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    Resiliencia y estr茅s acad茅mico en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana durante el 2022

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    La presente investigaci贸n tiene como objetivo general determinar el tipo de correlaci贸n que existe entre resiliencia y estr茅s acad茅mico en estudiantes de una Universidad privada durante el 2022. El presente estudio se realiz贸 bajo un enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo correlacional, dise帽o no experimental, corte transversal, aplicado en 409 estudiantes universitarios. Se aplicaron los instrumentos de la escala breve de resiliencia Connor-Davidson CD-RISC 10 (2007) validada en el a帽o 2022, y el Inventario Sist茅mico Cognoscitivista para el estudio de Estr茅s Acad茅mico SISCO SV-21 validada en el a帽o 2018, ambos instrumentos validados en el Per煤. Con relaci贸n a los resultados de esta investigaci贸n, se obtuvo una correlaci贸n de tipo inversa y fuerza moderada con un Rho de Spearman, rho = -,410 y una significancia p = .000, indicando que a mayor resiliencia menor estr茅s acad茅mico perciben los estudiantes universitarios. Se tuvo como limitaci贸n en la investigaci贸n que una parte de la muestra contest贸 a las escalas sin la presencia de los investigadores, lo que no da la certeza que lo hayan respondido en un momento de concentraci贸n o atenci贸n a la escala, si no que quiz谩 en otro momento donde se deje f谩cilmente distraer por est铆mulos externos.The general objective of this research is to determine the type of correlation between resilience and academic stress in students of a private university in 2022. The present study was conducted under a quantitative, correlational, non-experimental, cross-sectional design, applied to 409 university students. The Connor-Davidson Brief Resilience Scale CD-RISC 10 (2007) validated in 2022, and the Systemic Cognitive Inventory for the Study of Academic Stress SISCO SV-21 validated in 2018, both instruments validated in Peru, were applied. Regarding the results of this research, a correlation of inverse type and moderate strength was obtained with a Spearman's rho, rho = -.410 and a significance p = .000, indicating that the higher the resilience the lower the academic stress perceived by university students. A limitation of the research was that part of the sample answered the scales without the presence of the researchers, which does not give the certainty that they answered in a moment of concentration or attention to the scale, but perhaps in another moment where they were easily distracted by external stimuli