389 research outputs found

    Incidente de Impacto Fiscal en el Bloque de Constitucionalidad en Colombia

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    Mediante el presente artículo se analizarán los principios de tutela judicial efectiva y sostenibilidad fiscal existen en Colombia y se relacionan creando armonía en la producción de fallos de las altas cortes. Lo anterior, teniendo como referencia los diferentes procesos administrativos mediante los cuales los sujetos procesales actúan y se desenvuelven judicialmente para la protección de sus derechos. El legislador aclara que, en el momento de la expedición de sus fallos, se debe dar debida protección a los derechos de cada una de las partes procesales teniendo en cuenta que invocar el principio de sostenibilidad fiscal por parte de la administración seria ir en contra de dicha protección. En consecuencia, este trabajo de investigación busca responder a las preguntas: ¿Se genera alguna afectación a los derechos de los sujetos procesales invocar el principio de sostenibilidad fiscal a la hora de proferir fallos? Y ¿Cuál es el papel del bloque de constitucionalidad en dicho procedimiento administrativo? La Constitución Política de Colombia de 1991 (en su artículo 93), provee la cláusula de inclusión de normas de carácter internacional como lo son tratados suscritos y ratificados por la Nación para la protección de derechos humanos como en repetidas ocasiones se ha indicado que es la tutela judicial efectiva. Palabras claves: Sostenibilidad fiscal, Bloque de Constitucionalidad, incidente de Impacto Fiscal y Tutela Judicial Efectiva.Universidad Libre-- facultda de Derecho -- Especialización Derecho AdministrativoThrough this article, the principles of effective judicial protection and fiscal sustainability will be analyzed in Colombia and are related creating harmony in the production of rulings of the high courts. The foregoing, having as reference the different administrative processes through which the procedural subjects act and develop judicially for the protection of their rights. The legislator clarifies that at the time of issuing its rulings, due protection must be given to the rights of each of the procedural parties, taking into account that invoking the principle of fiscal sustainability by the administration would be going against said protection. Consequently, this research work seeks to answer the questions: Does it generate any affectation to the rights of the procedural subjects to invoke the principle of fiscal sustainability when making rulings? And what is the role of the constitutional block in said administrative procedure? The Political Constitution of Colombia of 1991 in its article 93, provides the clause of inclusion of international norms such as treaties signed and ratified by the Nation for the protection of human rights as it has been repeatedly indicated that it is judicial protection. effective

    A Birnbaum-Saunders distribution based on the normal inverse gaussian distribution

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    Orientador: Filidor Edilfonso Vilca LabraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matemática Estatística e Computação CientíficaResumo: A classe de modelos Birnbaum-Saunders surgiu na área de engenharia, em problemas de fadiga dos materiais. Mas, nos últimos anos este modelo tem sido aplicado em outras áreas, como por exemplo, em ciências da saúde, na área ambiental e florestal, em demográficas, na área atuarial e financeira, entre outras. Neste trabalho apresentamos uma extensão da distribuição BS baseado na distribuição Normal Gaussiana inversa, que é uma distribuição assimétrica usada usualmente na área de finanças. A distribuição BS resultante é uma distribuição absolutamente contínua, e preserva a propriedade leptocúrtica da distribuição Normal Inversa Gaussiana. Sob certas condições dos parâmetros da distribuição gaussiana inversa, algoritmos EM são desenvolvidos para obter as estimativas de máxima verossimilhança dos parâmetros do modelo. Os resultados obtidos são ilustrados com dados reais e simulados, mostrando as propriedades robustas do procedimento de estimaçãoAbstract: The class Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) models arose in engineering in material fatigue problems. But in the last years this class of models have been applied in other areas, such as in health sciences, environmental, forestry demography, actuarials and finances, among others. In this paper we present an extension of the BS distribution based on the distribution Normal inverse Gaussian, which is an asymmetric distribution usually used in finance. The resulting BS distribution is an absolutely continuous distribution, and preserves the leptokurtic property of the Normal inverse Gaussian distribution. Under certain conditions of the inverse Gaussian distribution parameters, EM algorithms are developed to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of the BS model parameters. We illustrated the model with real and simulated data and results reflected the robustness of the estimation procedureMestradoEstatisticaMestra em EstatísticaCAPE

    Estudio de la situación laboral de los egresados del programa de mercadeo de la Universidad Libre seccional Cali

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    Este proyecto de investigación pretende abordar el seguimiento a los egresados del programa de Mercadeo, pertenecientes a la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contable, entre los años 2017 y 2019. Dicho seguimiento pretende abordar la importancia del egresado para la universidad y el impacto de su situación laboral actual. Como parte del proceso de investigación, se aplicaron encuestas a egresados del año 2017-2019 que abordaron preguntas acerca del ámbito laboral del egresado, áreas de trabajo, salario y percepción del programa. También, se aplicaron entrevistas cuyo guion indicaba puntos importantes del programa y la percepción de la pasantía internacional como opción de grado. Se abordó el mercado laboral actual en Colombia y las estadísticas de empleo y desempleo, las fortalezas y debilidades para los recién egresados. Finalmente, se exponen las estrategias que planteamos a partir de los resultados obtenidos por las encuestas, así como las conclusiones del proyecto de investigación y las recomendaciones para el mejoramiento del programa de Mercadeo de la Universidad Libre Seccional Cali.This research project attempts to approach the monitoring of the Marketing programme graduates, belonging to the Faculty of Economic, Administrative and Accounting Sciences, who graduated between 2017 and 2019. This monitoring aims to approach the importance of the graduate for the university and the impact of their current employment situation. As part of the research process, surveys were applied to graduates from 2017-2019 that addressed questions about the graduate’s work environment, working areas, wage and perception of the programme. Also, interviews were performed whose script indicated important issues of the programme and the perception of the international internship as a graduation option. The current labour market in Colombia, the employment and unemployment statistics and the strengths and weaknesses for the recent university graduates were addressed. Finally, the strategies planned on the basis of the results obtained from the surveys are presented, as well as the conclusions from the research project and the recommendations for improving the Marketing programme of the Universidad Libre Seccional Cali

    Parkinson’s disease clinical milestones and mortality

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    Identification of factors predicting and driving mortality in PD is important for patient information, disease management, and design of future clinical trials. This study included newly diagnosed PD patients and normal controls (NC) from a population-based study with repeated assessments over a 10-year period. We used the Kaplan–Meier method to estimate survival, Cox proportional hazards regression models to identify baseline risk factors of mortality, and Cox regression models with time-dependent covariates to evaluate the impact of four clinical milestones of advanced PD (visual hallucinations, recurrent falls, dementia, and nursing home placement) on mortality risk. During the 10-year study, 65 (34.2%) of 190 patients and 25 (12.3%) of 203 NC died, with an unadjusted hazard ratio (HR) of 2.85 (95% CI 1.80–4.52) and a HR of 2.48 (95% CI 1.55–3.95) when adjusted for confounders, including comorbidities. Higher age, more severe motor impairment, and postural instability-gait difficulty (PIGD) phenotype were independent baseline predictors of mortality. Each clinical milestone alone more than doubled the risk of death and had a cumulative effect on mortality, with a HR of 10.83 (95% CI 4.39–26.73) in those experiencing all four milestones. PD patients have an increased mortality risk that is disease-related and becomes evident early during the course of the disease. While motor severity and PIGD phenotype were early risk factors of mortality, clinical milestones signaled a substantially increased risk of death later during the disease course, highlighting their potential significance in clinical disease staging and prognosis.publishedVersio

    Desigualdad de género en cargos directivos en la educación superior

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    El presente trabajo de grado tiene como objetivo conocer las concepciones de los decanos/decanas- directores/directoras de cuatro programas universitarios de psicología y derecho frente a la desigualdad de género en la educación superior. Este estudio se abordó desde un enfoque cualitativo, la información fue recopilada a partir de entrevistas semi- estructuradas a siete sujetos vinculados a cargos de dirección en cuatro universidades de Bogotá y el análisis se apoyó en los presupuestos de la teoría fundamentada. El estudio realizado permite concluir que factores como: el lugar de lo institucional, el papel de la condición de género y la influencia del éxito en la carrera profesional, tienen un lugar importante en las limitaciones y oportunidades frente a la equidad en el acceso de la mujer a cargos directivos en las instituciones de educación superior.The aim of this article is to recognize the conceptions of deans and directors from four psychology and law university programs about gender inequality in higher education. The study has a qualitative focus where data was collected through the use of semi- structured interviews, from seven individuals linked to management positions in four universities in Bogota and the analysis was based on the presuppositions of the grounded theory. The present study showed that: institutional aspects, the role of the gender and the influence of success in professional careers, limits woman’s opportunities equity accessing management positions in higher education institutions.Psicólogo (a)Pregrad