571 research outputs found
Microfilament-coordinated adhesion dynamics drives single cell migration and shapes whole tissues [version 1; Referees:4:approved]
Cell adhesion to the substratum and/or other cells is a crucial step of cell migration. While essential in the case of solitary migrating cells (for example, immune cells), it becomes particularly important in collective cell migration, in which cells maintain contact with their neighbors while moving directionally. Adhesive coordination is paramount in physiological contexts (for example, during organogenesis) but also in pathology (for example, tumor metastasis). In this review, we address the need for a coordinated regulation of cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions during collective cell migration. We emphasize the role of the actin cytoskeleton as an intracellular integrator of cadherin- and integrin-based adhesions and the emerging role of mechanics in the maintenance, reinforcement, and turnover of adhesive contacts. Recent advances in understanding the mechanical regulation of several components of cadherin and integrin adhesions allow us to revisit the adhesive clutch hypothesis that controls the degree of adhesive engagement during protrusion. Finally, we provide a brief overview of the major impact of these discoveries when using more physiological three-dimensional models of single and collective cell migration
Implications of population changes among the Arvicolinae (Rodentia, Mammalia) in El Mirón Cave (Cantabria, Spain) for the climate of the last c. 50,000 years
The El Mirón Cave site in Spain has one of the most complete archaeological and palaeontological records of the Late Pleistocene in the Iberian Peninsula, encompassing most of the last c. 50,000 years. Among other studies, the fossiliferous record has allowed the development of various interpretations of faunal and climatic changes during this period of time in the northern Atlantic region of the Iberian Peninsula. The addition of more radiocarbon dates from El Mirón Cave make it possible to revise some of the interpretations of the micromammal sequence carried out earlier for this major site. The record of small mammals is one of the most used tools to study the climate of the past, and among them the several Arvicolinae species are of great importance for the study of Quaternary climatic variations, due to their adaptations to a great diversity of habitats. New methodologies such as ancient DNA and geometric morphometric analyses now permit us to conduct a review of the Arvicolinae species previously described at this site and better to differentiate between species with similar morphologies, like Microtus arvalis and M. agrestis. We also identified the presence of a species not recorded before in El Mirón, Terricola pyrenaicus. With the study of the Arvicolinae species associations, we reaffirm the climate variations originally described in this deposit, indicating in detail how the successive changes in temperature and environment took place throughout the course of the late Last Glacial and early Postglacial periods (Marine Isotope Stages 3–1)
Comprensión léxica en estudiantes sordos de educación primaria. Detección de necesidades para el enriquecimiento lingüístico
Se ha evaluado a 45 estudiantes sordos de educación primaria (8 y 12 años). Presentan sordera bilateral prelocutiva severa o profunda, el 44% emplean audífonos y el 56% implante coclear. Todos están escolarizados en régimen de inclusión, son hijos de padres oyentes y emplean la lengua oral española. La evaluación se ha realizado con el Test de Vocabulario en Imágenes Peabody, obteniéndose las puntuaciones percentil y CI. Estos datos nos han permitido agrupar a los participantes en función del nivel de comprensión léxica: G1 los que obtienen puntuaciones que se encuentran dos desviaciones típicas por debajo de la media y G2 los que alcanzan puntuaciones que los sitúan a menos de dos desviaciones típicas.
Para extraer información del tipo de dificultades en la comprensión léxica, se ha desarrollado un procedimiento de análisis “ad hoc”: 1.- De las hojas de respuesta de todos los participantes se han extraído todas las palabras en las que se registró error y, a partir de un análisis de frecuencia, se han seleccionado las palabras en las que más participantes cometían errores. En total 25 palabras que incluyen sustantivos, verbos y adjetivos. 2.- Se ha analizado estadísticamente de entre esas palabras de mayor frecuencia de error en cuáles había diferencias significativas entre los grupos G1 y G2. 3.- Se ha realizado un análisis léxico-semántico y morfológico de aquellas palabras que resultaron representativas de las dificultades de comprensión del G1.
El 60% de los participantes obtuvieron puntuaciones que los situaban dos desviaciones típicas por debajo de la media. El tipo de léxico que no comprendía este grupo se concentra principalmente en los bloques del test de 6-7 y 8-9 años. El vocabulario identificado orienta la intervención hacia la comprensión de relaciones semánticas: taxonomía y sinonimia. También se concluye la necesidad de ampliación del conocimiento de los rasgos semánticos de las palabras, así como del significado de sus prefijos y sufijos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec
A Novel Mouse Model of Peritoneal Dialysis: Combination of Uraemia and Long-Term Exposure to PD Fluid
Different animal models for peritoneal dialysis (PD) have been used in the past decades to develop PD fluids compatible with patient life and to identify markers of peritoneal fibrosis and inflammation. Only few of those studies have taken into account the importance of uraemia-induced alterations at both systemic and peritoneal levels. Moreover, some animal studies which have reported about PD in a uremic setting did not always entirely succeed in terms of uraemia establishment and animal survival. In the present study we induced uraemia in the recently established mouse PD exposure model in order to obtain a more clinically relevant mouse model for kidney patients. This new designed model reflected both the slight thickening of peritoneal membrane induced by uraemia and the significant extracellular matrix deposition due to daily PD fluid instillation. In addition the model offers the opportunity to perform long-term exposure to PD fluids, as it is observed in the clinical setting, and gives the advantage to knock out candidate markers for driving peritoneal inflammatory mechanisms.Marie Curie actionsPeer Reviewe
Sodium Hyaluronate-Induced Ocular Hypertension in Rats Damages the Direction-Selective Circuit and Inner/Outer Retinal Plexiform Layers
Purpose: To assess the changes in retinal morphology in a rat model of chronic glaucoma induced by ocular hypertension. Methods: Intraocular pressure (IOP) was surgically increased through weekly injections of sodium hyaluronate (HYA) in the anterior eye chamber of the left eye of male Wistar rats, whereas the right eyes were sham operated (salt solution). During the 10-week experimental period, IOP was measured weekly with a rebound tonometer. Retinal cryosections were prepared for histological/immunohistochemical analysis and morphometry. Results: IOP was higher in HYA-treated eyes than in sham-operated eyes along the 10-week period, which was significant from the fourth to the nineth week. Ocular hypertension in HYA-treated eyes was associated with morphologic and morphometric changes in bipolar cells, ON-OFF direction-selective ganglion cells, ON/OFF starburst amacrine cells, and inner plexiform layer sublamina. Conclusions: Serial HYA treatment in the rat anterior eye chamber results in mild-to-moderate elevated and sustained IOP and ganglion cell death, which mimics most human open-angle glaucoma hallmarks. The reduced number of direction-selective ganglion cells and starburst amacrine cells accompanied by a deteriorated ON/OFF plexus in this glaucoma model could lend insight to the abnormalities in motion perception observed in patients with glaucoma.Supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN-FEDER PID2019-106230RB-I00), 2), Institute of Health Carlos III (General Subdirection of Networks and Cooperative Research Centers RETICs OFTARED 2012-2021) co-financed by the European Regional Development fund (RD16/0008/0016 [Alicante] and RD16/0008/0022 [Valencia]), Asociación Retina Asturias (ASOCIACIONRETINA1-20I), Generalitat Valenciana (IDIFEDER/2017/064), and the Research funds from both Department of Surgery (Ophthalmology Unit) and Cellular-Molecular Ophthalmobiology Group of the University of Valencia (Spain)
Caracterização do consumo das carnes caprina e ovina em Sergipe.
A Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos e com Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros desenvolveram no período de 2003 a 2008 o Projeto: estudo da cadeia produtiva de carnes e peles de caprinos e ovinos na Região Nordeste do Brasil. Tal projeto, além de outras áreas, buscava identificar o mercado potencial de carnes e peles para os produtos de origem caprina e ovina. Esta publicação apresenta uma caracterização do mercado consumidor das carnes caprina e ovina na cidade de Aracaju, no Estado de Sergipe. Nela o leitor vai encontrar informações importantes sobre diversos indicadores de mercado, tais como: preço, renda dos consumidores, gosto ou preferência com relação à outras carnes e, mercado potencial dentre outras. Espera- se que estas informações sirvam de referência e apoio a todos os segmentos que compõem esta cadeia produtiva na implantação de projetos que permitam o desenvolvimento sustentável do agronegócio da caprinocultura e da ovinocultura brasileiras.bitstream/CNPC-2010/21838/1/doc84.pd
Caracterização do consumo das carnes caprina e ovina em Sergipe.
Desarrollo de proyectos hardware de visión y procesamiento de señal digital sobre FPGAs
En el presente trabajo se exponen una serie de herramientas y metodologías para la implementación en hardware de algoritmos relacionados con visión y procesamiento digital de la señal. Este tipo de prácticas resultan altamente motivadoras tanto en las asignaturas de visión y procesamiento de señal como en las relacionadas con el diseño de arquitecturas avanzadas, diseño VLSI o lenguajes de descripción hardware. Se proponen los dispositivos reconfigurables (FPGAs) como herramienta principal de implementación. Gracias a su gran versatilidad y facilidad de uso, esta tecnología está desplazando cada vez más a los tradicionales ASIC, tanto en la industria como en los temarios de las asignaturas relacionadas
Enfermedad de Fournier. Nuestra casuística
Introducción: La enfermedad de Fournier es unagangrena de los tejidos blandos, localizada en lasregiones perineal o genital, causada por acción sinergísticade microorganismos aerobios y anaerobios,cuya evolución es potencialmente letal y deaparición relativamente frecuente en los servicios deCirugía General, en nuestro medio.Objetivos: En el presente trabajo se revisa datossobre el cuadro clínico, enfermedades concomitantes,sitio de origen, tratamiento y resultados.Pacientes y métodos: Estudio observacional,descriptivo y retrospectivo de 46 enfermos tratadosen la II Cátedra de Clínica Quirúrgica, Hospital deClínicas, FCM - UNA y el Departamento de Cirugíadel Hospital Nacional de Itauguá, en un periodo de10 años ( marzo 1995 a febrero 2005).Resultados: fueron varones 37 (80,4%) y 9 mujeres(19,6%). La edad promedio fue de 62 años (extremosentre 33 a 85 años). La etiología fue: abscesoanal 35 pacientes (76,2%), afecciones urológicas 10(21,7%) y pío dermitis 1(2,1%). Los síntomas máscomunes fueron fiebre y dolor (36 y 32 pacientes respectivamente).La enfermedad de base más frecuente fue la DiabetesMellitus (28 pacientes); otros fueron artritisreumatoide, Etilismo y TBC.El tratamiento quirúrgico consistió en desbridamientosamplios, en más de una oportunidad. Lacitostomía se realizó en 2 pacientes y colostomía enasa en 22 pacientes. La antibióticoterapia implementadafue cefotaxima o ciprofloxacina, acompañada demetronidazol.Ingresaron a UCI 18 pacientes, de los cuales fallecieron7 por shock séptico.El tiempo de hospitalización tuvo un promediode 45 días (rango de 4 a 201 días).Conclusión: El cuadro clínico permite el diagnósticofácil. El tratamiento debe ser agresivo, precoz,con resecciones amplias y reiteradas.Más de la mitad se originan en infecciones analesy la diabetes mellitus es la enfermedad condicionantemás frecuente
First modern human settlement recorded in the Iberian hinterland occurred during Heinrich Stadial 2 within harsh environmental conditions
As the south-westernmost region of Europe, the Iberian Peninsula stands as a key area for understanding the process of modern human dispersal into Eurasia. However, the precise timing, ecological setting and cultural context of this process remains controversial concerning its spatiotemporal distribution within the different regions of the peninsula. While traditional models assumed that the whole Iberian hinterland was avoided by modern humans due to ecological factors until the retreat of the Last Glacial Maximum, recent research has demonstrated that hunter-gatherers entered the Iberian interior at least during Solutrean times. We provide a multi-proxy geoarchaeological, chronometric and paleoecological study on human–environment interactions based on the key site of Peña Capón (Guadalajara, Spain). Results show (1) that this site hosts the oldest modern human presence recorded to date in central Iberia, associated to pre-Solutrean cultural traditions around 26, 000 years ago, and (2) that this presence occurred during Heinrich Stadial 2 within harsh environmental conditions. These findings demonstrate that this area of the Iberian hinterland was recurrently occupied regardless of climate and environmental variability, thus challenging the widely accepted hypothesis that ecological risk hampered the human settlement of the Iberian interior highlands since the first arrival of modern humans to Southwest Europe. © 2021, The Author(s)
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