14,016 research outputs found

    Propagation of temporal entanglement

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    The equations that govern the temporal evolution of two photons in the Schr{\"o}dinger picture are derived, taking into account the effects of loss, group-velocity dispersion, temporal phase modulation, linear coupling among different optical modes, and four-wave mixing. Inspired by the formalism, we propose the concept of quantum temporal imaging, which uses dispersive elements and temporal phase modulators to manipulate the temporal correlation of two entangled photons. We also present the exact solution of a two-photon vector soliton, in order to demonstrate the ease of use and intuitiveness of the proposed formulation.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Finite momentum condensation in a pumped microcavity

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    We calculate the absorption spectra of a semiconductor microcavity into which a non-equilibrium exciton population has been pumped. We predict strong peaks in the spectrum corresponding to collective modes analogous to the Cooper modes in superconductors and fermionic atomic gases. These modes can become unstable, leading to the formation of off-equilibrium quantum condensates. We calculate a phase diagram for condensation, and show that the dominant instabilities can be at a finite momentum. Thus we predict the formation of inhomogeneous condensates, similar to Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov states.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, updated to accepted versio

    Comparison of imaging with sub-wavelength resolution in the canalization and resonant tunnelling regimes

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    We compare the properties of subwavelength imaging in the visible wavelength range for metal-dielectric multilayers operating in the canalization and the resonant tunnelling regimes. The analysis is based on the transfer matrix method and time domain simulations. We show that Point Spread Functions for the first two resonances in the canalization regime are approximately Gaussian in shape. Material losses suppress transmission for higher resonances, regularise the PSF but do not compromise the resolution. In the resonant tunnelling regime, the MTF may dramatically vary in their phase dependence. Resulting PSF may have a sub-wavelength thickness as well as may be broad with multiple maxima and a rapid phase modulation. We show that the width of PSF may be reduced by further propagation in free space, and we provide arguments to explain this surprising observation.Comment: 17 pages,12 figure

    The COMPLETE Survey of Outflows in Perseus

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    We present a study on the impact of molecular outflows in the Perseus molecular cloud complex using the COMPLETE survey large-scale 12CO(1-0) and 13CO(1-0) maps. We used three-dimensional isosurface models generated in RA-DEC-Velocity space to visualize the maps. This rendering of the molecular line data allowed for a rapid and efficient way to search for molecular outflows over a large (~ 16 sq. deg.) area. Our outflow-searching technique detected previously known molecular outflows as well as new candidate outflows. Most of these new outflow-related high-velocity features lie in regions that have been poorly studied before. These new outflow candidates more than double the amount of outflow mass, momentum, and kinetic energy in the Perseus cloud complex. Our results indicate that outflows have significant impact on the environment immediately surrounding localized regions of active star formation, but lack the energy needed to feed the observed turbulence in the entire Perseus complex. This implies that other energy sources, in addition to protostellar outflows, are responsible for turbulence on a global cloud scale in Perseus. We studied the impact of outflows in six regions with active star formation within Perseus of sizes in the range of 1 to 4 pc. We find that outflows have enough power to maintain the turbulence in these regions and enough momentum to disperse and unbind some mass from them. We found no correlation between outflow strength and star formation efficiency for the six different regions we studied, contrary to results of recent numerical simulations. The low fraction of gas that potentially could be ejected due to outflows suggests that additional mechanisms other than cloud dispersal by outflows are needed to explain low star formation efficiencies in clusters.Comment: Published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Evidence of sympathetic cooling of Na+ ions by a Na MOT in a hybrid trap

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    A hybrid ion-neutral trap provides an ideal system to study collisional dynamics between ions and neutrals. This system provides a general cooling method that can be applied to optically inaccessible species and can also potentially cool internal degrees of freedom. The long range polarization potentials (Vα/r4V\propto-\alpha/r^4) between ions and neutrals result in large scattering cross sections at cold temperatures, making the hybrid trap a favorable system for efficient sympathetic cooling of ions by collisions with neutral atoms. We present experimental evidence of sympathetic cooling in a hybrid trap of \ce{Na+} ions, which are closed shell and therefore do not have a laser induced atomic transition, by equal mass cold Na atoms in a magneto-optical trap (MOT).Comment: 7 figure

    Anisotropic multi-gap superfluid states in nuclear matter

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    It is shown that under changing density or temperature a nucleon Fermi superfluid can undergo a phase transition to an anisotropic superfluid state, characterized by nonvanishing gaps in pairing channels with singlet-singlet (SS) and triplet-singlet (TS) pairing of nucleons (in spin and isospin spaces). In the SS pairing channel nucleons are paired with nonzero orbital angular momentum. Such two-gap states can arise as a result of branching from the one-gap solution of the self-consistent equations, describing SS or TS pairing of nucleons, that depends on the relationship between SS and TS coupling constants at the branching point. The density/temperature dependence of the order parameters and the critical temperature for transition to the anisotropic two-gap state are determined in a model with the SkP effective interaction. It is shown that the anisotropic SS-TS superfluid phase corresponds to a metastable state in nuclear matter.Comment: Prepared with RevTeX4, 7p., 5 fi

    An Extinction Study of the Taurus Dark Cloud Complex

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    We present a study of the detailed distribution of extinction in a region of the Taurus dark cloud complex. Our study uses new BVR images of the region, spectral classification data for 95 stars, and IRAS Sky Survey Atlas (ISSA) 60 and 100 micron images. We study the extinction of the region in four different ways, and we present the first inter-comparison of all these methods, which are: 1) using the color excess of background stars for which spectral types are known; 2) using the ISSA 60 and 100 micron images; 3) using star counts; and 4) using an optical (V and R) version of the average color excess method used by Lada et al. (1994). We find that all four methods give generally similar results, with important exceptions. To study the structure in the dust distribution, we compare the ISSA extinction and the extinction measured for individual stars. From the comparison, we conclude that in the relatively low extinction regions studied, with 0.9 < A_V < 3.0 mag (away from filamentary dark clouds and IRAS cores), there are no fluctuations in the dust column density greater than 45% (at the 99.7% confidence level), on scales smaller than 0.2 pc. We also report the discovery of a previously unknown stellar cluster behind the Taurus dark cloud near R.A 4h19m00s, Dec. 27:30:00 (B1950)Comment: 49 pages (which include 6 pages of tables and 6 pages of figures

    Ion-neutral sympathetic cooling in a hybrid linear rf Paul and magneto-optical trap

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    Long range polarization forces between ions and neutral atoms result in large elastic scattering cross sections, e.g., 10^6 a.u. for Na+ on Na or Ca+ on Na at cold and ultracold temperatures. This suggests that a hybrid ion-neutral trap should offer a general means for significant sympathetic cooling of atomic or molecular ions. We present SIMION 7.0 simulation results concerning the advantages and limitations of sympathetic cooling within a hybrid trap apparatus, consisting of a linear rf Paul trap concentric with a Na magneto-optical trap (MOT). This paper explores the impact of various heating mechanisms on the hybrid system and how parameters related to the MOT, Paul trap, number of ions, and ion species affect the efficiency of the sympathetic cooling

    Phase Coherence and Superfluid-Insulator Transition in a Disordered Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We have studied the effects of a disordered optical potential on the transport and phase coherence of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of 7Li atoms. At moderate disorder strengths (V_D), we observe inhibited transport and damping of dipole excitations, while in time-of-flight images, random but reproducible interference patterns are observed. In-situ images reveal that the appearance of interference is correlated with density modulation, without complete fragmentation. At higher V_D, the interference contrast diminishes as the BEC fragments into multiple pieces with little phase coherence.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, distortions in figures 1 and 4 have been fixed in version 3. This paper has been accepted to PR

    Reflective Ghost Imaging through Turbulence

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    Recent work has indicated that ghost imaging may have applications in standoff sensing. However, most theoretical work has addressed transmission-based ghost imaging. To be a viable remote-sensing system, the ghost imager needs to image rough-surfaced targets in reflection through long, turbulent optical paths. We develop, within a Gaussian-state framework, expressions for the spatial resolution, image contrast, and signal-to-noise ratio of such a system. We consider rough-surfaced targets that create fully developed speckle in their returns, and Kolmogorov-spectrum turbulence that is uniformly distributed along all propagation paths. We address both classical and nonclassical optical sources, as well as a computational ghost imager.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure