37 research outputs found

    The Development of a Standardized Assessment of Phonology in Aphasia

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    The long-term goal of this research is to develop a valid and reliable impairment level measure of phonology in aphasia. The short-term goal, and focus of this abstract, is to present data collected from individuals with aphasia for 3 domains (or subtests) of this assessment: reading, repetition and perception. From the perspective of Item response theory (IRT), procedures will be presented on the development of the item bank. Results pertaining to the psychometric properties of the items when tested on individuals with aphasia show a reasonable fit to the Rasch model. Further research will validate and refine existing items

    Influence of intensive phonomotor rehabilitation on apraxia of speech

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    In this phase I rehabilitation study, we investigated the effects of an intensive phonomotor rehabilitation program on verbal production in a 73-year-old male, 11 years postonset a left-hemisphere stroke, who exhibited apraxia of speech and aphasia. In the context of a single-subject design, we studied whether treatment would improve phoneme production and generalize to repetition of multisyllabic words, words of increasing length, discourse, and measures of self-report. We predicted that a predominant motor impairment would respond to intensive phonomotor rehabilitation. While able to learn to produce individual sounds, the subject did not exhibit generalization to other aspects of motor production. Discourse production was judged perceptually slower in rate and less effortful, but also less natural. Finally, self-report indicated less apprehension toward speaking with unfamiliar people, increased telephone use, and increased ease of communication

    Ampakines Stimulate Phrenic Motor Output After Cervical Spinal Cord Injury

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    Activation of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors increases phrenic motor output. Ampakines are a class of drugs that are positive allosteric modulators of AMPA receptors. We hypothesized that 1) ampakines can stimulate phrenic activity after incomplete cervical spinal cord injury (SCI), and 2) pairing ampakines with brief hypoxia could enable sustained facilitation of phrenic bursting. Phrenic activity was recorded ipsilateral (IL) and contralateral (CL) to C2 spinal cord hemisection (C2Hx) in anesthetized adult rats. Two weeks after C2Hx, ampakine CX717 (15 mg/kg, i.v.) increased IL (61 ± 46% baseline, BL) and CL burst amplitude (47 ± 26%BL) in 8 of 8 rats. After 90 min, IL and CL bursting remained above baseline (BL) in 7 of 8 rats. Pairing ampakine with a single bout of acute hypoxia (5-min, arterial partial pressure of O2 ~ 50 mmHg) had a variable impact on phrenic bursting, with some rats showing a large facilitation that exceeded the response of the ampakine alone group. At 8 weeks post-C2Hx, 7 of 8 rats increased IL (115 ± 117%BL) and CL burst amplitude (45 ± 27%BL) after ampakine. The IL burst amplitude remained above BL for 90-min in 7 of 8 rats; CL bursting remained elevated in 6 of 8 rats. The sustained impact of ampakine at 8 weeks was not enhanced by hypoxia exposure. Intravenous vehicle (10% 2-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin) did not increase phrenic bursting at either time point. We conclude that ampakines effectively stimulate neural drive to the diaphragm after cervical SCI. Pairing ampakines with a single hypoxic exposure did not consistently enhance phrenic motor facilitation