224 research outputs found

    Inflammation: the driver of poor outcomes among children with severe acute malnutrition?

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    Severe acute malnutrition (SAM) is the most life-threatening form of undernutrition and underlies at least 10% of all deaths among children younger than 5 years in low-income countries. SAM is a complex, multisystem disease, with physiological perturbations observed in conjunction with the loss of lean mass, including structural and functional changes in many organ systems. Despite the high mortality burden, predominantly due to infections, the underlying pathogenic pathways remain poorly understood. Intestinal and systemic inflammation is heightened in children with SAM. Chronic inflammation and its consequent immunomodulation may explain the increased morbidity and mortality from infections in children with SAM, both during hospitalization and in the longer term after discharge. Recognition of the role of inflammation in SAM is critical in considering new therapeutic targets in this disease, which has not seen a transformational approach to treatment for several decades. This review highlights the central role of inflammation in the wide-ranging pathophysiology of SAM, as well as identifying potential interventions that have biological plausibility based on evidence from other inflammatory syndromes

    Hydration and packing are crucial to amyloidogenesis as revealed by pressure studies on transthyretin variants that either protect or worsen amyloid disease

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    The formation of amyloid aggregates is the hallmark of the amyloidogenic diseases. Transthyretin (TTR) is involved in senile systemic amyloidosis (wild-type protein) and familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (point mutants). Through the use of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP), we compare the stability among wild-type (wt) TTR, two disease-associated mutations (V30M and L55P) and a trans-suppressor mutation (T119M). Our data show that the amyloidogenic conformation, easily populated in the disease-associated mutant L55P, can be induced by a cycle of compression-decompression with the wt protein rendering the latter highly amyloidogenic. After decompression, the recovered wt structure has weaker subunit interactions (loosened tetramer, T(4)(*)) and presents a stability similar to L55P, suggesting that HHP induces a defective fold in the wt protein, converting it to an altered conformation already present in the aggressive mutant, L55P. On the other hand, glucose, a chemical chaperone, can mimic the trans-suppression mutation by stabilizing the native state and by decreasing the amyloidogenic potential of the wt TTR at pH 5.0. The sequence of pressure stability observed was: L55P<V30M<wt<<T119M. The pressure dissociation of L55P at 1 degrees C exhibited dependence on protein concentration, allowing us to assess the volume change of association and the free-energy change. After a cycle of compression-decompression at 37 degrees C and pH 5.6 or lower, all amyloidogenic variants underwent aggregation. Binding of bis-(8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonate) (bis-ANS) revealed that the species formed under pressure retained part of its tertiary contacts (except T119M). However, at neutral pH, where aggregation did not take place after decompression, bis-ANS binding was absent. Thus, TTR has to experience this partially folded conformation to undergo aggregation after decompression. Overall, our studies provide evidence that amyloidogenesis correlates with less packed structures (larger volume changes) and high susceptibility to water infiltration. The hydration effects can be counteracted by osmolytes or by a specific mutation

    Hard Dense Loops in a Cold Non-Abelian Plasma

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    Classical transport theory is used to study the response of a non-Abelian plasma at zero temperature and high chemical potential to weak color electromagnetic fields. In this article the parallelism between the transport phenomena occurring in a non-Abelian plasma at high temperature and high density is stressed. Particularly, it is shown that at high densities it is also possible to relate the transport equations to the zero-curvature condition of a Chern-Simons theory in three dimensions, even when quarks are not considered ultrarelativistic. The induced color current in the cold plasma can be expressed as an average over angles, which represent the directions of the velocity vectors of quarks having Fermi energy. From this color current it is possible to compute nn-point gluonic amplitudes, with arbitrary nn. It is argued that these amplitudes are the same as the ones computed in the high chemical potential limit of QCD, that are then called hard dense loops. The agreement between the two different formalisms is checked by computing the polarization tensor of QED due to finite density effects in the high density limit.Comment: 16 pages, Revtex, final version to appear in Phys. Rev. D with minor correction

    AST1306, A Novel Irreversible Inhibitor of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 1 and 2, Exhibits Antitumor Activity Both In Vitro and In Vivo

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    Despite the initial response to the reversible, ATP-competitive quinazoline inhibitors that target ErbB-family, such a subset of cancer patients almost invariably develop resistance. Recent studies have provided compelling evidence that irreversible ErbB inhibitors have the potential to override this resistance. Here, we found that AST1306, a novel anilino-quinazoline compound, inhibited the enzymatic activities of wild-type epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and ErbB2 as well as EGFR resistant mutant in both cell-free and cell-based systems. Importantly, AST1306 functions as an irreversible inhibitor, most likely through covalent interaction with Cys797 and Cys805 in the catalytic domains of EGFR and ErbB2, respectively. Further studies showed that AST1306 inactivated pathways downstream of these receptors and thereby inhibited the proliferation of a panel of cancer cell lines. Although the activities of EGFR and ErbB2 were similarly sensitive to AST1306, ErbB2-overexpressing cell lines consistently exhibited more sensitivity to AST1306 antiproliferative effects. Consistent with this, knockdown of ErbB2, but not EGFR, decreased the sensitivity of SK-OV-3 cells to AST1306. In vivo, AST1306 potently suppressed tumor growth in ErbB2-overexpressing adenocarcinoma xenograft and FVB-2/Nneu transgenic breast cancer mouse models, but weakly inhibited the growth of EGFR-overexpressing tumor xenografts. Tumor growth inhibition induced by a single dose of AST1306 in the SK-OV-3 xenograft model was accompanied by a rapid (within 2 h) and sustained (≥24 h) inhibition of both EGFR and ErbB2, consistent with an irreversible inhibition mechanism. Taken together, these results establish AST1306 as a selective, irreversible ErbB2 and EGFR inhibitor whose growth-inhibitory effects are more potent in ErbB2-overexpressing cells

    Broker Fixed: The Racialized Social Structure and the Subjugation of Indigenous Populations in the Andes

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    Responding to calls to return racial analysis to indigenous Latin America, this article moves beyond the prejudicial attitudes of dominant groups to specify how native subordination gets perpetuated as a normal outcome of the organization of society. I argue that a naturalized system of indirect rule racially subordinates native populations through creating the position of mestizo “authoritarian intermediary.” Natives must depend on these cultural brokers for their personhood, while maintaining this privileged position requires facilitating indigenous exploitation. Institutional structures combine with cultural practices to generate a vicious cycle in which increased village intermediary success increases native marginalization. This racialized social structure explains my ethnographic findings that indigenous villagers continued to support the same coterie of mestizos despite their regular and sometimes extreme acts of peculation. My findings about the primacy of race suggest new directions for research into indigenous studies, ethnic mobilizations, and the global dimensions of racial domination

    Interspecies interactions and potential Influenza A virus risk in small swine farms in Peru

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The recent avian influenza epidemic in Asia and the H1N1 pandemic demonstrated that influenza A viruses pose a threat to global public health. The animal origins of the viruses confirmed the potential for interspecies transmission. Swine are hypothesized to be prime "mixing vessels" due to the dual receptivity of their trachea to human and avian strains. Additionally, avian and human influenza viruses have previously been isolated in swine. Therefore, understanding interspecies contact on smallholder swine farms and its potential role in the transmission of pathogens such as influenza virus is very important.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This qualitative study aimed to determine swine-associated interspecies contacts in two coastal areas of Peru. Direct observations were conducted at both small-scale confined and low-investment swine farms (n = 36) and in open areas where swine freely range during the day (n = 4). Interviews were also conducted with key stakeholders in swine farming.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In both locations, the intermingling of swine and domestic birds was common. An unexpected contact with avian species was that swine were fed poultry mortality in 6/20 of the farms in Chancay. Human-swine contacts were common, with a higher frequency on the confined farms. Mixed farming of swine with chickens or ducks was observed in 36% of all farms. Human-avian interactions were less frequent overall. Use of adequate biosecurity and hygiene practices by farmers was suboptimal at both locations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Close human-animal interaction, frequent interspecies contacts and suboptimal biosecurity and hygiene practices pose significant risks of interspecies influenza virus transmission. Farmers in small-scale swine production systems constitute a high-risk population and need to be recognized as key in preventing interspecies pathogen transfer. A two-pronged prevention approach, which offers educational activities for swine farmers about sound hygiene and biosecurity practices and guidelines and education for poultry farmers about alternative approaches for processing poultry mortality, is recommended. Virological and serological surveillance for influenza viruses will also be critical for these human and animal populations.</p

    Pore-opening mechanism in trimeric P2X receptor channels

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    The opening of ion channels in response to ligand binding, voltage or membrane stretch underlies electrical and chemical signalling throughout biology. Two structural classes of pore-opening mechanisms have been established, including bending of pore-lining helices in the case of tetrameric cation channels, or tilting of such helices in mechanosensitive channels. In this paper, we explore how the structure of the pore changes during opening in P2X receptors by measuring the modification of introduced cysteine residues in transmembrane helices by thiol-reactive reagents, and by engineering metal bridges. Our results are consistent with the X-ray structure of the closed state, and demonstrate that expansion of the gate region in the external pore is accompanied by a significant narrowing of the inner pore, indicating that pore-forming helices straighten on ATP binding to open the channel. This unique pore-opening mechanism has fundamental implications for the role of subunit interfaces in the gating mechanism of P2X receptors and points to a role of the internal pore in ion permeation

    A meta-analysis of N-acetylcysteine in contrast-induced nephrotoxicity: unsupervised clustering to resolve heterogeneity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Meta-analyses of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) for preventing contrast-induced nephrotoxicity (CIN) have led to disparate conclusions. Here we examine and attempt to resolve the heterogeneity evident among these trials.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two reviewers independently extracted and graded the data. Limiting studies to randomized, controlled trials with adequate outcome data yielded 22 reports with 2746 patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Significant heterogeneity was detected among these trials (<it>I</it><sup>2 </sup>= 37%; <it>p </it>= 0.04). Meta-regression analysis failed to identify significant sources of heterogeneity. A modified L'Abbé plot that substituted groupwise changes in serum creatinine for nephrotoxicity rates, followed by model-based, unsupervised clustering resolved trials into two distinct, significantly different (<it>p </it>< 0.0001) and homogeneous populations (<it>I</it><sup>2 </sup>= 0 and <it>p </it>> 0.5, for both). Cluster 1 studies (<it>n </it>= 18; 2445 patients) showed no benefit (relative risk (RR) = 0.87; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.68–1.12, <it>p </it>= 0.28), while cluster 2 studies (<it>n </it>= 4; 301 patients) indicated that NAC was highly beneficial (RR = 0.15; 95% CI 0.07–0.33, <it>p </it>< 0.0001). Benefit in cluster 2 was unexpectedly associated with NAC-induced decreases in creatinine from baseline (<it>p </it>= 0.07). Cluster 2 studies were relatively early, small and of lower quality compared with cluster 1 studies (<it>p </it>= 0.01 for the three factors combined). Dialysis use across all studies (five control, eight treatment; <it>p </it>= 0.42) did not suggest that NAC is beneficial.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This meta-analysis does not support the efficacy of NAC to prevent CIN.</p

    Firm spin and parity assignments for high-lying, low-spin levels in stable Si isotopes

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    A natural silicon target was investigated in a natSi(γ, γ′) photon-scattering experiment with fully linearly-polarised, quasi-monochromatic γ rays in the entrance channel. The mean photon energies used were ⟨ Eγ⟩ = 9.33, 9.77, 10.17, 10.55, 10.93, and 11.37 MeV, and the relative energy spread (full width at half maximum) of the incident beam was ΔEγ/ ⟨ Eγ⟩ ≈ 3.5–4 %. The observed angular distributions for the ground-state decay allow firm spin and parity assignments for several levels of the stable even-even silicon isotopes