found with the Avalon-Beltless from 36 weeks of gestation, whereas the Dipha-16 and Infinity-M300 performed significantly worse. The Avalon-Beltless, Nemo and Infinity-M300 closely matched the performance of the Avalon-FM30 for maternal heart rate, whereas the performance of the Dipha-16 deviated more. Patient experience scores were higher for the noninvasive electrocardiography devices. Conclusions: Both Nemo and Avalon-Beltless are suitable devices for (prolonged) noninvasive fetal heart rate monitoring, taking their intended use into account. But outside its intended use limit of 36 weeks’ gestation, the Avalon-Beltless performs less well, comparable to the Dipha-16 and Infinity-M300, making them currently unsuitable for (prolonged) noninvasive fetal heart rate monitoring. Noninvasive electrocardiography devices appear to be preferred due to greater comfort and mobility.Medical Instruments & Bio-Inspired Technolog

    3D pilot. Eindrapport werkgroep technische specificaties voor de opbouw van de 3D IMGeo-CityGML

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    Deze notitie is de eindrapportage van Activiteit 3 van de zes 3D Pilot NL Fase II activiteiten: Technische specificaties bestekteksten voor de opbouw van IMGeo-CityGML. De 3D Pilot is een initiatief van het Kadaster, Geonovum, de Nederlandse Commissie voor Geodesie en het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, waarin meer dan 100 organisaties (www.geonovum.nl/dossiers/3dpilot/deelnemersvervolg) het afgelopen jaar hebben samengewerkt om de implementatie van 3D geoinformatie te ondersteunen met hulpmiddelen. Deze zes activiteiten van de Pilot (1. Maken voorbeeldbestanden IMGeo 2.0 - CityGML, 2. Ontwerpen en bouwen 3D validator, 3. Opstellen standaard bestekken voor opbouw 3D IMGeo data, 4. Beschrijven standaard aanpak beheren en updaten 3D data, 5. Verzamelen van 3D killerapplicaties en 6. Afstemming BIM-CityGML-IMGeo standaarden) zijn parallel maar ook in samenwerking uitgevoerd. Van iedere activiteit zijn de ervaringen gerapporteerd in een eindrapport. Inclusief management samenvatting, zijn de resultaten van de 3D Pilot dus verwoord in zeven rapportages. De rapportages zijn bedoeld als ingang naar de belangrijkste resultaten en zijn daarmee niet compleet. Meer details zijn te vinden in de presentaties die tijdens de zes kennissessies zijn gehouden (zie www.geonovum.nl/dossiers/3dpilot/bibliotheek/presentaties) de www.geonovum.nl/3d website die voortdurende zal worden aangepast aan recente inzichten en ontwikkelingen alsook documenten waarin dit specifieke rapport naar verwezen zal worden. Dit rapport beschrijft de eisen en keuzes die gemaakt dienen te worden voordat IMGeo topografie naar de markt wordt gebracht voor het toevoegen van 3D geometrie. Dit rapport bevat op basis van basisuitgangspunten en keuzes een eerste aanzet voor technische teksten die nog een organisatie specifieke nabewerking vragen. In dit rapport gaat het dus niet om de juridische, contractuele afspraken, beschrijvingen van de gewenste rapportages bij leveringen en beschrijvingen van afspraken over procedure, communicatie of eisen aan organisatie.OTB ResearchOTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    3D Pilot: Eindrapport werkgroep 3D Use cases

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    GIS TechnologyOTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    3D spatial infrastructure for the Port of Rotterdam

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    This report presents the investigations, developments and the result of the project 3D spatial data infrastructure, funded by Next Generation Infrastructures, Maasvlakte 2.OTBArchitecture and The Built Environmen

    Towards a 3D geo-information standard in the Netherlands

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    This paper presents the ongoing research project in The Netherlands in which a large number of stakeholders are realising a 3D testbed based on selected use cases and test areas. The findings of the project will result in a Proof of Concept for a 3D Geoinformation standard and a 3D data infrastructure in The Netherlands compatible with international (e.g. CityGML) and national standards.OTB onderzoekOTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen