304 research outputs found

    Estudio multidisciplinar de seguimiento del peso corporal en una cohorte de pacientes en tratamiento inicial con antipsicóticos

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    Introduction. El aumento de peso es una de las reacciones adversas más preocupantes de los antipsicóticos atípicos por el riesgo cardiovascular que entraña, entre otros aspectos. El objetivo principal es conocer la evolución del peso e índice de masa corporal a los 6 meses asociada al tratamiento inicial con antipsicóticos en condiciones reales de uso. Métodos. Estu- dio de cohortes, multicéntrico y prospectivo. Resultados. Se ha reclutado una cohorte de 71 pacientes tratados con antipsicóticos (mediana=54 años). Un 60% de pacientes muestra un incremento de peso al finalizar el periodo de seguimiento. En los hombres (32%, mediana=37 años), se obtuvo que el peso corporal medio inicial fue 74, 9 kg (DE=15,4) y final 81,1 kg (DE=16,7); el índice masa corporal medio inicial 25, 1 kg/m2 (DE=4,2) y final 27,1 kg/m2 (DE=4,6). En las mujeres (68%, mediana=61,5 años), se obtuvo que el peso corporal medio inicial fue 61, 4 kg (DE=10,0) y final 63, 0 kg (DE=11,2); el índice masa corporal medio inicial 26, 6 kg/m2 (DE=4,9) y final 27,0 kg/m2 (DE=4,6). El aumento de 2 o más kg de peso es signi- ficativamente mayor en menores de 55 años, así como en hombres. Conclusiones. El inicio de tratamiento con un antipsicótico en condiciones reales de uso se asocia a incremento de peso e índice de masa corporal de los pacientes a los 6 meses, tanto en hombres como mujeres. Se ha constituído un grupo de investigación multidisciplinar centrado en el estudio del uso de antipsicóticos.Introduction. Weight gain is one of the most troubling adverse effects of atypical anti- psychotics due to their cardiovascular risk and other factors. The main objective is to assess possible changes of body weight and body mass index at 6 months associated with onset of antipsychotic treatment in ordinary clinical use. Methods. It's a cohort, multicentre, prospective study. Results. A cohort of 71 patients treated with antipsychotics was recruited (median=54 years). A total of 60% of patients showed an increase of body weight at the end of the follow- up period. In males (32%, median=37 years), it was obtained that mean body weight at base- line was 74, 9 kg (DE=15,4)and at 6 months 81,1 kg (DE=16,7); mean body mass index at baseline was 25,1 kg/m2 (DE=4,2) and at 6 months 27,1 kg/m2 (DE=4,6). In women (68%, median=61,5 years), it was obtained that mean body weight at baseline was 61,4 kg (DE=10,0) and at 6 months 63, 0 kg (DE=11,2); mean body mass index at baseline 26,6 kg/m2 (DE=4,9) and at 6 months 27,0 kg/m2 (DE=4,6). Increase of body weight over 2 kg was significantly higher in patients under 55 years and males. Conclusions. Onset of antipsychotic treatment in ordinary clinical use is associated with an increase of patients' body weight and body mass index at 6 months, both for men and women. A multidisciplinary research team focused on the study of antipsychotic use of has been established

    Comparative Analysis of Muscle Transcriptome between Pig Genotypes Identifies Genes and Regulatory Mechanisms Associated to Growth, Fatness and Metabolism.

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    Iberian ham production includes both purebred (IB) and Duroc-crossbred (IBxDU) Iberian pigs, which show important differences in meat quality and production traits, such as muscle growth and fatness. This experiment was conducted to investigate gene expression differences, transcriptional regulation and genetic polymorphisms that could be associated with the observed phenotypic differences between IB and IBxDU pigs. Nine IB and 10 IBxDU pigs were slaughtered at birth. Morphometric measures and blood samples were obtained and samples from Biceps femoris muscle were employed for compositional and transcriptome analysis by RNA-Seq technology. Phenotypic differences were evident at this early age, including greater body size and weight in IBxDU and greater Biceps femoris intramuscular fat and plasma cholesterol content in IB newborns. We detected 149 differentially expressed genes between IB and IBxDU neonates (p < 0.01 and Fold-Change > 1. 5). Several were related to adipose and muscle tissues development (DLK1, FGF21 or UBC). The functional interpretation of the transcriptomic differences revealed enrichment of functions and pathways related to lipid metabolism in IB and to cellular and muscle growth in IBxDU pigs. Protein catabolism, cholesterol biosynthesis and immune system were functions enriched in both genotypes. We identified transcription factors potentially affecting the observed gene expression differences. Some of them have known functions on adipogenesis (CEBPA, EGRs), lipid metabolism (PPARGC1B) and myogenesis (FOXOs, MEF2D, MYOD1), which suggest a key role in the meat quality differences existing between IB and IBxDU hams. We also identified several polymorphisms showing differential segregation between IB and IBxDU pigs. Among them, non-synonymous variants were detected in several transcription factors as PPARGC1B and TRIM63 genes, which could be associated to altered gene function. Taken together, these results provide information about candidate genes, metabolic pathways and genetic polymorphisms potentially involved in phenotypic differences between IB and IBxDU pigs associated to meat quality and production traits

    Polyphenols and IUGR Pregnancies: Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Hydroxytyrosol Affect the Development and Neurotransmitter Profile of the Hippocampus in a Pig Model

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    Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) refers to poor growth of a fetus during pregnancy due to deficient maternal nutrition or oxygen supply. Supplementation of a mother's diet with antioxidants, such as hydroxytyrosol (HTX), has been proposed to ameliorate the adverse phenotypes of IUGR. In the present study, sows were treated daily with or without 1.5 mg of HTX per kilogram of feed from day 35 of pregnancy (at 30% of the total gestational period), and fetuses were sampled at day 100 of gestation. Fetuses were classified as normal body weight (NBW) or low body weight (LBW) as a consequence of IUGR, constituting four groups: NBW-Control, NBW-HTX, LBW-Control, and LBW-HTX. The brain was removed, and the hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex were rapidly dissected. Neuronal markers were studied by immunohistochemistry, and a decrease in the number of mature neurons in the hippocampal Cornu Ammonis subfield 1 (CA1) and the Dentate Gyrus (DG) regions was observed in LBW fetuses together with a higher number of immature neurons and other alterations in neuronal morphology. Furthermore, IUGR conditions altered the neurotransmitter (NT) profile, since an increase in the serotonin (5-HT) pathway was observed in LBW fetuses. Supplementation with HTX was able to reverse the morphological and neurochemical changes, leading both characteristics to values similar to those of NBW fetuses

    Accuracy of transrectal ultrasonography for evaluation of corpora lutea in hair sheep

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    Current study assessed the reliability of transrectal ultrasonography (US; Aloka SSD 500) for assessment of presence and size of corpus luteum (CL), evaluated by non-skilled operator in ovaries (n = 58) from 29 hair sheep and compared with subsequent macroscopic (or postmortem; PM) evaluation. The sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive value of the US technique to detect presence of luteal tissue in an ovary were 83.3, 97.1, 95.2 and 89.2%, respectively; and to determine the number of CL in ovaries (n = 21) with single ovulation were 85.7, 97.1, 94.7 and 89.2%, respectively. Sensitivity, dropped to 33.3%, in ovaries (n = 3) bearing more than one CL. There were not significant differences between mean diameters of CL, measured by US and PM. The number of CL with differences between US and PM measures, the range of error, varying between 0-20%, >20- 30% and >30%, were 14 (77%), 2 (6%) and 4 (17%), respectively. These results indicate that US technique is an effective tool for determining both presence and size of luteal tissue in hair sheep with unknown stage of the reproductive cycle

    Maternal Supplementation with Herbal Antioxidants during Pregnancy in Swine

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    The effects of a combined supplementation with herbal antioxidants during pregnancy on reproductive traits and piglet performance (number of live, dead, and mummified newborns and litter weight at birth and individual body weight at both birth and weaning) were assessed in a total of 1027 sows (504 treated and 523 control females) kept under commercial breeding conditions. The supplementation increased the number of live-born piglets (13.64 ± 0.11 vs. 12.96 ± 0.13 in the controls; p = 0.001) and the total litter weight, decreasing the incidence of low-weight piglets without affecting the number of stillbirths and mummified newborns. Such an effect was modulated by the number of parity and the supplementation, with supplementation increasing significantly the number of living newborns in the first, second, sixth, and seventh parities (0.87, 1.10, 1.49, and 2.51 additional piglets, respectively; p < 0.05). The evaluation of plasma vitamin concentration and biomarkers of oxidative stress (total antioxidant capacity, TAC, and malondialdehyde concentration, MDA) performed in a subset of farrowing sows and their lighter and heavier piglets showed that plasma levels of both vitamins were significantly higher in the piglets than in their mothers (p < 0.05 for vitamin C and p < 0.005 for vitamin E), with antioxidant supplementation increasing significantly such concentrations. Concomitantly, there were no differences in maternal TAC but significantly higher values in piglets from supplemented sows (p < 0.05). On the other hand, supplementation decreased plasma MDA levels both in the sows and their piglets (p < 0.05). Finally, the piglets from supplemented mothers showed a trend for a higher weaning weight (p = 0.066) and, specifically, piglets with birth weights above 1 kg showed a 7.4% higher weaning weight (p = 0.024). Hence, the results of the present study, with high robustness and translational value by offering data from more than 1000 pregnancies under standard breeding conditions, supports that maternal supplementation with herbal antioxidants during pregnancy significantly improves reproductive efficiency, litter traits, and piglet performance

    Impact of genotype, body weight and sex on the prenatal muscle transcriptome of Iberian pigs

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    Growth is dependent on genotype and diet, even at early developmental stages. In this study, we investigated the effects of genotype, sex, and body weight on the fetal muscle transcriptome of purebred Iberian and crossbred Iberian x Large White pigs sharing the same uterine environment. RNA sequencing was performed on 16 purebred and crossbred fetuses with high body weight (340±14g and 415±14g, respectively) and 16 with low body weight (246±14g and 311±14g, respectively), on gestational day 77. Genotype had the greatest effect on gene expression, with 645 genes identified as differentially expressed (DE) between purebred and crossbred animals. Functional analysis showed differential regulation of pathways involved in energy and lipid metabolism, muscle development, and tissue disorders. In purebred animals, fetal body weight was associated with 35 DE genes involved in development, lipid metabolism and adipogenesis. In crossbred animals, fetal body weight was associated with 60 DE genes involved in muscle development, viability, and immunity. Interestingly, the results suggested an interaction genotype∗weight for some DE genes. Fetal sex had only a modest effect on gene expression. This study allowed the identification of genes, metabolic pathways, biological functions and regulators related to fetal genotype, weight and sex, in animals sharing the same uterine environment. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of the molecular events that influence prenatal muscle development and highlight the complex interactions affecting transcriptional regulation during development.</p

    The effects of sildenafil citrate on the fetoplacental development and hemodynamics in a rabbit model of intrauterina growth restriction

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    The present study evaluated the effectiveness of sildenafil citrate (SC) to improve placental and fetal growth in a diet-induced rabbit model of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Pregnant rabbits were fed either ad libitum (Group C) or restricted to 50% of dietary requirements (Group R) or restricted and treated with SC (Group SC). The treatment with SC improved placental development by increasing vascularity and vessel hypertrophy in the decidua. The assessment of feto–placental haemodynamics showed higher resistance and pulsatility indices at the middle cerebral artery (MCA) in fetuses treated with SC when compared with Group R, which had increased systolic peak and time-averaged mean velocities at the MCA. Furthermore, fetuses in the SC group had significantly higher biparietal and thoracic diameters and longer crown–rump lengths than fetuses in Group R. Hence, the SC group had a reduced IUGR rate and a higher kit size at birth compared with Group R. In conclusion, SC may provide potential benefits in pregnancies with placental insufficiency and IUGR, partially counteracting the negative effects of food restriction on placental development and fetal growth. However, the present study also found evidence of a possible blood overflow in the brain that warrants further investigation

    Use of Propylene-Glycol as a Cosolvent for GnRH in Synchronization of Estrus and Ovulation in Sheep

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    The foreseen shortage of eCG for estrus synchronization in sheep makes necessary the development of alternative protocols. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the reproductive response of sheep in breeding season to the administration of GnRH using propylene-glycol as a cosolvent and the subcutaneous route for slowing and extending the release of GnRH, as well as the most adequate timing for such administration. In the present study, protocols based on a short-term CIDR treatment and a single subcutaneous dose of GnRH in propylene-glycol at 36 h after CIDR removal induced a similar ovarian response to protocols based on administration of eCG at CIDR removal or intramuscular GnRH in distilled water at 56 h after. In such protocol, 80% of the animals developed estrus in a narrow timing (75% between 36 and 48 h after CIDR removal), and all of them also ovulated in a narrow window (87.5% between 72 and 76 h after CIDR removal, with 62.5% between 72 and 76 h) and showed a similar ovulation rate and plasma progesterone concentrations at the induced estrous cycle. Hence, administration of GnRH in propylene-glycol may constitute an alternative to traditional protocols based on the administration of eCG

    Efeito do tamanho e sexo dos suínos no início da fase de terminação sobre os indicadores produtivos no final da engorda

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    The effect of segregation by sex and size at the start of the growing-finishing stage on traits at the end of the fattening and at slaughter was studied in commercial pigs, 121 Danbreed×Pietrain pigs were used, entire males and females. They were divided in good and bad males, and good and bad female groups (G). They were housed in 9 m2 pens. The pigs received clean, fresh water, and ad libitum food and water. The initial weight varied from 12.4±2.0 to 25.3±2.3 kg. The target weight was 115 kg. Fattening was divided into growth (0-60 d) and finishing phases (60-120 d). The response variables were initial (P1), intermediate (P2), and final weight (P3); total feed intake (CMD); daily weight gain between P1 and P2 (GDP1y2), P2 and P3 (GDP2y3), and P1 and P3 (GDP1y3); and feed conversion ratio (CA). The pigs that reached the target weight in 114 d were termed "first quality", the "second quality" in 122 d, the "underachievers" did not reach this weight in 122 d. The GLM procedure of SAS and statistical analysis with learning machines in R were used to analyze the of productive variables and to determine the factors affecting the quality of the pigs at the end of fattening. The females exceeded (P≤0.0263) the males by 2.72 kg and 0.05 kg d-1 for P2 and GDP1y2. The sex*G interaction affected (P≤0.0181) P3, GDP1y3, and GDP2y3. Sex of pig and G were not the most important factors to classify quality at the end of fattening. Regrouping pigs by sex and size at the beginning of the growth-finishing phase affected significantly the productive performance and indirectly influences quality at the end of fattening.El objetivo fue estudiar el efecto de la segregación por sexo y tamaño al iniciar el crecimiento-finalización en características al finalizar la etapa y al sacrificio en cerdos comerciales. Se utilizaron 121 cerdos Danbreed×Pietrain; hembras y machos enteros, clasificados por sexo y crecimiento en: machos buenos y malos y hembras buenas y malas. Los cerdos se alojaron en corrales de 9 m2. El agua y alimento fueron limpios, frescos y ad libitum. El peso inicial por grupo varió de 12.4±2.0 a 25.3±2.3 kg. El peso objetivo fue 115 kg. La engorda se dividió en crecimiento (0-60 d) y finalización (60-120 d). El peso vivo inicial (P1), intermedio (P2) y final (P3); consumo total de alimento (CMD); ganancia diaria de peso entre P1 y P2 (GDP1y2), P2 y P3 (GDP2y3), P1 y P3 (GDP1y3); y conversión alimenticia (CA) fueron las variables de respuesta. Los cerdos que llegaron al peso objetivo en 114 d se denominaron “primera calidad”, los de “segunda calidad” en 122 d, los “saldos” no lo alcanzaron en 122 d. El procedimiento GLM de SAS y análisis estadístico con máquinas de aprendizaje en R se utilizaron para determinar las variables productivas y los factores que influyen la calidad de los cerdos al finalizar la engorda. Las hembras superaron (P≤0.0263) a los machos por 2.72 kg y 0.05 kg día-1 para P2 y GDP1y2. La interacción macho*malo fue significativa (P≤0.0181) para P3, GDP1y3 y GDP2y3. El sexo y grupo de crecimiento no fueron factores importantes para determinar la calidad al finalizar la engorda. Reagrupar los cerdos por sexo y tamaño al iniciar la fase crecimiento-finalización afecta significativamente el comportamiento productivo e influye indirectamente la calidad al finalizar la engorda.O efeito da segregação por sexo e tamanho no início da fase de crescimento-terminação nas características no final da engorda e no abate foi estudado em suínos comerciais, foram utilizados 121 suínos Danbreed×Pietrain, todos machos e fêmeas. Eles foram divididos em grupos de machos bons e maus e grupos de fêmeas boas e más (G). Eles foram alojados em baias de 9 m2. Os suínos receberam água limpa e fresca e comida e água ad libitum. O peso inicial variou de 12,4±2,0 a 25,3±2,3 kg. O peso-alvo era de 115 kg. A engorda foi dividida em fases de crescimento (0-60 d) e terminação (60-120 d). As variáveis de resposta foram peso inicial (P1), intermediário (P2) e final (P3); consumo total de ração (CMD); ganho de peso diário entre P1 e P2 (GDP1y2), P2 e P3 (GDP2y3) e P1 e P3 (GDP1y3); e razão de conversão alimentar (CA). Os suínos que atingiram o peso alvo em 114 d foram denominados de "primeira qualidade", os de "segunda qualidade" em 122 d, os "underachievers" não atingiram esse peso em 122 d. O procedimento GLM de SAS e análise estatística com máquinas de aprendizagem em R foram utilizados para analisar as variáveis produtivas e determinar os fatores que afetam a qualidade dos suínos no final da engorda. As fêmeas excederam (P≤0,0263) os machos em 2,72 kg e 0,05 kg d-1 para P2 e GDP1y2. A interação sexo*G afetou (P≤0,0181) P3, GDP1y3 e GDP2y3. O sexo do porco e o G não foram os fatores mais importantes para classificar a qualidade no final da engorda. O reagrupamento dos suínos por sexo e tamanho no início da fase de terminação afeta significativamente o desempenho produtivo e influencia indiretamente a qualidade no final da engorda

    Characterization of Ageing- and Diet-Related Swine Models of Sarcopenia and Sarcopenic Obesity

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    Sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity are currently considered major global threats for health and well-being. However, there is a lack of adequate preclinical models for their study. The present trial evaluated the suitability of aged swine by determining changes in adiposity, fatty acids composition, antioxidant status and lipid peroxidation, development of metabolic disturbances and structural changes in tissues and organs. Iberian sows with clinical evidence of aging-related sarcopenia were fed a standard diet fulfilling their maintenance requirements or an obesogenic diet for 100 days. Aging and sarcopenia were related to increased lipid accumulation and cellular dysfunction at both adipose tissue and non-adipose ectopic tissues (liver and pancreas). Obesity concomitant to sarcopenia aggravates the condition by increasing visceral adiposity and causing dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and lipotoxicity in non-adipose tissues. These results support that the Iberian swine model represents certain features of sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity in humans, paving the way for future research on physiopathology of these conditions and possible therapeutic targets