564 research outputs found
Valorización como adsorbente del carbón activado procedente de la Central Nuclear de Almaraz
El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro de las líneas de investigación que se desarrollan en el grupo de
investigación GAIRBER (Grupo de Aprovechamiento Integral de Residuos Biomásicos y Energías
Renovables) de la Universidad de Extremadura (UEX).
El inicio de este trabajo surge a raíz del convenio que tiene la Central Nuclear deAlmaraz (CNA) con
la UEX, centrado en el aprovechamiento del carbón activado (CA) residual, el cual ha sido diseñado
para su empleo en los filtros de retención de materiales radiactivos, fundamentalmente en la forma de
131I. A pesar de que no se haya requerido su uso, al no haber sido expuesto a gases radiactivos, dicho
carbón debe ser reemplazado periódicamente, debido a la modificación de sus características
texturales y/o superficiales por el envejecimiento.
En este sentido, el grupo de investigación está estudiando múltiples opciones para su
aprovechamiento. Entre ellas, se contempla su aplicación como adsorbente.
En este estudio, se ha utilizado el CA de la central sin tratar y tratado, tanto mediante un ciclo de
lavado, como por oxidación del mismo, con el objeto de disponer de adsorbentes que presenten
diferencias superficiales, las cuales condicionarán la eficacia de su posterior aplicación. En los
mencionados carbones se ha llevado a cabo la adsorción de un tinte, Azul de Metileno.Los autores agradecen a la Central Nuclear de Almaraz-Trillo permitir este tipo de investigació
Investment and Decapitalization in the Fishing Industry: The Case of the Spanish Crustacean Freezer Trawler Fleet
The objective of this work is to estimate the capital stock invested in the Spanish freezer
trawler fleet dedicated to the capture of crustaceans on the African coast, for the period from 1964 to
2019. The importance of having methods for the correct measurement of the capital invested in a
fishing fleet is to be able to express in monetary terms the excess catch capacity, which is a signal of
overexploitation of a fishery, that is, the fleet operates at a level of effort or capacity higher than the
minimum amount required to capture the desired quantity at the lowest possible cost. Following
a methodology based on the permanent inventory method, we obtained a model that explains the
construction value of a fishing vessel as a function of its technical characteristics. The market value
in successive sales was estimated as a function of the construction value, the age of vessel and other
variables. In this way, we estimated the value that the market assigns to the possible increases in
individual fishing capacity and the decrease in value derived from the technical obsolescence of the
vessels. Finally, we calculated the gross and net investment series and net capital stoc
Research in moral education: The contribution of P4C to the moral growth of students
Moral education and moral growth are very important topics, and have been so as much in the fields of moral psychology and moral education as in the policies of governments and international institutions over the past decades. These two topics are also central themes within the educational proposal of Philosophy for Children (P4C), as seen in theoretical reflection and in educational research. It is necessary to start from a more global approach to moral growth, focused on the development of capacities. Such abilities are to be understood as virtues or personality traits that enable us to achieve a full life, that is, to become good people. The transformation of classrooms into communities of philosophical inquiry, following the educational guidelines of P4C, can contribute to the achievement of this objective. Here we present the psychological and methodological underpinnings of an educational research project that we are applying to a small sample that includes two groups—experimental and control—in a typical classroom environment. We are administering tests at the beginning and the end of the application of a moral education model according to the basic principles of Philosophy for Children. The objective is to verify that our research design could be used to evaluate the contribution of this educational model to the students’ moral growth, understood as the consolidation of the students’ moral habits and competences.This research has the institutional and financial support of the IUCE (Insitutto Universitario de Ciencias de la Educacion) UAM
Deterioro del concreto en ambientes urbanos de Colombia
RESUMEN: La combinación de contaminantes atmosféricos tales como el dióxido de carbono y los iones cloruro tiene un efecto sinérgico que acelera los procesos de degradación del concreto. Sin embargo, en Colombia no se han llevado a cabo estudios de campo en ambiente urbanos reales que permitan evaluar el deterioro del concreto y su relación con la carbonatación y el contenido de iones cloruro. En este trabajo, probetas cilíndricas de concreto fueron expuestas en diferentes atmósferas urbanas con el ánimo de establecer correlaciones entre el deterioro y el tipo de atmósferas. Para evaluar la velocidad de corrosión de la barra de refuerzo y el porcentaje de carbonatación de la probeta se empleó la Espectroscopía de Impedancia Electroquímica (EIS) y ensayos fisicoquímicos con fenolftaleína, respectivamente.ABSTRACT: The combination of atmospheric pollutants, such as carbon dioxide and chlorides has a synergistic effect accelerating the degradation process of concrete. However, in Colombia it has not been carried out field tests in real urban environments to assess the deterioration of concrete and its relation to both, carbonation and chloride content. In this work, cylindrical concrete probes were exposed in different urban atmospheres with the aim of establishing correlations between the concrete deterioration and the type of atmosphere. To evaluate the corrosion rate on the rebar and the percentage of carbonated probe, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and physicochemical tests with phenolphthalein were used, respectively
Decision system based on neural networks to optimize the energy efficiency of a petrochemical plant
The energy efficiency of industrial plants is an important issue in any type of business but particularly in
the chemical industry. Not only is it important in order to reduce costs, but also it is necessary even more
as a means of reducing the amount of fuel that gets wasted, thereby improving productivity, ensuring
better product quality, and generally increasing profits. This article describes a decision system developed
for optimizing the energy efficiency of a petrochemical plant. The system has been developed after
a data mining process of the parameters registered in the past. The designed system carries out an optimization
process of the energy efficiency of the plant based on a combined algorithm that uses the following
for obtaining a solution: On the one hand, the energy efficiency of the operation points occurred in
the past and, on the other hand, a module of two neural networks to obtain new interpolated operation
points. Besides, the work includes a previous discriminant analysis of the variables of the plant in order to
select the parameters most important in the plant and to study the behavior of the energy efficiency
index. This study also helped ensure an optimal training of the neural networks. The robustness of the
system as well as its satisfactory results in the testing process (an average rise in the energy efficiency
of around 7%, reaching, in some cases, up to 45%) have encouraged a consulting company (ALIATIS) to
implement and to integrate the decision system as a pilot software in an SCADA
Costes no sanitarios ocasionados por las enfermedades isquémicas del corazón en España
Además de los costes que originan su tratamiento y prevención, las enfermedades generan otro tipo de costes que no siempre se tienen en cuenta. El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar, medir y valorar una parte de estos últimos costes en el caso de una de las enfermedades que más muertes causan en España, las enfermedades isquémicas del corazón. Por una parte, se estimaron los costes indirectos (pérdidas de productividad laboral) ocasionados por esta enfermedad, utilizando tanto el enfoque del capital humano, como el de los costes de fricción. En segundo lugar, se estimó el coste de los cuidados prestados a aquellas personas que sufren una discapacidad causada por la enfermedad. Finalmente, se discuten la utilidad y limitaciones de los estudios de coste de la enfermedad.In addition to the costs of treatment and prevention, diseases generate other types of costs that are not always addressed. The purpose of the present paper is to identify, measure and evaluate some of the latter costs in connection with one of the most deadly diseases in Spain, coronary heart disease. Firstly, the indirect costs (productivity losses) occasioned by this disease are estimated using both the human capital and friction costs approaches. Secondly, the costs of providing care for people with heart disease-related disabilities are computed. Finally, the usefulness and limitations of cost-of-illness studies are discussedLos autores nos sentimos en deuda con las personas e instituciones sin cuya ayuda este trabajo no habría sido posible: José María Labeaga (catedrático de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), Ángela Blanco y Teresa Morales (Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo); Dirección General de Aseguramiento y Atención al Paciente de la Consejería de Sanidad de la Comunidad de Madrid, especialmente Mª Luisa Muñiz, Mª Dolores Sebastián Garrido y Luis Martínez Hervás; los doctores Fernández Hermida, Cima Serrano, Rodríguez Nava, Corral Sánchez, Rodríguez Sánchez y Porras Carrasco (Inspección Médica); doctor Jaume Marrugat (Sociedad Española de Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria); Obdulia Juan Alcaraz (Técnicas Competitivas,S.A.) y Ángel Moreno. Este trabajo forma parte de un estudio realizado por los autores para el Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Félix Lobo agradece la ayuda concedida por la Dirección General de Investigación cod. BEC 2002-04294- C02-1. Félix Lobo y Juan Oliva agradecen la ayuda de la beca, concedida con propósitos educativos y sin condiciones a las universidades Carlos III de Madrid y Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona, por The Merck Company Foundation, la entidad filantrópica de Merck & Co. Inc., White House Station, New Jersey, EE UU.Publicad
Escala de Desesperança de Beck analisada com a teoria da resposta ao item
The two-parameter logistic item response model (2PL) was applied to the Beck hopelessness scale (BHS). Hopelessness is a system of negative expectations about the future that plays a central role in various mental disorders. The research has been conducted with 390 (65.1% women) adults from Buenos Aires metropolitan area general population. Two original items were eliminated due to inadequate functioning. The remaining 18 items showed an adequate adjustment to 2PL. The items tended to be located in the medium-high levels of the trait and showed a medium-high discriminatory capacity. The evidence of concurrent validity was obtained with the dimensions from the SCL-90-R and facets of neuroticism. The test information function revealed that the scale is more accurate for high levels of the trait. The results obtained are encouraging with respect to the psychometric quality of the scale. Calibrated items could be useful to implement computerized adaptive testing.Se aplicó el modelo logístico de 2 parámetros (ML2p) de la teoría de respuesta al ítem a la escala de desesperanza de Beck (BHS). La desesperanza es un sistema de expectativas negativas sobre el futuro que ocupa un rol central para diversos trastornos mentales. Colaboraron 390 adultos de población general del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires (65.1% mujeres). Se eliminaron dos ítems originales por presentar funcionamiento inadecuado. Los 18 ítems restantes mostraron un ajuste adecuado al ML2p. Los ítems tendieron a localizarse en los niveles medio-altos del rasgo y mostraron una capacidad discriminativa medio-alta. Se obtuvieron evidencias de validez concurrente con SCL-90-R y facetas del neuroticismo. La función de información del test reveló que la escala es más precisa para niveles altos del rasgo. Los resultados obtenidos son alentadores respecto de la calidad psicométrica de la escala. Los ítems calibrados podrían resultar útiles para implementar test adaptativo informatizado.O modelo logístico de 2 parâmetros (ML2p) da teoria de resposta ao item foi aplicado à Escala de Desesperança de Beck (BHS). A desesperança é um sistema de expectativas negativas sobre o futuro que desempenha um papel central em varios transtornos mentais. Colaboraram 390 adultos da população geral da área metropolitana de Buenos Aires (65,1% mulheres). Dois itens originais foram eliminados debido ao funcionamento inadequado. Os restantes 18 itens apresentaram um ajuste adequado à ML2p. Os itens tenderam a localizar-se nos níveis médio-alto do traço e a presentaram uma capacidade discriminatória média-alta. Evidências de validade concorrente foram obtidas com SCL-90-R e facetas do neuroticismo. A função de informação do teste revelou que a escala é mais precisa para níveis altos do traço. Os resultados obtidos são encorajadores no que diz respeito à qualidade psicométrica da escala. Os Itens calibrados poderíam ser úteis para implementar testes adaptativos computadorizados
Beck Hopelessness Scale analyzed with item response theory
Se aplicó el modelo logístico de 2 parámetros (ML2p) de la teoría de respuesta al ítem a la escala de desesperanza de Beck (BHS). La desesperanza es un sistema de expectativas negativas sobre el futuro que ocupa un rol central para diversos trastornos mentales.
Colaboraron 390 adultos de población general del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires (65.1% mujeres). Se eliminaron dos ítems originales por presentar funcionamiento inadecuado. Los 18 ítems restantes mostraron un ajuste adecuado al ML2p. Los ítems tendieron a localizarse en los niveles medio-altos del rasgo y mostraron una capacidad discriminativa medio-alta. Se obtuvieron evidencias de validez concurrente con SCL-90-R y facetas del neuroticismo. La función de información del test reveló que la escala es más precisa para niveles altos del rasgo.
Los resultados obtenidos son alentadores respecto de la calidad psicométrica de la escala. Los ítems calibrados podrían resultar útiles para implementar test adaptativo informatizado.O modelo logístico de 2 parâmetros (ML2p) da teoria de resposta ao item foi aplicado à Escala de Desesperança de Beck (BHS). A desesperança é um sistema de expectativas negativas sobre o futuro que desempenha um papel central em varios transtornos mentais. Colaboraram 390 adultos da população geral da área metropolitana de Buenos Aires (65,1% mulheres). Dois itens originais foram eliminados debido ao funcionamento inadequado. Os restantes 18 itens apresentaram um ajuste adequado à ML2p. Os itens tenderam a localizar-se nos níveis médio-alto do traço e a presentaram uma capacidade discriminatória média-alta. Evidências de validade concorrente foram obtidas com SCL-90-R e facetas do neuroticismo. A função de informação do teste revelou que a escala é mais precisa para níveis altos do traço. Os resultados obtidos são encorajadores no que diz respeito àqualidade psicométrica da escala. Os Itens calibrados poderíam ser úteis para implementar testes adaptativos computadorizados.The two-parameter logistic item response model (2PL) was applied to the Beck hopelessness scale (BHS). Hopelessness is a system of negative expectations about the future that plays a central role in various mental disorders. The research has been conducted with 390 (65.1% women) adults from Buenos Aires metropolitan area general population. Two original items were eliminated due to inadequate functioning. The remaining 18 items showed an adequate adjustment to 2PL. The items tended to be located in the medium-high levels of the trait and showed a medium-high discriminatory capacity. The evidence of concurrent validity was obtained with the dimensions from the SCL-90-R and facets of neuroticism. The test information function revealed that the scale is more accurate for high levels of the trait.
The results obtained are encouraging with respect to the psychometric quality of the scale.
Calibrated items could be useful to implement computerized adaptive testing.Facultad de Psicologí
Deterioro de recubrimientos orgánicos: Principales modelos y métodos de cuantificación
Paints are the main protection method for atmospheric deterioration of metallic structures. Their performance in service depends largely on the nature of organic coatings and environmental and meteorological factors. For these reasons, it is essential for development, selection and evaluation of paints to identify the deterioration phenomenology as well as the methods used for modeling and predicting the behavior of coatings, the preventive maintenance o replacement dates and the life time of repaired structures. In this review the main employed methods used for the modeling of such deterioration for predictive purposes are presented. Las pinturas constituyen uno de los principales métodos de protección contra el deterioro atmosférico de estructuras metálicas. El desempeño en servicio de las mismas depende en gran medida de la naturaleza de los recubrimientos orgánicos y del efecto de diversos factores ambientales y meteorológicos. Por esta razón, es esencial tanto para el desarrollo de nuevos recubrimientos como para los procesos de evaluación de pinturas identificar la fenomenología del deterioro, así como los métodos usados para modelar y predecir el comportamiento de los recubrimientos, las fechas de mantenimiento preventivo o reemplazo, además del tiempo de vida de la estructura reparada. Esta revisión recoge los principales métodos empleados para la modelación de dicho deterioro con fines predictivos.
Evaluation of the degradation of the graphene-polypropylene composites of masks in harsh working conditions
The recent COVID-19 outbreak has led health authorities to recommend at least the use of surgical masks,
most preferably respirators (FFP2 or KN95), to prevent the spread of the virus. Non-woven fabrics have
been chosen as the best option to manufacture the face masks, due to their filtration efficiency, low cost,
and versatility. Modifying the mask filters with graphene has been of great interest due to its potential
use as antibacterial and virucidal properties. Indeed, some companies have commercialized face masks in
which graphene is coated and/or embedded. However, the Canadian sanitary authorities advised against
using the Shandong Shengquan New Materials Co. graphene masks because of the possibility of pulmonary damage produced by graphene inhalation. Thus, we have analyzed the stability of the graphene
filter of these masks and compared it with two other commercially available graphene mask filters,
evaluating the morphological and spectroscopical change of the fibers, as well as the particles released
during the endurance tests. Our work introduces the necessary tools and methodology to evaluate the
potential degradation of face masks under extreme working conditions. These methods complement the
present standard tests ensuring the security of the new filters based on composites or nanomaterialsWe thank Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (projects PID2019-
106268GB-C31 and PID2019-106268GB-C32), the financial support
through the “María de Maeztu” Programme for Units of Excellence
in R&D (CEX2018-000805-M) and Banco de Santander CRUE
(Fondo Supera COVID-19
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